今日の出来事から 1月11日(水) 来たぞ! 一発線香花火!

 ないよりはマシ、花火が撃ちあがるだけマシかい! ということで、本当に瞬間芸の線香花火が昨夜は上がりました。「さすが気温が上がると混むぞー」と思ったのも30分でしたか。そこがピークでした、8時半からは誰も来ない、しかし閉めるわけにはいかず、9時50分でゲームセットです。

Slide 1 of 8: Processed meats are up there with smoking and asbestos when it comes to <a href="http://www.rd.com/health/conditions/cancer-prevention-oncologists/1/">cancer risk</a>, according to the <a href="http://www.thelancet.com/journals/lanonc/article/PIIS1470-2045%2815%2900444-1/fulltext">World Health Organization</a>. On their no-no list are sausage, bacon, hot dogs, and ham, due to an <a href="http://www.rd.com/health/conditions/prevent-colon-cancer/1">increased risk of colorectal cancer</a>. Eating just 50 grams of processed meat each day (that's around two slices of ham) can increase the risk of colon cancer by 18 percent, according to the report. The problem comes not just from the meat itself but from the main methods of processing it, which include smoking, curing, or adding salt or preservatives. When cooking certain meats, sodium nitrites combine with natural amines in the meat to form cancer-causing N-nitroso compounds. 'I avoid smoked foods due to nitrates,' says Ioana Bonta, MD, a medical oncologist at Cancer Treatment Centers of America at Southeastern Regional Medical Center in Newnan, Georgia. In spite of similar preparation, smoked fish is not as bad as smoked meats, according to Cary Presant, MD, an internist, hematologist, and an oncologist in Los Angeles and an assistant Clinical Professor in the Department of Medical Oncology & Therapeutics Research at City of Hope Cancer Center in West Covina, California.加工肉
Slide 2 of 8: 'Microwave popcorn is loaded with artificial butter, and the fumes from it contain the toxic compound diacytel that is associated with lung cancers,' says professor Eitan Yefenof, PhD, chairman of the Lautenberg Center for Immunology and Cancer Research at Hebrew University of Jerusalem in Israel. Also known as a 'butter bomb,' diacytel gives popcorn that distinctive buttery flavor and aroma. There's more: The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency recognizes thhttp://www.rd.com/food/recipes-cooking/homemade-microwave-popcorn/1e perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) in microwave popcorn bag linings as 'likely' carcinogenic. Need a popcorn fix? Here's how to <a href='http://www.rd.com/food/recipes-cooking/homemade-microwave-popcorn'>make your own amazing popcorn in the microwave</a>.電子レンジのポップコーン

Slide 5 of 8: Dr. Bonta won't even keep artificial sweeteners in the house due to potential cancer risk. Dr. Eisenberg takes a more cautious approach to the use of sugar substitutes; choosing plant-based, no-cal Stevia instead of the sweeteners typically found in the blue, pink, and yellow packets. 'Research into the potentially toxic effects of other artificial sweeteners is under way, so why not use something natural until we have sound research?' he asks. 'We don't know what we will find out in the next 10 years.' Here's <a href='http://www.rd.com/health/healthy-eating/artificial-sweeteners-bad-for-you/1'>what happens to your body when you go cold turkey on fake sugars</a>.人工甘味料Slide 4 of 8: Crazy-high temperatures used in the grilling process produce cancer-causing heterocyclic aromatic amines and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, which are carcinogenic. Dr. Eisenberg won't eat any red meat... ever, focusing instead on plant-based proteins and fish. The World Health Organization confirms that unprocessed red meat may also cause cancer. Dr. Bonta eats small amounts of red meat but cooks it carefully. 'I don't believe in grilling red meat because of the heme-iron and charcoal also have cancer causing agents,' she says. Follow these <a href='http://www.rd.com/health/healthy-eating/guidelines-healthier-grilling-cancer-risk/1'>guidelines for healthier grilling</a>.焦げた肉Slide 3 of 8: Sure, it's cheaper than the wild-caught stuff, but farmed salmon has higher levels of potentially cancer-causing contaminants. On average, farmed salmon has 16 times the polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) found in wild salmon, four times the levels in beef, and 3.4 times the PCBs found in other seafood, the Environmental Working Group reports. Instead, 'choose wild-caught salmon and bake it with heart-healthy olive oil, ' suggests Steven G. Eisenberg, DO, an oncologist at the California Cancer Associates for Research and Excellence in San Diego. Salmon is rich in healthy fats known as omega-3 fatty acids, and when consumed in place of a high-fat protein source, it can help control weight. 'Obesity is a major risk factor for many cancers.' Other <a href='http://www.rd.com/health/conditions/10-foods-to-help-prevent-cancer/1'>cancer-fighting foods</a> can also help.養殖サーモンSlide 6 of 8: Dr. Eisenberg is a teetotaler. In fact, he hasn't had so much as a sip of alcohol since his college days. 'The research linking alcohol to cancer risk is strong,' he says. Clear patterns have emerged between alcohol consumption and the development of head and neck cancer, esophageal cancer, liver cancer, breast, and colon cancer, according to the <a href='https://www.cancer.gov/about-cancer/causes-prevention/risk/alcohol/alcohol-fact-sheet'>National Cancer Institute</a>. 'Numerous studies have examined the association between alcohol consumption and the risk of other cancers, including cancers of the pancreas, ovary, prostate, stomach, uterus, and bladder,' Dr. Eisenberg adds, noting that they've found either no association or that the evidence is inconsistent. If you're not ready to go completely dry, cutting back can be a good small step. These tips can make <a href='http://www.rd.com/health/wellness/limit-alcohol/1'>limiting alcohol easier</a>.過剰なアルコール
Slide 7 of 8: Trans fats are formed when manufacturers turn liquid oils into solid fats, in a process called hydrogenation, which increases the shelf life and flavor stability of foods. Trans fats can be found in a laundry list of foods including vegetable shortening, margarine, crackers, cereals, candies, baked goods, cookies, granola bars, chips, snack foods, salad dressings, fats, fried foods, and many other foods. 'Just say no. No. No. No. No,' Dr. Eisenberg says. 'I don't eat any trans fats ever.' These fats are closely linked to soaring obesity rates, he says. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has now <a href='http://www.fda.gov/NewsEvents/Newsroom/PressAnnouncements/ucm451237.htm'>banned partially hydrogenated oils</a> (PHOs), which are the major source of artificial trans fats in the food supply. Food manufacturers were given three years to remove PHOs from their products, as of January 2015. Make sure to avoid these <a href='http://www.rd.com/health/healthy-eating/trans-fat-foods/1'>surprising foods high in trans fats</a>.トランス脂肪酸
Slide 8 of 8: Yes, bagels are delicious, but they're also one of those white foods that sends your blood sugar soaring. Consuming foods with a high glycemic index (those they rapidly elevate blood sugar levels), was found to potentially increase risk of developing lung cancer in non-Hispanic whites, according to a <a href='http://cebp.aacrjournals.org/content/25/3/532]'>study</a> from The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center. High GI foods include white bread and bagels, corn flakes, and puffed rice. Instead, choose lower GI foods such as brown rice, whole wheat bread, and steel-cut oatmeal. These <a href='http://www.rd.com/health/wellness/low-glycemic-snacks/1'>tasty low-glycemic snacks</a> won't spike your blood sugar.ベーグル
Farmed salmon has higher levels of potentially cancer-causing contaminants. On average, farmed salmon has 16 times the polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) found in wild salmon, four times the levels in beef, and 3.4 times the PCBs found in other seafood, the Environmental Working Group reports. Instead, 'choose wild-caught salmon and bake it with heart-healthy olive oil, ' suggests Steven G. Eisenberg, DO, an oncologist at the California Cancer Associates for Research and Excellence in San Diego. Salmon is rich in healthy fats known as omega-3 fatty acids, and when consumed in place of a high-fat protein source, it can help control weight. 'Obesity is a major risk factor for many cancers.' だそうですが、ハマチをバクバク食べているアメリカ人はこれまた病気になるでしょう。悲しい現実です。

Slide 2 of 13: It might be the performance version of Europe's most famous hatch, but that didn't convince Americans the Golf R was a good buy. Despite its good looks, 292-horsepower turbocharged engine, and all-wheel-drive system, VW moved just around 4000 Golf Rs in the year of 2016. Compare that to the aging WRX and STi, which sold almost ten times that number.VWゴルフ


 このままでは潰れる??? 15年6月末にバーバリー社とのライセンス契約が終了し、三陽商会は窮地に追い込まれていますが、16年12月期の売上高は14年12月期から37%も減少して700億円に沈む他、68億円の営業赤字、95億円の最終赤字という連結決算開始以来、最大の損失を計上する見込み。そして元旦に63歳の社長が辞任。

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