今日の出来事から 7月5日(火) 次のバケーションはレイバーデー

 独立記念日が無事に終わりましたが、次は9月5日のレイバーデーまで何もありません。これがアメリカの祝日の少なさでして、厳しい! 昨日は「開いてますか?」の電話が結構あって、来年は開けてみようかとも思いました。場所柄、バックヘッドの渋滞には関係なく、そこそこ来るのではないかという感触です。

中国共産党の機関紙・人民日報(People's Daily)系の英字紙・環球時報(Global Times)は、中国政府は南シナ海での「軍事衝突」に備えなければならないとする社説を掲載。一方、南シナ海の領有権をめぐる国際的な仲裁裁判の判決を1週間後に控え、中国は同水域で海軍による演習を開始しました。実効支配を強める目的の演習だそうです。アタマおかしいのか? 昔の地図を引っ張り出して、「ここはわが領土」と言っています。

Fifteen Moai statues on Easter Island.イースター島のモアイ像
Fireworks explode over the Sydney Opera House and Harbour Bridge as Australia's largest city ushers in the New Year, January 1, 2016.オペラハウス
A tourist takes photos at a cave temple on Elephanta island near Mumbai January 21, 2007.インドのエレファンタ洞窟
An aerial view shows the Mont Saint-Michel off France's Normandy coast March 20, 2015. The Mont Saint-Michel 11th century abbey is expected to be entirely surrounded by the English Channel following exceptionally high spring tides. Parts of the French coast will be on alert for the so-called "tide of the century", with tidal coefficients of 118 and 119 respectively on March 20 and 21.ノルマンディーのモンサンミッチェルA view of Leptis Magna, a UNESCO World Heritage site on the Mediterranean coast of North Africa, some 120 km (75 miles) east of Tripoli, November 8, 2011.リビアのレプティス マグナ (ローマ帝国の遺跡)Tourists visits the Konark Sun temple in Konark, in eastern Orissa state on December 12, 2014. The Konark Sun Temple is a 13th-century Sun Temple built by King Narasimhadeva I of the Eastern Ganga Dynasty around 1250. The temple, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, has been built in the shape of a gigantic chariot with elaborately carved stone wheels, pillars and walls and a major part of the structure is now in ruins.インドの太陽の寺院
Fireworks explode over the Statue of Liberty in celebration of the anniversary of its dedication on October 28, 2011 in New York City. The celebrations for the worldwide symbol of freedom and of friendship between France and the United States included the naturalization of 125 new citizens from 46 nations and the installation of Internet webcams on the statue.NYCの自由の女神 
In this Nov. 30, 2012 file photo, the Statue of Liberty stands beyond parts of a brick walkway damaged in Superstorm Sandy on Liberty Island in New York. With scientists forecasting sea levels to rise by anywhere from several inches to several feet by 2100, historic structures and coastal heritage sites around the world are under threat. A multidisciplinary conference is scheduled to convene in Newport, R.I., this week to discuss preserving those structures and neighborhoods that could be threatened by rising seas.
近くで見ると、ハリケーン サンディの時の爪痕が残されています。あれは2012年でしたが、こういう暴風雨が来るとNYC自体がやばいのです。地下鉄の中に水が冠水しますから、交通機関が閉鎖されてしまいます。NYC自体がやばいという証でもあります。これが何年後なのかはまだ分かりません。

<p><strong>> Avg. number of 90°F+ days:</strong> 85<br><strong>> Record high:</strong> 108°F<br><strong>> Avg. daily high in July:</strong> 92.6°F<br><strong>> Avg. daily high in August:</strong> 91.4°F</p><p>With an average of 85 days of temperatures hitting 90°F and higher a year, Macon is the hottest city in Georgia and the 30th hottest in the country. The average temperature in Macon was 65.9°F last year, slightly higher than the city's 64.5°F normal average temperature. Though it ranks among the hottest U.S. cities, Macon also has its share of cold days. Temperatures in the city hit the freezing mark in about 43 days in a given year.</p>30位にメーコンが入っています。
7月の平均気温92度 90度以上の日が85日
<p><strong>> Avg. number of 90°F+ days:</strong> 97<br><strong>> Record high:</strong> 101°F<br><strong>> Avg. daily high in July:</strong> 91.8°F<br><strong>> Avg. daily high in August:</strong> 91.6°F</p><p>The temperature in Orlando, Florida hits or exceeds 90°F on 97 days in a given year. As was the case with many Florida cities, including Key West, Miami, and Tampa, the average temperature in Orlando in 2015 was the highest on record, reaching 75.6°F. Perhaps not surprisingly, in a given year, temperatures in hit freezing only once in Orlando.</p><p><strong><a href="http://247wallst.com/special-report/2016/06/13/cities-with-the-most-to-lose-in-a-hurricane/">ALSO READ: Cities Where Hurricanes Would Cause the Most Damage</a></strong></p>

<p><strong>> Avg. number of 90°F+ days:</strong> 103<br><strong>> Record high:</strong> 109°F<br><strong>> Avg. daily high in July:</strong> 91.5°F<br><strong>> Avg. daily high in August:</strong> 92.3°F</p><p>Houston is not only one of the largest cities in the country, but it is also one of the hottest. The city is one of only 20 where temperatures exceed 90°F on 100 days or more in a given year. Houston is not as dry as many of the hottest cities, however. On average, the city experiences rain on 103 days each year, more than in all but seven of the hottest cities in the United States.</p><p><strong><a href="http://247wallst.com/special-report/2016/06/09/the-50-highest-rated-ceos/">ALSO READ: The 50 Highest Rated CEOs</a></strong></p>
しかし90度以上の日が103日 ダラスが18位で7月の平均気温は95.8度<p><strong>> Avg. number of 90°F+ days:</strong> 108<br><strong>> Record high:</strong> 113°F<br><strong>> Avg. daily high in July:</strong> 98.4°F<br><strong>> Avg. daily high in August:</strong> 97.1°F</p><p>Fresno averages 108 days a year when temperatures hit or exceed 90°F, more than in all but a dozen other U.S. cities. The average temperature in the city in 2015 was 66.6°F, the city's fourth highest average temperature in the last 68 years. Average summer temperatures in Fresno are the fourth highest in the country, with an average high of 98.4°F in July and 97.1°F in August.</p><p><strong><a href="http://247wallst.com/special-report/2016/06/07/cities-americans-are-abandoning/">ALSO READ: Cities Americans are Abandoning</a></strong></p>
13位にフレスノ(CA)、7月の平均気温は98.4度、90度以上の日が108日<p><strong>> Avg. number of 90°F+ days:</strong> 114<br><strong>> Record high:</strong> 112°F<br><strong>> Avg. daily high in July:</strong> 95.6°F<br><strong>> Avg. daily high in August:</strong> 97.0°F</p><p>Though Austin has the same number of days with temperatures reaching at least 90°F in a given year as San Angelo, Austin has a slightly higher record temperature and generally hotter summers than its neighbor to the northwest. Austin also gets more precipitation than San Angelo. Each year, the city has an average of about 34 days with more than a hundredth of an inch of precipitation. In San Angelo, there are only about 21 days with such precipitation.</p><p><a href="http://247wallst.com/special-report/2016/06/05/states-drinking-the-most-beer/"><strong>ALSO READ: States Drinking the Most Beer</strong> </a></p>
7位 意外にもオースティン、7月の平均気温は95.6度、90度以上の日が114日<p><strong>> Avg. number of 90°F+ days:</strong> 135<br><strong>> Record high:</strong> 117°F<br><strong>> Avg. daily high in July:</strong> 104.1°F<br><strong>> Avg. daily high in August:</strong> 101.4°F</p><p>With an average temperature of 71.9°F, 2015 was the second hottest year in Las Vegas since record keeping began 67 years ago. Temperatures hit at least 90°F an average of 135 days a year, the third most of any city in the country. In addition to being hot, Las Vegas is also sunny and dry. There are 210 days of clear skies in a given year, the second most of any U.S. city. Las Vegas also has only 26 days a year of any precipitation, the least of any U.S. city.</p><p><strong><a href="http://247wallst.com/special-report/2016/06/02/states-adding-and-losing-the-most-jobs/">ALSO READ: States Losing the Most Jobs</a></strong></p>
3位 ベガス 7月の平均気温は104.1度、90度以上の日が135日
<p><strong>> Avg. number of 90°F+ days:</strong> 146<br><strong>> Record high:</strong> 117°F<br><strong>> Avg. daily high in July:</strong> 99.4°F<br><strong>> Avg. daily high in August:</strong> 96.8°F</p><p>Temperatures hit 90°F or higher in Tucson two out of every five days each year. Last year’s average temperature of 71.6°F was the second hottest on record in the city. The summer months can be especially hot in the Arizona city, with an average high of 99.4°F in July. The hottest temperature ever recorded in the city, however, was in June,1990, when temperatures hit 117°F, tied as the third highest temperature ever recorded in a U.S. city.</p>
2位 ツーソン 7月の平均気温は99.4度、90度以上の日が146日<p><strong>> Avg. number of 90°F+ days:</strong> 169<br><strong>> Record high:</strong> 122°F<br><strong>> Avg. daily high in July:</strong> 106.1°F<br><strong>> Avg. daily high in August:</strong> 104.4°F</p><p>With 169 days of temperatures at or above 90°F, Phoenix is by far the hottest city in the country. Average high temperatures in July and August are 106.1°F and 104.4°F, respectively, each the hottest in the country. The city also holds the record for the hottest temperature ever recorded in a U.S. city. On June 26, 1990, temperatures hit 122°F in Phoenix. The city is also relatively dry. There are only eight days a year on average where the city gets more than a hundredth of an inch of precipitation.</p><p><strong><a href="http://247wallst.com/special-report/2016/06/01/the-richest-town-in-every-state/">ALSO READ: The Richest Town in Every State</a></strong></p>
堂々の1位はフェニックス 7月の平均気温は106.1度、90度以上の日が169日という驚異的な暑さでした。暑い街の大半はテキサスかアリゾナでした。

 緑茶には、心臓病や脳卒中、インフルエンザになるリスクを減らし、最近はダウン症の症状を改善するという研究まで出されるなど、多くの健康効果が明らかになっているのですが、金沢大学の研究で 新たに、緑茶を毎日飲むと認知症になりにくいという研究が発表されました。

 寝るときはノーパンで! ニューヨークの産婦人科医で自著「V is for Vagina」が有名なアリッサ・デュエック医師は「患者にはノーパンで寝ることをすすめている」とのこと。女性用下着の多くは、ナイロンやポリエステルといったあまり空気を通さない素材が用いられ、通気性の悪い下着を一日中身につけていると、バクテリアやイースト菌の温床になりやすく、膣炎などの感染症を引き起こす原因となる。デリケートゾーンの悩みは、親しい間柄の人同士でもでもなかなか口にすることがない話題なので、その実情は知られていないが、なんと女性の約3分の1が、菌の発生による感染症に悩まされているといわれている。
黒にんにく? にんにくを発酵させたものです。普通でも健康に良いにんにくが発酵することによって、そのパワーを増すのですが、10-数十倍になります。まさに脅威の健康食品と化けるのです。昨日から私も家で作っていますが、10-14日かかります。炊飯器に入れて保温状態にするだけです。
 Atlanta, GA 7-Day Forecast


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