Cabにブレンドされていますが、ビンテージだけに命名されるジュリアは娘の名前のようです。なんでも1999年のThanksgiving Dayに生まれたジュリアにちなんでビンテージワインの名前にしたんだそうです。ボトルも通常のものよりも重く、大きさも少し大きめです。 オリが溜まる部分もかなり深めです。美味いんだろうな、このワインはきっと。やはりデカゲンバさんに空けてもらわないといけないですね。
What's the best kept secret in the Napa Valley? It's the fact that only one other person besides winemaker Gerhard Reisacher knows the exact blend components of this amazing wine. Whispered to daughter Julia while deeply asleep, the secret blend melts away into her dreams. This is Cuvée Julia, the crown jewel in the Delectus portfolio of wines. Cuvée Julia is a blend of the best barrels of the vintage, usually Cabernet driven, and is always the most dramatic bottling of the year.
2005 Cuvée Julia 92 pts. - Connoisseurs' Guide
"Deep and absolutely brimming with very rich, oak-buttressed fruit, it offers far more than a one note display of ripeness and shows touches of vanilla, tea leaf, dark earth and black olives as accents to its central themes of currants. Its ample tannins and finishing heat are par for very ripe Cabernet, but they are countered step for step by its remarkably tenacious fruit, and seven or eight years of growth is a very safe bet for adoring fans of the style. "