
Simply Buckheadというコミュニティ誌からインタビューを受けましたが、電話は苦手なのでメールでの質問ー回答形式にしてもらいました。そのうち記事が掲載されることでしょう。

What do you think of Buckhead’s dining scene?
Buckhead is a brand and heart of Atlanta Dining scene. It is sophisticated and well maintained for the people live here and visiting here. It does not matter high end or gorgeous, just need to be well done.
Why do you like Buckhead?
My culinary carrier started in Buckhead and I my carrier grew in Buckhead. Buckhead is just like my home town. This area is changing, growing but I don't wan to move to other areas.
What do you think the future holds for Buckhead restaurants?
It is not only Buckhead, restaurant business is always repeating scrap and build. We welcome new comers and we can say good bye to some fall out people.
What’s the palate of Buckhead residents and how does it differ from those around the city?
I think ZIP 30305 is one of Buckhead high end area. It is status, fame, stylish and dream. Those people are well educated with culinary skill, they love to go out to eat something new. They require to be special guests.
What do you think it takes for a restaurant to succeed in Buckhead?
Basically, the key of succeed in restaurant business are food, décor and services.
We have to make looking good delicious food. We have to show nice décor space. We have to train employees and do the best service.
What's your favorite restaurant in Buckhead aside from your own?
Restaurant Eugene, Antica Posta and more
What's your most noteworthy accomplishment?
We opened TAKA in 2002 and our door is still opened. And business is growing. We have great customers around here. We have some celebrities from Hotel. I cannot do the business without good customers. They love my restaurants and we love them. This give and take things relationship is my asset. And build up this asset is my accomplishment.
皆さんからすれば「寿司、週に2回、えー3回も? 頭おかしいんじゃない?」と思うかもしれません。
この店を通じて知り合った中には企業の重役やパートナーもいますからね。私がEast Lakeでゴルフしたいときに電話一本でそれが可能なのもそうしたお客さんがいるからです。
6月にある企業駐在員が帰国を前にEast Lakeを招待しましたが、本来はメンバーさんと回らないといけないのですが、彼は遅れるといって出てきませんでした。結局、最後まで現れず、プレイ終了後にお礼のテキストをしたところバージニアにいたんですね。


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