

Restaurant inspections, Sushi Huku

The health score at a Japanese restaurant in Sandy Spring took a big hit during a recent routine inspection.
Numerous code violations regarding food storage, broken and dirty equipment and unmarked containers of food dropped the score by 30 points. Sushi Huku, 6300 Powers Ferry Road, earned a 61/U.
According to the report, a bag of onions was in an outside storage area where chemicals are also kept. Fish and scallops were stored under beef and chicken in the freezer and a cooler. A case of drinks was left on the kitchen floor. Unmarked food containers were found in all the coolers and freezers.
The restaurant also needs cleaning and repair work in the kitchen, according to the inspector.
Duck tape was used to repair gaskets on the reach-in coolers, and one of the coolers had heavy debris on its gaskets. The three-compartment leak had a major leak in the pipes. The sushi bar had debris on the floor and under the equipment. And debris and mold were found inside the ice machine.
Also, cardboard was being used on the kitchen floor and shelves, and cloth napkins were used on all contact surfaces.
The inspector noted that there was no hand sink for employees in the kitchen.
 Sushi Huku’s manager was unavailable to comment on the inspection report, according to one of the employees. The restaurant is slated for a follow-up inspection in the next two weeks. Its previous score was a 91/A.

最低でもBの80点以上を取らないと、1-2週間のうちに再検査となります。ここはFulton Co.に属していますが、検査員の不足から多くて半年に1回、長いときは1年に1回しか検査に来ません。これが店を怠慢にさせるんですね。だからオーナーが自ら検査をして従業員を指導しないといけない。


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