大統領の資質を疑う 3月21日(木)

Marzo Veinte Uno (Jueves)
 President Trump delivering a speech at a tank plant in Lima, Ohio, on Wednesday.
 アメリカという国は、大変な男を大統領にしたもんです。死んだ人の悪口を言う人を聞いたことがありません。マケイン上院議員とオバマについて、ぼろくそに言っています。葬式に呼ばれなかったことへの恨みか? こいつ、アタマがいかれていますよ。

 2日連続の良い売り上げ? この異変は何なのか? ひょっとして150席はあったであろうFood Studio 101が閉まったので、その好影響?ではないか。それはないと思うのですが、昨日もそこそこ入ってくれました。
 問題は今日からです。March Madnessが今日から始まります、これがどれだけ売り上げを左右するのか。

Slide 3 of 21: Sometimes, the factors that affect your home’s value have nothing to do with your property at all. One such example is a “zombie house” in your neighborhood. Zombie houses are abandoned, neglected or dilapidated homes with overgrown yards, said Mary Case Friedner, a real estate broker serving the Hudson River towns of Westchester County in New York.
“They can really hurt the value of neighboring homes,” she said.
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Slide 4 of 21: Homeowners near shale gas wells can take a major hit to property values, according to a study by economists from Duke University and Resources for the Future, a nonprofit research institution. The researchers found that Pennsylvania homeowners who used groundwater for consumption lost up to 24 percent of their property’s value if they lived within one and one-quarter mile of a shale gas well.
Find Out: How Long Does It Take to Buy a House?家の近くに石油タンクがあること、高圧電線も同じこと
Slide 5 of 21: You might not pay much attention to wear and tear on your driveway, but appraisers will. They look for signs of physical depreciation, so consider resealing the surface of your driveway before you put your house on the market.
“Large cracks and potholes on the driveway surface raise a red flag in the appraisal process,” Muller said.舗道のひび割れ、古く見える
Slide 6 of 21: If buyers drive by your home or decide to do a walk-through, what they see at first glance makes a difference. If your home is messy or unruly from the outside — say, it needs serious repainting — it could sour a potential buyer’s experience.
“At the very least, the lawn, walkway and driveway should be cleared of any debris and look clean and tidy,” Case Friedner said. “The front door along with the doorframe and window trims should be freshly painted.”
Look: 11 Insider Secrets First-Time Homebuyers Must Know (in 2018)錆びれた外観
Slide 7 of 21: Landscaping has the potential to improve your home’s value, according to the Appraisal Institute. But if you’ve let your home’s lawn go, now is the time to roll up your sleeves and bring out the gardening tools.
“Dead or dying shrubbery should be removed and replaced with healthy and lush plants, and there should be no weeds anywhere on the property,” Case Friedner said.
Landscaping is also one of those hidden expenses that come with building your own home.手入れされていないバックヤード
Slide 8 of 21: Even if your home’s lawn is in good condition, landscaping that’s too quirky or personal could hurt your home’s appeal. Real estate professional Chris Danuser, who serves clients in the New York City area, advised against “too-personal touches.”
“They can be a turnoff to buyers who might want to develop the yard with their own style,” he said. Similarly, large trees leaning over the house should be trimmed back to avoid the risk of collapse onto the roof.奇妙な景観
Slide 9 of 21: You might have spent many happy summers enjoying your home pool, but don’t assume buyers want to carry on the tradition. Heather Kandawire, a real estate agent in Northern New Jersey, said, “While some buyers see a pool and envision warm summer days lounging on a floatie, soaking up the rays, a majority of buyers won’t even look at a home with a pool.”
Why? “Most buyers fear the maintenance, additional insurance and general added expense that a pool demands,” she said. However, she did say that luxury homes that sit on large properties tend to do well with pools.プール、維持費がかかるのでGAでは嫌われる
Slide 10 of 21: If you have a koi pond or other decorative body of water on the property, ensure that it’s clean and pristine. Kandawire noted that in the countless homes she has shown, she has yet to see a perfect koi pond.
Although Muller said that it does have the potential to improve home value, Kandawire said, “Just please clean it before you try to sell.”
Save More: 30 Home Upgrades That Won’t Blow Your Budgetメンテされていない鯉の池
Slide 11 of 21: At some point, you might have opted for aluminum siding because it’s durable, repels bugs and insulates your home. Unfortunately, it can work against you when it comes time to sell.
According to Case Friedner, those looking to buy today prefer not to buy a house with aluminum siding, as it can cheapen the appearance of the house. She also noted that “houses with ugly-colored siding are challenging to sell.”
Read: Home Improvement Projects You Didn’t Know Are Illegal to DIYサイディングは要メンテ、ブリックはメンテ要らず
Slide 12 of 21: No matter where you live, there are probably some foreclosures nearby. If they are clearly marked as such — and not all are — this can be a turnoff to some buyers. There’s nothing you can personally do about this, of course, but it’s good to be aware of.差し押さえの看板が近所にあること
Slide 13 of 21: Regardless of how perfectly maintained a neighbor’s house is, you might be in a bind if a potential buyer finds them on the registered sex offenders list.
“Living within a tenth of a mile of a registered sex offender would most certainly devalue your home,” Danuser said.
See: 11 Signs Your Bargain Home Is Going to Cost Youお隣が小汚いこと
Slide 14 of 21: Live on a busy street? It could negatively impact your property’s value. “Houses on, or that back up to, busy thoroughfares generally have less value than the exact same house would if it were in a more quiet spot,” Case Friedner said.
Looking to Sell? 25 Tricks to Sell Your House for a Bigger Profit家の前の道が渋滞していること
Slide 15 of 21: Buyers might also be sensitive to other types of excessive noise around your property. Danuser pointed out that anything from living within hearing distance of a commuter train to an airport — if you can hear the planes — can affect your home’s value.家の上が飛行機のルートになっている
Slide 16 of 21: Danuser mentioned that environmental elements like cellphone towers, power plants and landfills can hurt your home’s value when it comes time for a home appraisal.
Seen These? Signs You Need to Upgrade or Sell Your House鉄塔など見晴らしの悪いものがあること
Slide 17 of 21: People are sensitive to smell, so it’s no secret that a bad smell, like cigarette smoke, can deter those looking to buy.
A strong deodorizer can be an indicator of a cover-up, according to Michele Beaudoin, real estate broker and owner of Beaudoin Realty in Queens in New York. Instead, she advised, “Bake a cake, a pie, brew coffee or use a diffuser with a scent of lemon, orange or apple. These odors will appeal to buyers.”
Keep Your Eyes Open: 8 Startling Facts That Blindside Homebuyersごみなどの廃棄物の管理が悪いこと
Slide 18 of 21: You might love your collection of snow globes and antique perfume bottles, but it’s probably best to store them away while your house is being shown.
“Overdecorating and items of personal interest must be removed,” Beaudoin said. “Beware of clutter.”収集物のディスプレイ、個人趣味は隠すこと
Slide 19 of 21: If you build a little apartment in the basement without the proper permits, your appraisal report won’t look too good. A bad home appraisal can actually block potential homebuyers from receiving funding for the home purchase, especially if the home has illegal upgrades.当局の許可を得ていないアップグレード
Slide 20 of 21: Paneling in the basement or rec room was a trend a couple of decades ago. Today, you’ll want to replace it to avoid looking dated.
“Unless you’re selling a ski lodge in New Hampshire,” Kandawire said, “it’s time to tear that paneling down.”
Debunk These: Common Real Estate Myths That You Need to Know木のパネル、過去には流行ったそうですが今はX
Slide 21 of 21: Many old homes have beautiful hardwood floors buried beneath carpet. You might love how cozy the rug feels under your feet in the colder months, but when it’s time to sell the house, rip up the carpet and expose those hardwood floors. Kandawire advised that you should call a professional refinisher to restore the grain to its original luster.
“You’ll add value back to your home faster than you can say ‘my feet are cold,’” she said.
Click through to read about tricks you shouldn’t fall for when buying a home.
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