今日の出来事から 6月26日(月) さあ独立記念日に向け頑張る! Junio Vienteseis ( Lunes)


 Spieth claims 10th title after incredible finish昨日のスピース
 石川はシードを失う? 今季公傷制度を利用してシード確保を目指す石川遼は保障された20試合をあと“4”まで減らしながら、直近7試合で6度の予選落ちを喫するなどシード確保は崖っぷちに追い込まれています。


 コストコで買ってはいけないもの? 早く食べないとダメになるから?Slide 2 of 10: <p>Nuts seem like one of those foods that never go bad, but that’s actually not the case. Even if they don’t grow mold or get freezer burn, they can still spoil. Both seeds and nuts contain a lot of oil, which comes from healthy unsaturated fats. Fats, healthy or otherwise, tend to go rancid rather quickly. Even if you store your seeds and nuts in an airtight container and keep them in a cool, dark spot (as you should), they'll only keep for a couple of months. If you’re stuck with a mountain of macadamias or a hefty bag of hazelnuts, put them in airtight containers and store them in the fridge or freezer. This may extend their life to up to a year, which would be ideal since they’re one of the <a href="http://www.eatthis.com/best-ever-proteins-for-weight-loss">29 Best-Ever Proteins for Weight Loss</a>.</p>ナッツ類Slide 3 of 10: <p>Even if spices don’t actually go bad, they do go stale rather quickly. Which is a huge bummer, since the whole point of spices is to, you know, be flavorful; and the more refined the spice, the more rapidly it will lose potency. Ground spices will start to get dull after just six months while spices purchased in a whole form—cumin seeds for example—have about a year. Although buying in bulk seems tempting for the price, people typically only use a pinch here and there, so buying large amounts isn’t necessary; they’ll go bad before you get to enjoy them all.</p>スパイス類
Slide 4 of 10: <p>Eating lots of flour isn’t great for your waistline — getting rid of empty carbs is one of the <a href="http://www.eatthis.com/things-you-must-do-for-a-flat-belly">40 Things You Must Do for a Flat Belly</a> — and it’s bad for your wallet, too. Flour, be it all-purpose, whole wheat, or another variety, attracts water. Although that makes it a great ingredient for thickening soups, stews, and sauces, it also means it soaks up moisture in the air. And the longer you have it, the more time it has to soak up moisture, and the closer it is to turning rancid. White all-purpose flour actually keeps longer than whole grain or nut flour, about a year versus a couple months, but unless you are cooking and baking with flour every day, you probably won’t go through a bulk size within the year. You can extend the life of flour by putting it in your fridge, but if you keep buying everything on this list in bulk, your icebox is going to get pretty crowded.</p>小麦粉Slide 5 of 10: <p>Coffee is pretty cheap as it is, so there’s no real need to buy it in bulk. Plus, real coffee aficionados know that’s not the freshest way to enjoy a hot cup of joe. The freshest, best tasting cup of coffee is made from beans that have been roasted within two weeks of the cup being brought to your lips. If you value what your coffee tastes like you’re best off doing two things: choose a bag that contains as much coffee as you could get through in a week (or two), and avoid those giant barrels or bins of coffee altogether. We simply don’t know how long the coffee’s aroma and flavor have been sucked out of the beans and into the surrounding air.</p>コーヒーSlide 9 of 10: <p>Since beef jerky is preserved with salt and other spices, you’d think it would stay fresh for a long time, right? Not quite. Jerky, whether it be chicken, beef, or turkey, needs to be refrigerated after opening. In fact, most jerky packages state to eat within three days of opening and store it in the fridge after that. But even in the refrigerator, jerky only lasts about a week or two. Unless you want to get fancy and vacuum seal it (in which case it can last up to two months), you’re better off sticking to the smaller packs.</p>ジャーキー
Slide 10 of 10: <p>Even if you’re someone who frequently cooks with oils and uses it as a base for sauces and dressings, it’s unlikely you’ll go through one of the bulk-sized vats in the 3-6 months that’s recommended to enjoy oil. And it doesn’t matter which type of oil you use: olive, sesame, canola, and peanut all start to go rancid at around a few months, even when unopened. Once a bottle is open, it only lasts between 1 and 3 months. Since, according to Bertolli, Americans only go through about one and a half 750-milliliter bottles of extra virgin olive oil a year, you likely won’t have to buy that much oil.Looking for inspiration to use your bottle of oil before it goes bad? Check out our <a href="http://www.eatthis.com/cooking-oils">14 Popular Cooking Oils and How to Use Them</a>.</p>オイル

 今の若い人は都心を好みますから、こうした空き家が大量に発生し、最悪の場合粗大ごみになるということです。築40年以上の日本の家屋、補修代も高いでしょうし、住む人もいないでしょう。売るなら今のうちだそうです。JB Pressに出ていました。

 コーヒーは肝臓を救う? 肝臓は血液中に入ったあらゆるものをろ過するという重要な役割を果たし、肝臓が持つ機能は500近くに上り、これを上回る数の機能を持つ臓器は脳しかなく、肝臓を大切にしなければならないのは、当然のことでしょう。
 「Journal of Hepatology」電子版に発表された論文によれば、コーヒーには肝硬変や肝臓損傷のリスクを低下させる効果があると見られ、お茶にも同様の働きがあると考えられています。
 世界の死因12位に挙げられるのが、慢性肝疾患。長期にわたる大量の不健康な食事、薬の服用、アルコールの摂取はいずれも、影響が蓄積されれば肝臓にとって大きな負担となる。そして、肝硬変や肝臓損傷につながります。 フォーブスから

報告書では米国勢調査局のデータに基づき、人口5万人を超える米国内の都市のうち最も急成長を遂げる都市が示されている。1位 テキサス州コンロー(ヒューストン)
2位 テキサス州フリスコ(ダラス)
3位 テキサス州マッキニー(ダラス)
4位 サウスカロライナ州グリーンビル
5位 テキサス州ジョージタウン(オースティン)
6位 オレゴン州ベンド
7位 アリゾナ州バックアイ(フェニックス)
8位 フロリダ州ボニータスプリングス(フォートマイヤーズ)
9位 テキサス州ニューブラウンフェルズ(サンアントニオ)
10位 テネシー州マーフリーズボロ(ナッシュビル)
このように大都市の近郊に住むわけです。 フォーブスから

 Atlanta, GA 7-Day Forecast
 6月の終わりとしてはまあまあ? 昨日、3週間ぶりに芝刈りしました。エンジンがかからず、スパークプラグを交換して何とか、これも5-7年ぶりか?


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