今日の出来事から 7月20日(月) ゴルフー飲み会ーだるい!

 使えない英語? ある東証一部上場企業の役員が海外に行って、英語圏ですが、コーヒーを頼むのに’「ブレンド」「ホット」と言って通じなかったそうです。

 Jordan Spieth lines up a putt on the 11th green during the third round of the 144th Open Championship at The Old Course on July 19, 2015 in St Andrews, Scotland.

 The bridge, which carries the eastbound interstate about 15 feet above a normally dry wash, snapped and ended up in the flooding water below, the California Highway Patrol said, blocking all traffic headed toward Arizona. (Chief Geoff Pemberton/CAL FIRE/Riverside County Fire via AP) MANDATORY CREDIT

 シェアは、アサヒが38.2%、2位のキリンが33.2%となり、アサヒが5年連続でシェアトップ。 サントリーは15.4%で過去最高のシェアを達成、サッポロも12.3%でシェアアップを果たしています。


<p><strong>Population:</strong> 2,942,902 <strong>2015 Job growth:</strong> 3.8% (forecast)<strong>2016 Job growth:</strong> 3.4% (forecast)<strong>New jobs in 2015:</strong> 50,100<strong>New jobs in 2016:</strong> 46,900<strong>Unemployment rate (Dec. '15 forecast):</strong> 3.5%</p><p>Labor markets, which were already tight, will get even tighter as employment rises, spurred by the Beehive State's vibrant tech and financial sectors. Construction work will be going strong to keep up with demand for multifamily housing and office space.</p><p><strong>See also:</strong> Our list of the <a href="http://portal.kiplinger.com/slideshow/business/T012-S001-best-jobs-for-the-future-2015/index.html">10 Best Jobs for the Future</a>.</p>ユタ 3.8%増
<p><strong>Population:</strong> 7,061,530<strong>2015 job growth:</strong> 3.5% (forecast)<strong>2016 job growth:</strong> 3.2% (forecast)<strong>New jobs in 2015:</strong> 107,700<strong>New jobs in 2016:</strong> 101,900<strong>Unemployment rate (Dec. '15 forecast):</strong> 5.4% </p><p>Despite layoffs at two of the state's largest employers, Boeing and Microsoft, the business outlook for both is positive. The strong dollar is denting exports of timber and seafood, but the impact may be minimal.</p>ワシントン 3.5%増
<p><strong>Population:</strong> 1,634,464 <strong>2015 Job growth:</strong> 3.4% (forecast)<strong>2016 Job growth:</strong> 3.6% (forecast)<strong>New jobs in 2015:</strong> 22,300<strong>New jobs in 2016:</strong> 24,400<strong>Unemployment rate (Dec. '15 forecast):</strong> 3.9%</p><p>Construction is going full steam, and employment in the tech sector is growing fast. One caveat: The strong U.S. dollar makes Idaho less competitive against Canadian imports.</p>アイダホ 3.4%増
<p><strong>Population:</strong> 2,839,099 <strong>2015 Job growth:</strong> 3.2% (forecast)<strong>2016 Job growth:</strong> 4.5% (forecast)<strong>New jobs in 2015:</strong> 38,600 <strong>New jobs in 2016</strong>: 56,100<strong>Unemployment rate (Dec. '15 forecast):</strong> 7.0% </p><p>The stronger national economy will bring in more gamblers and conventioneers. Moreover, carmaker Tesla's planned $5-billion battery plant spells potentially thousands of new jobs.</p>ネバダ 3.2%増
<p><strong>Population:</strong> 19,893,297<strong>2015 Job growth:</strong> 3.2% (forecast)<strong>2016 Job growth:</strong> 3.4% (forecast)<strong>New jobs in 2015:</strong> 253,600<strong>New jobs in 2016:</strong> 274,700<strong>Unemployment rate (Dec. '15 forecast):</strong> 5.7% </p> <p>Construction, tourism, health care, transportation and technology will buoy the economy. One damper: the weak economy of Latin America, which has many ties to Florida.</p><p><strong>See also:</strong> Our list of the <a href="http://portal.kiplinger.com/slideshow/business/T012-S001-worst-jobs-for-the-future-2015/index.html">10 Worst Jobs for the Future</a>.</p>フロリダ 3.2%増
<p><strong>Population:</strong> 3,970,239 <strong>2015 Job growth:</strong> 3.2% (forecast)<strong>2016 Job growth:</strong> 3.4% (forecast)<strong>New jobs in 2015:</strong> 55,100<strong>New jobs in 2016:</strong> 60,400<strong>Unemployment rate (Dec. '15 forecast):</strong> 5.3%</p><p>Thriving development in Portland, spawned by tech expansions, is also lifting other cities, such as Eugene, Bend and Medford. Tech firms will remain a job magnet, along with health care and food services. Manufacturing will be strong, especially in electronics components. </p>オレゴン 3.2%増
<p><strong>Population:</strong> 6,731,484 <strong>2015 Job growth:</strong> 3.0% (forecast)<strong>2016 Job growth:</strong> 3.3% (forecast)<strong>New jobs in 2015:</strong> 77,100<strong>New jobs in 2016:</strong> 87,300<strong>Unemployment rate (Dec. '15 forecast):</strong> 5.8% </p><p>Arizona can finally expect a year of strong recovery after the downturn caused by the state's big housing bust. Employment growth, led by gains in health care and insurance jobs, will accelerate. The housing market will perk up, too.</p>アリゾナ 3.0%増
<p><strong>Population:</strong> 10,097,343 <strong>2015 Job growth:</strong> 2.9% (forecast)<strong>2016 Job growth:</strong> 3.0% (forecast)<strong>New jobs in 2015:</strong> 119,700<strong>New jobs in 2016:</strong> 132,600<strong>Unemployment rate (Dec. '15 forecast):</strong> 6.3% </p><p>Strongest growth this year will occur in Atlanta and Savannah. Atlanta's airport expansion helped spur Mercedes USA to move nearby from N.J. A wide spectrum of industries will do well, including makers of autos and auto parts.</p>ジョージア 2.9%増
<p><strong>Population:</strong> 38,802,500 <strong>2015 Job growth:</strong> 2.8% (forecast)<strong>2016 Job growth:</strong> 2.4% (forecast)<strong>New jobs in 2015:</strong> 441,100<strong>New jobs in 2016:</strong> 385,900<strong>Unemployment rate (Dec. '15 forecast):</strong> 6.4% </p><p>Though parched farmlands are curbing agricultural production and state limits on water use are affecting development, high tech and health care are among industries doing well.</p><p><strong>See also:</strong> Our take on <a href="http://portal.kiplinger.com/slideshow/business/T019-S010-7-ways-california-s-drought-affects-you/index.html">7 Ways California's Drought Will Affect You</a>.</p>カリフォルニア 2.8%増
<p><strong>Population:</strong> 4,832,482 <strong>2015 Job growth:</strong> 2.7% (forecast)<strong>2016 Job growth:</strong> 2.8% (forecast)<strong>New jobs in 2015:</strong> 53,200<strong>New jobs in 2016:</strong> 60,100<strong>Unemployment rate (Dec. '15 forecast):</strong> 6.8% </p><p>New plants from Volvo and Boeing will be a big boost for an already solid manufacturing sector, and improvements to the Port of Charleston are bolstering construction and distribution.</p>サウスカロライナ 2.7%増

Sugar-heart on wooden background. MariaDubova/Getty Imagesスプーン1杯で16カロリー
Sugar being poured into tea cup. Diamond Sky Images/Getty Imagesコーヒーに砂糖?
Artificial sweeteners. Bill Boch/Getty Images合成砂糖はさらに良くない
Drops of cola on a can.ソーダも良くない
Woman disposing of donuts in trash bin. Peter Dazeley/Getty Imagesドーナッツにさようなら


 Atlanta, GA 7-Day Forecast
 今日ー明日を凌げばすこしはマシなのか? でも暑いですよね。雨らしい雨も降っていません。
 自分でも思いますが、毎日クラブを触っているとやはり感触が違うと思います。といって、それが好成績にすぐにつながるものではありませんが、年寄りになってもできるスポーツなので、少しでも調子を維持したいではありませんか? まっすぐ飛べば気持ち良い、きれいにピンそばにオンできれば気持ち良い、そして長いパットが入ればこれまた気持ち良い。それが精神的にプラスということです。 


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