今日の出来事から 8月4日(金) 今日はいけそう

Agost Quatro ( Viernes) 今週は今のところ、3勝1敗です。毎日が闘い、まさにそうですよ。毎日真剣にやらんと、前日の負けは取り返せません。



Slide 1 of 17: I, likely because I'm a millennial, had never been to a Sears Holdings Corp.-owned Kmart before. Until today. Recently, I took a trip to a Kmart store in Brick, N.J., and I was amazed, for several reasons, that its doors were still open. The store was dingy, dirty and disorganized, far worse than the Sears store I recently visited that I thought was a horror show. Plus, the location was poorly stocked, despite the fact that I arrived around 9 a.m., only one hour after it opened. But, this trip gave me yet another insight into why its parent, Sears, announced in June it is closing an additional 43 stores on top of the 265 locations, across both Sears and Kmart banners, it already planned to shutter. "We have fought hard for many years to return unprofitable stores to a competitive position and to preserve jobs and, as a result, we had to absorb corresponding losses in the process," Lampert said in the announcement. I also know understand why it has failed to turn a profit in 29 out of the last 37 quarters and seen same-store sales decline in 11 of the past 12 quarters. Here's how my trip to Kmart proved that Sears is failing. More of What's Trending on TheStreet: Elon Musk Reveals 63,000 People Have Canceled Tesla Model 3 Orders, Proving Several Key Things Here's How Much Money Warren Buffett Has Made on Apple Stock in 2017 Alone Apple Has Discovered a Secret Pool of People That Really Want to Use iPads Ford Wants to Run Over Tesla古臭く見えませんか?Slide 5 of 17: When is the store getting deliveries, or closing?ガラガラの棚
 かつてのアメリカを支えた会社は競争に負け、消えていく。昨日はたまたまターゲットに行きましたが、よく入っています。小売業の中でも勝ち組と負け組の差は歴然。Bed and Bath Beyondは全国700あるなかの幹部社員をカットすると発表しています。やはり、売り上げがいまいちよくない。この店は好きですが、巨大過ぎます。というかアメリカの店はみなデカい。Office Depotなんかもそうで、文具屋がもう少し搾り込んでもよさそうに思いますが、同じものをドーンと並べる。そして探しにくい。
 例えば文具というカテゴリーのはずなのに、クリップとペンは同じコーナーにない。その位置が離れています。この設計は誰がしたのか? クリップと輪ゴム、ホッチキスは同じコーナーですが、ペン類とは離れているのです。頭が悪いとしか思えません。細かさがないのがアメリカといえば、それでおしまいですが。

Slide 2 of 11: <p><strong>Costco:</strong> Kirkland Signature two-ply bath tissue, 30 rolls, $20.89</p><p><strong>Sam's Club:</strong> Member's Mark two-ply bath tissue, 45 mega rolls, $21.23</p><p><strong>Winner: Costco</strong></p><p>When you're looking for Costco deals to stock up on toilet paper, check out Costco's Kirkland Signature bath tissue at just 1.3 cents per square foot. Don't worry, Sam's Club members. Its Member's Mark brand comes in a close second at 1.4 cents per square foot — but the 45-roll package delivers only 1,468 square feet per package compared with Costco's 30-roll package containing 1,594 square feet.</p><p>If that second ply doesn't matter to you, <a href="https://www.gobankingrates.com/personal-finance/secret-ways-save-money-walmart/">you can save even more at Walmart</a> where the 24-roll Great Value bathroom tissue costs $12.52 and serves up a whopping 2,528 square feet.</p>トイレットペーパー
Costco: Kirkland Signature two-ply bath tissue, 30 rolls, $20.89
Sam's Club: Member's Mark two-ply bath tissue, 45 mega rolls, $21.23Slide 8 of 11: <p><strong>Costco:</strong> Kirkland Signature Columbian Supremo, two pack of 3-pound bags, $29.99</p><p><strong>Sam's Club:</strong> Member's Mark Columbian Supremo, 2.5 pounds, $14.67</p><p><strong>Winner: Costco</strong></p><p>Both Costco and Sam's Club offer their signature version of Fair Trade-certified Columbian Arabica coffee that's sure to deliver the flavor boost your morning needs. Costco has the best value, at $4.99 per pound, compared to Sam's Club, at $5.89 per pound.</p>コーヒー
Costco: Kirkland Signature Colombian Supremo, two pack of 3-pound bags, $29.99
Sam's Club: Member's Mark Colombian Supremo, 2.5 pounds, $14.67

Atlanta, GA 7-Day Forecast
 さあ、今日は5人分のお任せです。某日系企業の米国法人の社長が来ます。この方、もう6-7年前から面識があります。一度日本に帰り、また着任で社長に。当時一緒に来ていた社長はすでに本社の重役になっています。私はさん付けでしか呼びませんが、日本に帰ると偉い人なんだと思いますよ。日本の一部上場企業の重役、これはサラリーマンの1つの夢では? 専用の秘書付きの個室? ハイヤーでのお迎えがあるかどうかは知りませんが、たいてい1つの事業の長となります。数千人の部下を持つことになるでしょうから。


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