厳しい1年であったような 12月30日(月)

 Treinta de Decembre (Lunes)
 TVのCMで、名刺を50ドル以下で良いデザインで作るのがありましたね? そしてホームページを作るにもノウハウのツールが簡単に手に入る。


  都会では、「たまごサンド」が流行り? ロスで火が点き、それがNYに飛び火? アトランタに来るのはいつの日か?

1)テネシーとニューイングランドの勝者がバルティモアと戦う 11日
2)バッファローとヒューストンの勝者がカンザスシティと戦う 12日
1)と2)の勝者がリーグのチャンピオンを賭けて戦う 19日
A)ミネソタとニューオーリンズの勝者がサンフランシスコと戦う 11日
B) シアトルとフィラデルフィアの勝者がグリーンベイと戦う 12日
A)とB)の勝者がリーグ優勝をかけて戦う 19日

 Travel &Leisureが推奨する「来年訪れたい欧州の都市10」
Slide 2 of 11: 
  "Not long ago, 
  Austria was viewed as the meringue of the Germanic world:
  beautiful to look at, yet somewhat dry when one actually bit in,"
  John Wray wrote for Travel & Leisure. "But the country has
  reinvented itself, pouring resources into cutting-edge arts
  institutions while lovingly elevating the cultural jewels that
  made it so beloved in days gone by."

  Vienna has poured $240 million into a redevelopment project
  surrounding the central train station, which includes hip new
  hotels like Andaz Vienna Am Belvedere and Belvedere 21, Wray

  2020 is also a special year in Austria because it marks the 150th
  birthday of legendary concert hall Musikverein and the 250th
  anniversary of Beethoven's birth, according to Wray.
Slide 3 of 11: 
  remains a popular getaway - and in 2020, it's all about
  experiencing it from the water," Hannah Walhout wrote for Travel
  & Leisure.

  Viking River Cruises launched a Douro River itinerary last year,
  followed by AmaWaterways debuting the AmaDouro cruise on the
  picturesque river, according to Walhout.

  "On land, wineries like Quinta do Portal and Quinta do Seixo
  serve light reds, vinho verde, and the ubiquitous port," Walhout
  wrote. "Stay in Porto at recent additions like the Art Deco
  stunner Le Monumental Palace or the art-filled Torel 1884, whose
  12 rooms and 11 standalone apartments feature art inspired by
  fabrics, materials, and spices from faraway lands."
Douro River ポルトガル
Slide 4 of 11: 
  "Surfing in Denmark? It's legit! Consistent breaks and large
  swells - ideal conditions for both beginners and pro surfers -
  earned the town of Klitmøller, on the edge of the North Sea, the
  nickname 'Cold 
  Hawaii,'" Mary Holland wrote for Travel & Leisure.

  The tiny Danish town is a short drive to 
  Thy National Park, which spans almost 100 square miles of
  rugged coastlines, dunes, lakes, and pine forests.
キルトモアー デンマーク
Slide 5 of 11: 
  "Crowned as the World Capital of Design 2020 for its advances in
  urban development, the once-struggling industrial city of Lille
  is on its way to enjoying optimized public spaces thanks to a
  slew of sustainable design initiatives," Sarah Souli wrote for
  Travel & Leisure. "It's also quickly becoming a cosmopolitan
  oasis with new galleries, museums, restaurants, and boutiques."

  Highlights of the northern French city include "La Piscine, an
  Art Deco indoor swimming pool turned 
  art museum" and "jaw-dropping restaurants like Coke, a
  brasserie and hotel serving French classics beneath ornate
  moldings and crystal chandeliers," according to Souli.
Lille フランス
Slide 6 of 11: 
  "Once famed for its towering industry and more recently, vibrant
  music scene, Manchester is now one of the fastest growing cities
  in Europe, buoyed by an influx of digital and media companies,"
  Jemima Sissons wrote for Travel & Leisure.

  This includes a boom in upscale and design-oriented 
  hotels, such as Hotel Brooklyn, which sits inside a Victorian
  brownstone, and Native Manchester, a 166-apartment hotel,
  according to Sissons.
マンチェスター 英国
Slide 8 of 11: 
  "Paros is a place overtourism forgot," Stacey Leasca wrote for
  Travel & Leisiure. "The rugged Greek island, located smack in
  the middle of the Cyclades, can only be described as the cooler
  cousin of more populated islands like Mykonos and Santorini."

  Hip new 
  hotels like Parilio are popping up on the island, but the
  crowds haven't yet started to swarm, Leasca reports.
Paros ギリシア
Slide 9 of 11: 
  The Croatian porty city of Rijeka has managed to so far avoid the
  overcrowding plaguing the city of Dubrovnik after its role as
  a "Games of Thrones" filming location.

  "With amazing views of the Adriatic coast, blockbuster beaches,
  and a colorful Baroque heart - not to mention one of the world's
  biggest Carnival celebrations - it's a wonder that Rijeka isn't
  better known," Jonathan Thompson wrote for Travel & Leisure.
  "But despite ticking pretty much every conceivable vacation box
  (toss in world-class museums, a bevy of top 
  restaurants, and cinematic hikes in the surrounding
  mountains), it remains an under-the-radar Adriatic treasure."
Rijeka クロアチア
Slide 10 of 11: 
  Rome's business district, Esposizione Universale Roma (EUR), was
  built in the late 1930s by Mussolini for a World's Fair that
  never took place, Hannah Walhout reported for Travel &

  Now, the neighborhood's "bizarre fascist-neoclassical buildings
  and monuments" make it "a must-visit for 
  architecture buffs and those who want to see another side of
  the city," Walhout wrote.
EUR District ローマ
Slide 11 of 11: 
  "This city's creative groundswell has been building for a few
  years now, with young designers, chefs, architects, and artists -
  many of whom never knew life under the USSR - lending a palpable
  energy to the place," Walhout wrote for Travel & Leisure.

  The Georgian capital is seeing an influx of cool concept stores,
  and "'new Georgian' cuisine is finding its footing as young chefs
  bring traditional foods into the 21st century, with a glut of
  wine bars and standout 
  restaurants," Walhout writes.
Tbilisi ジョージア


ハワイA物件 1月に68000ドルありましたが昨日で31500ドルに、36500ドル減少
ハワイB物件 1月に144000ドルありましたが、昨日で122000ドルに、22000ドル減少
 これがゼロになると、今度はA物件に支払っていた金額をBに乗せるのです。するとBが2倍の早さで借金が消えていきます。そのBがゼロになるのが2022年の11月と予測しています。 しかしこれはすべて卓上計算=絵にかいた餅です、店が潰れたらお終い。

Civil rights leader Rep. John Lewis diagnosed with Stage IV cancer

Sunny and cooler Monday

昨日の夜行った、ホテルの中のレストランはFIAという店ですが、ファインダイニングです、ゆったりとして作り、サービスも行き届いていました。オーナーは友達ですが、ホテルのオーナーでもあり、レストランでシェフとしても働いています。まあ1日10時間は働いているでしょう。借りた15億円をどんどん返していかないといけませんからね、これもまた大変なことです。すでに金持ちなのに、ビジネスを拡大? まさに天井なき金儲けなのか? というか何が成し遂げたいのでしょうね。その熱意が伝わってきます。それにめけないようにこちらも頑張らないといけない。あと2日頑張ります。


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