
先週の土曜日にSandy Springsのトヨタディーラーで「頭金を多く取られた」と思い、抗議をした私ですが、火曜日の午後にセールスマネージャーと話をしました。
 実は、Ad-Valorem Taxという新しい税金が加算されていたわけで、それを知らなかったというか、セールスがきちんと説明しなかったために、「多く取られた」という風になったわけです。

以下をどうぞ 3月1日から始まったわけですね。

New Changes to Georgia Ad Valorem Tax on Vehicles Will Begin March 1, 2013

Legislation enacted in Georgia in 2012 changed the system for taxing Georgia motor vehicles. Beginning March 1, 2013, the new law removes both sales tax and annual ad valorem taxes for vehicles purchased March 1, 2013 and after, replacing these taxes with a title ad valorem tax (TAVT) that is paid only once. The TAVT is based on the Fair Market Value of the vehicle, not its sales price, and the Fair Market Value is determined by the Department of Revenue.
The 2013 tax rate will be 6.5% of the fair market value for vehicles purchased March 1, 2013 through December 31, 2013, the rate is 6.75% for vehicles purchased in 2014, and it is 7% for vehicles purchased in 2015 and after.
While the present sales tax and the annual ad valorem tax (paid on the birthday of the owner) are abolished, the new one-time tax applies to all sales, new and used, by dealers and by private individuals. This is accomplished by taxing the vehicle at the time the vehicle title is transferred. There are a few exceptions. Notably, transfers between family members is exempt and subject to only a small transfer fee.
The details are available at: http://onlinemvd.dor.ga.gov/Tap/faqs.aspx.
Vehicles purchased January 1, 2012 through February 28, 2013: If you purchase(d) a vehicle in the state of Georgia between January 1, 2012 and February 28, 2013 you may be eligible to opt into the new tax plan retroactively:  If you are in the category and choose to opt in, you will receive a credit (up to the title ad valorem tax amount) for sales tax paid when the vehicle was purchased, as well as any previously paid annual ad valorem taxes. Any balance remaining after the credit is applied would need to be paid at the time you opt in.  If you want to do a cost estimate prior to determining to opt in may do so by using the Georgia Department of Revenue’s cost estimator, found on their Web site at: http://onlinemvd.dor.ga.gov/Tap/welcome.aspx.


Ad valorem TAXは日本語で従価税です。課税物件たる財やサービスの取引価格を基準にして税率が定められる租税ないし租税徴収方式です。


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