今日の出来事から 2月3日(金) 節分


 バレンタインデーを前に、「最もロマンチックな’場所」それも州別???Slide 2 of 52: <p>Although there are countless ways to spend Valentine’s Day together as a couple—dinner, drinks, spa, a night in—there are few that are as healthy for a relationship as taking a trip together.</p><p><a href="http://www.travelandleisure.com/trip-ideas/romantic-getaways/couple-vacations">It’s true</a>—nothing brings couples closer together than traveling to new destinations and sharing experiences together.</p><p>But no two love affairs are the same, which is why we believe that no two romantic getaways should be the same, either.</p><p>For couples planning an epic trip from sea to shining sea or for those just hoping to book a weekend getaway close by, we went from coast to coast to find 51 of the most romantic spots our country has to offer. There's one in every state, and even the District of Columbia.</p><p>There are plenty of romantic wilderness retreats where couples can take advantage of epic cliffs, waterfalls and beaches. For more urban couples, we found waterfront streets and high-up cityscape views. And, of course, there are a few castles for couples swept up in a fairytale romance.</p><p>And hey, even if there isn’t a special someone to take on a trip this year, in the words of Oscar Wilde, “to love oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance.”</p>
Alabama — Cheaha State Park アラバマの方はここへ!州で一番高い場所
Slide 12 of 52: <p>Couples looking for an urban escape can take a romantic stroll along Savannah’s River Street. The historic waterfront path is constructed from cobblestone that’s over 200 years old. The street is chock full of cute restaurants, bars, galleries and shops and offers spectacular views of docking cargo ships. </p>
Georgia — Savannah River Street アトランタではありませんでしたSlide 35 of 52: <p>For couples that are suckers for tearjerker romance flicks, visit the inn from Nights in Rodanthe. The hotel on stilts (actually called “Serendipity”) inspired a Nicholas Sparks novel, which then inspired the movie, starring Richard Gere and Diane Lane. The inn is <a href="https://www.sunrealtync.com/outer-banks/rodanthe-nc-rentals/oceanfront/r-51">already booked for Valentine’s week</a>, but it’s possible to spot it from afar—or book the space for a later date. </p>
North Carolina — Inn at Rodanthe
Slide 42 of 52: <p>The Boone Hall Plantation is one of the country’s oldest working farms. The plantation was founded in 1681 and has been in the middle of American history for over 300 years. It’s a perfect combination for history and nature lovers. The tour includes a presentation of Gullah culture and a black history exhibit, in addition to entrance to the butterfly pavilion and garden walk. There are also U-Pick produce options available for couples looking for edible souvenirs. </p>
South Carolina — Boone Hall Plantation
Slide 44 of 52: <p>If love is raising you higher, head to the highest point in all of Tennessee. At 6,643 feet, Clingman’s Dome is one of the most spectacular viewpoints in the Great Smoky Mountains. On clear days, it’s possible to see up to 100 miles from a full 360° from the structure. </p>
Tennessee — Clingman’s Dome
Slide 11 of 52: <p>Escape from the world and stay with only each other in one of the most secluded spots in the Florida Keys. The private escape (there isn’t a whole lot to explore unless you’re staying at the on-site resort) features plenty of diverse wildlife and the shore’s coral reef is one of the best in the country for snorkelers. </p>
Florida — Little Palm Island

 爆買いが終わるとこうなる?? ラオックスは、2016年12月期通期の業績予想を下方修正、これまで12億5000万円の黒字としていた営業損益が、9億円の赤字になる見通し。インバウンド需要が失速、販管費を吸収できない見込みになったため。

 餃子日本一は3年連続で浜松! 総務省が発表した家計調査によると、16年のギョーザの1世帯(2人以上)当たりの購入額で、浜松市がトップに。3年連続の日本一で、ライバルの宇都宮市は前年に引き続き2位。浜松市は4818円、2位の宇都宮市は4651円でその差は167円。   15年の調査では、1位の浜松市が4646円、2位の宇都宮市が3981円と、その差は665円でした。

 そんなヒルビリー像のなかで、最もよく知られたものは、1960年代に人気のTVドラマ『じゃじゃ馬億万長者(原題『The Beverly Hillbillies』)』。
 「悪いヒルビリー」は、ときに、さらにもっと明確にひどい蔑称を得ることになる。それが「ホワイト・トラッシュ(White Trash)」。これは南東部でもよく聞くので、この州にもたくさんいるでしょう。

 Atlanta, GA 7-Day Forecast
 天気は全米を横に二分しているそうです。南部は温暖で北部は寒い。これが日曜日を過ぎると南部が押し上げるので、北部まで暖かくなるそうです。ということは南の力ファルコンズが勝つという理屈になりませんか??? 皆さん、良い週末を!


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