イタリアの白ワインを学ぶ Lison Classico

昨夜、Anticsa Postaでもらった白です。オーナーのマルコのお勧めですが、先日も店にこれを持ってきて飲んでいました。
Tenuta PolvaroのLison Classico、業者に問い合わせるとTocai(トカイ)と同じ種類のぶどうだそうです。


Lison Classico wines are made under the production conditions of the Lison DOC, specifically from grapes grown within the title's delimited classico zone. This zone is the area which has been longest used for the production of Lison wines
While the Lison catchment area spills over the regional border from Veneto into Friuli (it is the only DOCG to do this), the Lison Classico zone is located entirely within Veneto. It is specified as covering the neighborhoods of Lison, Pradipozzo and Summaga in the Portogruaro commune, Belfiore, Blessaglia and Salvaro in the Pramaggiore commune and Carline and Loncon in the Annone Veneto commune. This very flat, low-lying area (the altitude varies only 0–30ft/0–9m) spans less than 10 miles (16km) from east to west and occupies the very western edge of the wider Lison area.
All Lison and Lison Classico wines are white and made from Tai (formerly known as Tocai) grapes. Between 1985 and 2010 they were sold under the Lison-Pramaggiore DOC, but have now been granted independence and a promotion to full DOCG status.


Friulano (formerly Tocai Friulano) is a synonym for the grape variety also known as Sauvignonasse and Sauvignon Vert – it is known as the latter when used in the Friuli wine region of northern Italy.
Limited almost entirely to the foothills of the Southern and Western Alps (it has made it across to the USA but only in tiny quantities), the variety is decidedly less widespread than its close relative, Sauvignon Blanc. However, like its western French cousin, it produces fruity wines with lively acidity and hints of minerality. They are best drunk within a few years of harvest.
In the 1990s and into the early years of the new millennium, Friulano and a few other grape varieties have been embroiled in a legal struggle over the use of the name 'Tokay' and its various permutations. For centuries Friulano has been called Tocai Friulano, but in 1995 the European Court ruled that 'Tokay' should be used only to describe the wines of Tokaj in eastern Hungary.
Although the European Court ruled on the naming restriction back in 1995, the response to this has been slow, particularly in Friuli. Although the use of the name Tocai on labels has technically been illegal since 2007, some wine producers continue to use it, and it seems unlikely that the current generation of Friuli's winemakers will drop the Tocai in conversation. It is helpful that the variety has salvaged the second half of its name, as this means ‘of Friuli’, making it easier to remember which of the several 'Tocai's it is and where the grape is most widely grown.
When the time came to choose an alternative name for the variety, Sauvignon Vert may have been an obvious and easily marketable choice, but neither the Italian nor the Slovenian producers who grow Friulano seemed keen to adopt the French-sounding name. The Slovenian contingent ended up choosing Sauvignonasse.
 まあ、簡単に覚えるには、Sauvignon Blancに味が近いということで認識すれば良いと思います。

白はPinot Grigio、Pinot Gris,2種類のSauvignon Blanc,Bordeuax Blanc,Riesling,Albarino,2種類のChardonnayです。全部で9種類あります。これぐらいやらないと売り上げが伸びません。管理は大変ですが、売り上げは確実に上がっています。

Pinot GrigioとPinot Grisの違い分かりますか? 同じものです。ただイタリア産のみPinot Grigioと呼ばれて、オーストラリアやオレゴンで作られるものはPinot Grisと呼ばれています。


Il Borroというワイナリー、http://ilborro.com/ja/ 日本語の案内もあります。


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