今日の出来事から 7月7日(火) 七夕かい!




Everyone knows bananas are full of potassium, but what you may not know is that they also contain tryptophan, a brain chemical that helps to regulate mood, according to Ara DerMarderosian, University of the Sciences. Bananas are also a good source of B vitamin folate, and having low levels of the vitamin has been linked to depression.For recipes starring bananas, try 20 Crazy Twists on Frozen Banana Ice Cream.バナナ Certain flavors in berries have a chemical similarity to valproic acid, which is a prescription mood-stabilizing drug, according to research conducted by Torrey Pines Institute for Molecular Studies. The flavonoid anthocyanidin found in berries also reduces inflammation, which has been associated with increased rates of depression. For recipes starring berries, try 18 Totally Creative Strawberry Desserts.ベリー類
It's with good reason quinoa is having a moment right now. A flavanoid found in quinoa, quercetin, has been shown to have anti-depressant effects, according to a 2010 study in the Journal of Neuropharmacology.For a recipe starring quinoa, try Black Quinoa with Avocado, Almonds, and Honey.キノア Low levels of zinc have been linked to anxiety, according to a study in Nutrition and Metabolic Insights. To keep yourself cool and calm, get your fill of foods rich in zinc, like oysters.For a recipe starring oysters, try Grilled Oysters with Tabasco-Leek Butter.オイスター
Choc-o-holics, rejoice! Dark chocolate is a good source of antioxidants, but it's also been found to reduce the stress hormone cortisol, according to a study in the Journal of Proteome Research.For a recipe starring dark chocolate, try Dark Chocolate Bark with Roasted Almonds and Seeds.チョコ Salmon is chock full of omega-3 fatty acids, which can improve mood and fight depression, according to a study in the journal of Pharmacological Research. (Bonus: Healthy fats keep your hair shiny. And good hair is enough to induce happiness in our book).For a recipes starring salmon, try Thyme-Roasted Salmon.サーモン
It's time to turn up the heat. The yellow spice, most known for its use in East Asian cuisine, contains curcumin, which enhances mood and fights depression, according to ethnobotanist Chris Kilham.For a recipe starring turmeric, try Turmeric Chicken and Rice.ターメリック A Japanese study found that psychological stress was lower in individuals who drank five or more cups of green tea per day. (But I mean, that's a lot of green tea).For a recipe starring green tea, try Frozen Green Tea Souffles.緑茶
An apple a day really does keep the doctor away. Eating fruits and vegetables, like apples, produces a calming effect, creates more energy, and increases overall happiness, according to the British Journal of Health Psychology.For recipes starring apples, try 11 Swoon-Worthy Ways to Eat a Whole Baked Apple For Dessert.リンゴ There's a reason why Popeye ate it. Spinach contains folic acid, which alleviates depression and reduces fatigue, according to the Journal of Physiology.For recipes starring spinach, try 12 Spinach Salad Recipes.れんそう
Low levels of vitamin D have been linked to low-mood depression, according to a study from the University of Melbourne, so start sautéing those mushrooms, because they are surprisingly high in vitamin D.For a recipe starring mushrooms, try Stuffed Mushrooms.マッシュルーム Don't switch to decaf just yet. Coffee consumption has been linked to lower levels of depression, according to JAMA Internal Medicine.For recipes starring bananas, try 11 Iced Coffee Hacks.コーヒー
According to a study by the United States Department of Agriculture, low magnesium levels are linked to lower energy. Chomp on magneisum rich foods, like beans, to make sure you don't fizzle out too quickly each day.For a recipe starring beans, try Quick Sautéed Beans and Tomatoes.豆類 The David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA found that eating walnuts can improve brain function. Contributing factors include walnuts' high antioxidant content, vitamins and minerals, and that they contain a large amount of alpha-linolenic acid, a plant based omega-3. For a recipe starring walnuts, try Honeyed Walnuts.くるみ
Vitamin C increases collagen production, reducing your chance of a dry, lined face, according to a study by The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. And not worrying about your appearance definitely ups your happy factor.For a recipe starring oranges, try Vanilla Rice Puddings with Glazed Oranges.オレンジ Eggs are high in choline, which helps boost memory, according to the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. But there's a catch — choline is found in the yolk, so you might want to rethink those egg white omelettes. For recipes starring eggs, try 31 of the Most Delicious Things You Can Do With Eggs.


Europe's time to decide: Save Greece or not? 
 ギリシア問題ですが、大方の見方はユーロ離脱みたいです。といってまた自国通貨を発行するのですか? インフレ間違いなし? よく分からないですが、アジアは総じて関係ないということは言えます。NY株が下げ続けていることを考えるとアメリカは同じ白人社会で、なんらかの影響を受けるのでしょう。

 LAS VEGAS, NV - SEPTEMBER 26:  Comedian/actor Bill Cosby performs at the Treasure Island Hotel & Casino on September 26, 2014 in Las Vegas, Nevada.  (Photo by Ethan Miller/Getty Images)
 そんな世界情勢も吹き飛ばす、ワイドショーの中心はこの方。ビル・コズビー、ついに認め始めています。数十人の女性を過去にレイプしたとされ、否定していましたが、ジワジワ認めている。訴訟で100M単位で失う可能性が高いですね。となれば自殺してケリをつけるのか? 77歳で大金失い、名誉もなく、生きることは楽しいのか??

 不振のアパレル、American Apparel は239店舗あるうちの何店舗を閉めるかには言及しませんでしたが、1万人規模の人員削減を行い、$30Mのコスト削減を行うと発表しました。
 まあ、米国のアパレル、店の表の看板を外したら「あれ、これどの店?」と見分けがつかないでしょう? VMD(ビジュアルマーチャンダイジング)で、攻めの経営のときは良いが、同じようなディスプレイ、同じような雰囲気では個性もなにもあったもんではない。
 ユニクロがこれから数年間、赤字覚悟で米国で売上だけは伸ばしていくようですが、勝てるのか? アジアではジワジワ浸透しているように思えますが、米国ではどうでしょう??

 30年固定 4.11%(4.22%) 15年固定 3.15%(3.18%)
 5年アーム 3.27%(3.30%)
 30年固定リファイナンス 4.13%(4.23%) 15年固定リファイナンス 3.17%(3.27%)


 Atlanta, GA 7-Day Forecast


 この降雪に対してのものではないですが、ペルー政府は 7月5日に、エルニーニョ現象による「激しい気象状況」に対しての60日間の非常事態宣言を発令しています。



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