今日の出来事から 1月3日(水) 今日から始動


 今年も一番の豊富は「減量」かと思います。体重を減らす食べ物Almonds are a great source of mono- and polyunsaturated fats, which can help lower your cholesterol and keep you slim. They also contain fewer calories than most other varieties of nuts (just 163 calories for 23), as well as plenty of fiber and vitamin E. According to a study in the International Journal of Obesity, people who added a daily serving of almonds to a low-calorie diet lost more weight than those who followed the same diet but ate a carb-heavy snack such as crackers instead. <br><br>To reap the benefits, Sass recommends using almonds to crust a lean protein such as salmon or sprinkling them onto salads and cooked veggies. "You can also whip them into smoothies or use nut butter as the base for a savory sauce seasoned with garlic and ginger," she says.<br><br><b>RELATED: <a href="http://www.health.com/health/gallery/0,,20676415,00.html">The 20 Best Foods to Eat for Breakfast</a></b> Apples contain pectin, an ingredient that naturally slows digestion and encourages feelings of fullness. Studies show that eating a whole apple with your meal (as opposed to apple juice or applesauce) is a natural appetite suppressant, helping you consume fewer overall calories without feeling deprived. Sass likes using shredded apple in slaws and stir-fry, or mixing them into burger patties to add moisture.<br><br>Apples are also a good source of antioxidants, vitamin C, and fiber. Just be sure not to skip the skin, which contains much of the fruit's nutritional benefits.<br><br><b>RELATED: <a href="http://www.health.com/health/gallery/0,,20629049,00.html">25 Amazing Apple Recipes</a></b> 
Artichokes are incredibly filling--in fact, they are one of the highest-fiber vegetables, says Sass. A single boiled artichoke contains a whopping 10.3 grams of fiber--almost half the recommended daily amount for women. To curb your appetite before a meal, Sass suggests enjoying the veggie as a pre-dinner appetizer: try them in a refreshing salad with edamame and asparagus, or make homemade salsa with artichoke hearts, tomatoes, olives, and red onions. Is there anything avocados can't do? This creamy superfood (loaded with monounsaturated fats, potassium, magnesium, folate, and vitamins C and E) has been linked to improved vision, good heart health, and a reduced risk of certain cancers. And avocados can also help whittle your middle: according to one study, people who regularly consume them weigh less and have smaller waists than those who do not. Another study found that women who eat half an avocado at lunchtime might experience reduced food cravings later in the day.<br><br>There are countless ways to enjoy the fruit (yes, technically it is one), but you can't beat the classic combination of whole-wheat toast with mashed avocado, lemon juice, and sunflower seeds. Sass also recommends whipping avocado into a smoothie, pureeing it with herbs and citrus juice to make a creamy salad dressing, or adding it to a veggie omelet.<br><br><b>RELATED: <a href="http://www.health.com/health/gallery/0,,20395687,00.html">8 Avocado Recipes (Besides Guacamole)</a></b>
Although they're best known for containing potassium, bananas are also a great source of <a href="http://www.health.com/health/gallery/0,,20361484,00.html">resistant starch</a>, a type of starch that's important for weight loss. Your body digests resistant starch slowly--helping you feel full for longer--while simultaneously encouraging your liver to switch to fat-burning mode. And no need to wait for them to become completely ripe; bananas actually contain more of this calorie-torching ingredient when they're still a little green.<br><br>Even more reasons to add a bunch to your shopping cart: Bananas can help regulate blood pressure, ease digestive problems, replenish nutrients after a workout, and may even help prevent strokes in older women. Black beans are a member of the pulse family, a food group that's been shown to help burn calories, reduce belly fat, and curb appetite. Just one cup of black beans packs 15 grams of protein without the saturated fat you often find in other high-protein sources, such as red meat.<br><br>"Black beans work great in both savory and sweet dishes," says Sass. "You've probably had black bean soup, but you can also make black bean brownies or whip them into puddings and smoothies."<br><br><b>RELATED: <a href="http://www.health.com/health/gallery/0,,20932754,00.html">10 Protein-Packed Pulse Recipes That Satisfy</a></b>
One cup of antioxidant-rich blueberries contains just 80 calories and 4 grams of fiber, which helps your body feel full for longer. They're also a good source of manganese, which can speed up metabolism and make you feel energized.<br><br>More reasons to love them: blueberries contain a compound that attacks cancer-causing free radicals, and research suggests they may also help ward off UTIs, keep skin bright, and reduce age-related memory loss. A great source of calcium and important cancer-fighting compounds, broccoli also has loads of filling fiber and will set you back only 30 calories per serving. If eating this cruciferous veggie <a href="http://www.health.com/health/gallery/0,,20961588,00.html">makes you bloat</a>, try steaming it first, which makes it easier to digest while still preserving the cancer-fighting ingredients that could be lost when you boil or cook it in the microwave.<br><br><b>RELATED: <a href="http://www.health.com/health/gallery/0,,20831770,00.html">13 Veggies You Only Think You Don't Like</a></b>
This healthy grain is a great source of phytonutrients, which have been linked to decreased risks of cancer, diabetes, and heart disease. Brown rice is also packed with fiber, contains 1.7 grams of fat-burning resistant starch, and is a low-energy-density food (in other words, it's filling but still low in calories).<br><br> Feeling adventurous? Try adding black rice to your shopping cart instead of brown. It contains even more antioxidants than blueberries and significantly more vitamin E than brown rice. Cabbage is rich in antioxidants and vitamin C but extremely low in calories (just 22 per cup), so you can fill your plate with the leafy green guilt-free. And while you're probably familiar with the infamous <a href="http://www.health.com/health/article/0,,20410207,00.html">Cabbage Soup Diet</a>, there are plenty of alternate ways to eat this veggie that won't leave you feeling hungry. It's delicious in a variety of slaws or salads, and makes a crunchy garnish atop tacos or burgers.<br><br><b>RELATED: <a href="http://www.health.com/health/gallery/0,,20684235,00.html">23 Easy Cabbage Recipes</a></b>


Atlanta, GA 7-Day Forecast
7 Day Forecast

 冬になると、「牛タンシチュー」を作るのですが、今年はその牛タンを見ないです。どこに消えたのか? いつも行くファーマーズにないわけです。Hマートにはあるのか?

 無駄遣いではありませんが、寿司バーの8脚の椅子をすべて入れ替えです。オープン時に良いのが見つからなかった、それが低く、足を継ぎ足していました。その一部が木のため割れていました。これは危ないと思い、ようやく探したのがメタルのフレームの椅子でした。65ドルですから520ドルの無駄遣い、しかし高さは最高で、メタルだから壊れる心配がない、おまけに組み立てが不要なのです。 なんだかんだと金を使いますよ。
 新しい場所で苦戦はしていますが、何かを変えるとそこにお金が落ちているようにも思えます。例えばランチの営業時間を30分延長して2時半までにする。その分をディナーを30分早く閉めるとか、お客さんの来る時間に店を開け、来ない時間は閉める、当たり前のことですが。このあたりを追求してみたいと思います。横の店はお客さん、ほとんどいないのにランチとディナーの間の休憩がありません、開いたままです、試しているのでしょう。 ただ誰がこの時間帯に働く?これが問題なのです。


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