今日の出来事から 1月25日(水) 魚のいる場所で釣りをしろ!

 魚のいる場所で釣りをしろ! これは元コカ・コーラのチーフマーケティングオフィサーであった、セルジオさんの言葉、彼の本に書かれていたものです。

Slide 8 of 17: <p>490 calories, 24 g fat, 13 g saturated fat, 1 g trans fat, 110 mg sodium, 64 g carbs, 2 g fiber, 43 g sugar, 6 g protein</p><p>Not only does this cake contain artery-harming trans fat, it also contains more calories than some of the sandwiches served at the chain. If that doesn't illustrate just how over-indulgent this sinfully over-the-top dessert, is we're not sure what will.</p>Chocolate Marble Loaf Cake 490カロリーSlide 13 of 17: <p>580 calories, 26 g fat, 17 g saturated fat, 0.5 g trans fat, 69 g carbs, 0 g fiber, 67 g sugar, 18 g protein (venti, whole milk whipped cream)</p><p>How'd you like to start your day with seven pastries' worth of sugar? That's what you'll be downing if you get to the bottom of a venti whole milk white chocolate mocha with whipped cream. Are your hands shaking yet? Next time you're craving something creamy, get a venti whole milk cappuccino instead. This simple swap will save you 390 calories and more than 50 grams of sugar.</p>White Chocolate Mocha 580カロリー

Slide 3 of 11: <p>Co-founded by Elise and Rick Wetzel (of Wetzel's Pretzels fame), the Pasadena, California-based Blaze is standing apart from the pack by making pizza assembly-line-style (similar to Chipotle) <strong><a href="http://www.thedailymeal.com/blaze-pizza-makes-personal-pies-just-180-seconds">and cooking pizzas in three minutes</a></strong>. In 2004, the company expanded from 10 to 50 locations; 100 were open by the end of 2005, and there are currently more than 175 locations across the U.S. with a few in Canada. The brand counts Maria Shriver and LeBron James as investors. </p>
Co-founded by Elise and Rick Wetzel (of Wetzel's Pretzels fame), the Pasadena, California-based Blaze is standing apart from the pack by making pizza assembly-line-style (similar to Chipotle) and cooking pizzas in three minutes. In 2004, the company expanded from 10 to 50 locations; 100 were open by the end of 2005, and there are currently more than 175 locations across the U.S. with a few in Canada. The brand counts Maria Shriver and LeBron James as investors.
ファーストフードのチポレのように多くのトッピングを選べるようになっています。そのうちアトランタにも来るでしょう。Slide 9 of 11: <p>PDQ stands for “People Dedicated to Quality,” and the six-year-old Tampa-based chain <strong><a href="http://www.thedailymeal.com/eat/pdq-chain-watch-2017">is betting big</a></strong> on chicken tenders, with the gamble appearing to pay off. PDQ's menu focuses on chicken tenders, nuggets, sandwiches, and salads, but they're doing things a little bit differently than your usual fast-casual chain. The chicken is 100-percent natural, never frozen, and contains no added hormones or steroids; tenders are hand-breaded in-house; the 11 sauces and dressings are made from scratch every day; salads are made to order; shakes are hand-spun to order; and cookies are fresh-baked in house daily. Even though there are currently only 55 locations in seven states, by the end of 2017, the plan is to open 22 more units in five new markets and to open a hundredth location in 2018.</p>
PDQ stands for “People Dedicated to Quality,” and the six-year-old Tampa-based chain is betting big on chicken tenders, with the gamble appearing to pay off. PDQ's menu focuses on chicken tenders, nuggets, sandwiches, and salads, but they're doing things a little bit differently than your usual fast-casual chain. The chicken is 100-percent natural, never frozen, and contains no added hormones or steroids; tenders are hand-breaded in-house; the 11 sauces and dressings are made from scratch every day; salads are made to order; shakes are hand-spun to order; and cookies are fresh-baked in house daily. Even though there are currently only 55 locations in seven states, by the end of 2017, the plan is to open 22 more units in five new markets and to open a hundredth location in 2018.
唐揚げチキン屋もそうです。冷凍を使わない、オーガニックに近いものを使い、健康に良いようなイメージのチキン屋です。Slide 11 of 11: <p>One of the hottest fast-casual chains out there today (especially among millennials) lets you choose from a wide selection of pre-designed salads and bowls, or you can customize your own from a staggering variety of <strong><a href="http://www.thedailymeal.com/eat/america-s-healthiest-chain-restaurants-sweetgreen">healthy, organic, locally sourced sustainable ingredients</a></strong> from vetted reputable farmers and providers. D.C.-based Sweetgreen has grown from seven locations to more than 40 in recent years, and it's not afraid to push the envelope - it recently announced that it would be <strong><a href="http://www.thedailymeal.com/sweetgreen-going-fully-cashless-2017">moving to an entirely cashless payment system</a></strong> by March 2017. </p>
One of the hottest fast-casual chains out there today (especially among millennials) lets you choose from a wide selection of pre-designed salads and bowls, or you can customize your own from a staggering variety of healthy, organic, locally sourced sustainable ingredients from vetted reputable farmers and providers. D.C.-based Sweetgreen has grown from seven locations to more than 40 in recent years, and it's not afraid to push the envelope - it recently announced that it would be moving to an entirely cashless payment system by March 2017.


 納豆を摂取すると、脳梗塞や虚血性心疾患などの心血管疾患の死亡率が低下するという研究成果を、岐阜大学の研究チームが発表し、この研究は、米国栄養学会が発行する医学誌「American Journal of Clinical Nutrition」に発表されました。

 今年も生活習慣病の予防に努めましょう! 1-2-3運動です。動く運動ではありませんが。生活習慣病は「食習慣、運動習慣、休養、喫煙、飲酒等の生活習慣が、その発症・進行に関与する疾患群」として定義され、その予防には喫煙、飽食、大量飲酒、運動不足、不十分な休養、ストレス過多等の生活習慣の改善が強く求められます。
医師と意思 二人三脚 脱タバコ
無煙です 医者も薬も 無縁です
たばこ吸い 金と健康 吸われてる
人生を ポイ捨てしてる 喫煙者
えんを断ち 健康長寿と 縁結び

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