今日の出来事から 2月2日(木) まずは初日をクリア


Slide 2 of 6: The Ford Bronco is one of the most eagerly anticipated future SUVs. Put simply, the American people want it. This rendering, conceived by <a href="http://www.bronco6g.com/our-2020-ford-bronco-concept/">Bronco6G.com</a> suggests a retro look for the next-generation model that could arrive for 2020. Realistically, we expect the Bronco to have a more modern look inline with Ford's Explorer and F-150 designs. We also think some form of hybrid system is possible. Ford has said it will add four new SUVs to its lineup in the comings years, and the Bronco is widely predicted to be one of them. As a bonus: the <a href="http://www.autoblog.com/2016/10/03/ford-bronco-coming-back-michigan-america-official/">Ford Ranger pickup is also expected to return</a>.フォード ブロンコ
Slide 3 of 6: Another one of America's all-time favorites, the Jeep Wrangler is <a href="http://www.autoblog.com/2016/10/18/2018-jeep-wrangler-jl-everything-we-know/">due for a major redesign for 2018</a>. We expect the style to evolve slowly, maintaining the <a href="http://www.autoblog.com/2016/11/07/2018-jeep-wrangler-design-renderings/">traditional rough and ready look </a>of old-school Wranglers that were inspired by World War II Willys vehicles. We expect the new Wrangler will have more aluminum parts in a bid to increase fuel efficiency. It could also get a diesel engine as an option. Reports also say the new Jeep will be more aerodynamic, have nicer features like LED lights, and perhaps a more comfortable driving character. Plus, Jeep will make a pickup version of the new Wrangler.ジープ ラングラー(まだ覆面)Slide 5 of 6: Another military-inspired vehicle, the long-running G-Class is expected to relaunch for 2018. Mercedes will likely widen the vehicle to accommodate modern amenities. The current model has lived on largely unchanged since the late 1970s, almost unheard of in the industry. The styling will stay the same, as buying the vehicle is a statement for many buyers, but may take cues from the Ener-G-Force concept. Still, rugged capability will remain a staple.ベンツ Gクラス
Slide 4 of 6: The Lincoln Navigator appeared set for extinction less than a decade ago. With fuel prices high and a tight economy, the monster-sized, V8-powered Navigator seemed to be a relic from another time. But Lincoln kept the Navigator around, giving it small improvements as the company waited for the right opportunity. That's now. The 2018 model is a complete relaunch of one of the original luxury SUVs. <a href="http://www.autoblog.com/2016/03/23/lincoln-navigator-concept-new-york-official/">The concept (shown)</a> was revealed in New York this year to wide praise. That prototype had whiz-bang features like gullwing doors and a cargo area set up like a closet. We don't expect those things to arrive in the production model, but the elegant styling and luxurious trims definitely will.リンカーン ナビゲーター
Slide 6 of 6: <a href="http://www.autoblog.com/2016/10/18/2019-jeep-grand-wagoneer-dealer-leak-spy-shots/">The Jeep Grand Wagoneer</a> name conjures nostalgia for wood-paneled SUVs that looked and drove like they where from another era. That time is about to return, but forget about the past. Jeep is refashioning the Grand Wagoneer as an ultra-luxury three-row SUV with loads of comfort and technology. The reported price tag could go above $130,000, a heady sticker for a Jeep. These leaked images tease the Grand Wagoneer, though it's still likely a couple of years away, so information is scarce.グランドチェロキー

 少しおかしい事件? 埼玉県で先月31日、75歳の男が逮捕。この事件を起こした運送業の容疑者は、去年9月、狭山市の路上を歩いていた87歳の女性に対し、下半身を露出した公然わいせつの疑いが持たれている。警察によると、原口容疑者は軽トラックで女性を追い越した後、軽トラックから降り、話しかけながら犯行に及んだ。
 実は高齢者のこうした犯罪が増えています。高齢者数と強姦検挙数(高齢者)、強制わいせつ検挙数(高齢者)の数ですが、1986年:約1247万人 3人 11人に対し、30年後は
2015年:約3449万人 32人 223人なのです。
 これに近い話がアジアに、東アジアにありませんか? 従軍慰安婦問題で合意しているのに、掘り返す。政権が次に変わったら前の政権で合意したことは無効にする???

 こんなことを自分でしますか? 共産党の公安ですよ、絶対に!!

 どうして東芝はあんなたくさんの隠れ損を抱えたのか? 東洋経済に出ています。

 それに比べると3千億円の損失は可愛いのでしょうか? キリンです、ブラジルで大失敗。2011年に当時ブラジル国内でシェア2位だったスキンカリオール(現ブラジルキリン)を約3000億円で買収。中国、米国に次いで世界3位のビール市場を持つブラジルを中長期の成長ドライバーに位置付けていたのですが、15年12月期に1100億円の減損損失。赤字も続いていて、昨年12月期で95億円の赤字。ここでキリンはアジアとオセアニアに集中する戦略に切り替えることから会社を売却する方針でこの金額が1000億円程度。3千億円払い、1千億円の損失、そして1千億円で売るから3千億円を約5年で失ったことになります。高い勉強代でした。

 Atlanta, GA 7-Day Forecast
In this Feb. 2, 2016, photo, Groundhog Club handler John Griffiths holds Punxsutawney Phil, the weather predicting groundhog, during the annual celebration of Groundhog Day on Gobbler's Knob in Punxsutawney, Pa. The handlers of Pennsylvania's most famous groundhog are set to announce whether the rodent will predict an early spring or six more weeks of winter. Members of Punxsutawney Phil's top hat-wearing inner circle plan to reveal their forecast at sunrise, just before 7:30 a.m. Thursday, Feb. 2, 2017. (AP Photo/Keith Srakocic)

 独裁でも身内登用で私物化しようが、おらが田舎のアメリカの大統領なんじゃけー。毎日が茶番のようです。豪州の首相との電話会談を25分で打ち切る? わがままじゃけー。まあ、これが4年も続くのですよ、皆さん!! 関係ないない、仕事仕事で行くしかありません。


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