今日の出来事から 7月27日(水) ランチ2連敗ディナー2連勝



Fanta Grape<p>Nutrition, 16 fl oz: 240 calories, 0 g fat, 0 g saturated fat, 45 mg sodium, 65 g carbs, 65 g sugar, 0 g fiber, 0 g protein</p><p>Don't get us wrong; pretty much all sodas are a no-go if you want to maintain a clean diet or lose weight—but this purple carbonated calorie bomb is hands down the worst of the lot. Liquify a bag of Skittles and you'd still have to add 6 grams of sugar to equal the sweetness of this can of corn syrup, citric acid, and artificial colors. In fact, that bag of Skittles has the exact same ingredients, including Red 40, which Canadian researchers found to be contaminated with known carcinogens. Even without its unsettling origin story—the Coca-Cola company created Fanta to profit in Germany when Nazis forbid the importation of USA-made Coke—this would still be the absolute worst <a href="http://www.eatthis.com/soda">soda</a> in America.</p><p><strong>Drink This Instead:</strong> Any of these <a href="http://www.eatthis.com/healthy-soda-alternatives">15 New Drinks That Make it Easy to Quit Soda</a> make for healthy alternatives. </p>ファンタ 1缶で240カロリーはコーラのほぼ2倍Ragu Chunky Tomato, Garlic&Onion<p>Nutrition, 1/2 cup: 90 calories, 2 g fat, 0 g saturated fat, 460 mg sodium, 16 g carbs, 2 g fiber, 12 g sugar, 2 g protein</p><p>Despite conventional wisdom, pasta isn't all that bad—it's the processed American pasta sauces loaded with excess calories, mounds of salt, and buckets of added sugar that give your plate of carby heaven such a bad reputation. Among the worst on the supermarket shelf? Ragu Chunky Tomato, Garlic&Onion. A glance at the name gives you an idea of how you'll look after spooning this sauce over your pasta: chunky. Full of more sugar than a bowl of Froot Loops cereal and fats entirely from likely pesticide-laden soybean oil, this pick is definitely a Not That!</p><p><strong>Eat This Instead:</strong> Cucina Antica Tomato Basil (<a href="http://amzn.to/29ZShB3">Buy It Now!</a>)<br>Nutrition, 1/2 cup: 35 calories, 1.5 g fat, 1 g saturated fat, 240 mg sodium, 6 g carbs, 2 g fiber, 1 g sugar, 1 g protein</p>RAGUパスタソース パスタを食べること自体は悪くないが、こうした既製品のソースはカロリーが高い
Fast Fixin' Chicken Nuggets<p>Nutrition, 4 pc, 75 g: 180 calories, 11 g fat, 2.5 g saturated fat, 510 mg sodium, 13 g carbs, 1 g fiber, 1 g sugar, 9 g protein</p><p>You can dig up nuggets of information, gather nuggets of wisdom, even pan for nuggets of gold. But good luck finding a nugget of chicken in these. Most of what you'll find in the grocery stores are actually nuggets of bread, preservatives, and flavorings, with shredded, crushed, and extruded bits of poultry mixed in. Appetizing, we know. Fast Fixin', the brand with the most calories, fat, and sodium per gram and the creepiest list of ingredients, claims they have a new and improved recipe, which really makes us wonder what was in the last batch. Made with added fat, three kinds of sugar, and caramel coloring (an additive typically found in soda that's a possible carcinogen for humans), this is one nugget you should leave in the freezer section. For more nuggets that will crush your flat belly dreams, check out our special report, <a href="http://www.eatthis.com/best-frozen-chicken-nuggets">Every Frozen Chicken Nugget—Ranked!</a>! </p><p><strong>Eat This Instead:</strong> Applegate Naturals Chicken Nuggets (<a href="http://amzn.to/2a6CRJ4">Buy It Now!</a>)<br>Nutrition, 7 pc, 88 g: 180 calories, 9 g fat, 2 g saturated fat, 210 mg sodium, 12 g carbs, 0 g fiber, 0 g sugar, 12 g protein</p>冷凍チキンナゲット
Udi's Natural Artisan Granola<p>Nutrition, 1 cup: 520 calories 20g fat, 2g saturated fat, 8g fiber 20g sugars 12g protein</p><p>At first glance, Udi's seems like that rare exception: a gluten-free cereal that's actually good for you. That's because the package lists 130 calories and just 5 grams of sugar per serving. But look closer, and you see a serving is a mere ¼ cup—barely enough to cover the bottom of your cereal bowl. Four times that amount is what a typical cereal serving would be—and now you're eating almost as many calories as a Big Mac before you even pour in the milk. </p><p><strong>Eat This Instead:</strong> Enjoy Life Crunchy Flax with Chia Cereal<br>Nutrition, 1 cup: 270 calories 5 g fat, 0 g saturated fat, 7 g fiber 4 g sugars 9 g protein</p>グラノーラ、このブランドは1カップ520カロリーDigiorno Small-Sized Four-Cheese Traditional Crust<p>Nutrition, 1 pizza: 710 calories, 29 g fat, 14 g saturated fat, 1,190 mg sodium, 88 g carbs (4 g fiber, 12 g sugar), 25 g protein</p><p>If Digiorno is going to market a pizza as being "personal sized," you can't fault us for providing nutritional information for the whole pie. Even though they deceptively call the serving size half a pie, anything that's dubbed an individual pie is bound is get ravaged solo. (It's one of the reasons they're on our list of <a href="http://www.eatthis.com/sneaky-serving-sizes">14 Sneaky Types of Food With Bogus Serving Sizes</a>.) If you're not into sharing your slices, the better option, hands down, is Amy's. Not only does it have a fraction of the calories, it's relatively low in sodium for a frozen dish, too. </p><p><strong>Eat This Instead:</strong> Amy's Light&Lean Cheese Pizza<br>Nutrition, 1 pizza: 270 calories, 6 g fat, 3 g saturated fat, 480 mg sodium, 38 g carbs (3 g fiber, 6 g sugar), 14 g protein</p>DiGiornoピザ 1枚720カロリーTilefish<p>Nutrition, 3 oz: 82 calories, 1.96 g fat, 0.4 g saturated fat, 45 mg sodium, 0 g carbs, 0 g fiber, 0 g sugar, 14.9 g protein</p><p>Tilefish has the highest mercury level among <a href="http://www.eatthis.com/fish">all varieties of fish</a>, with 883 parts of mercury per billion, on average. And those you find from the Gulf of Mexico? Mercury levels can reach up to 1,445 parts per billion! That's 45 percent higher than the USDA-allowed maximum. Atlantic mackerel is a far safer choice. Listed on Seafood Watch's "Super Green List," this fish is a triple threat: it's low in mercury, provides almost eight times the recommended intake of omega-3 (a type of <a href="http://www.eatthis.com/healthy-fats">healthy fat</a>), and is classified as a "Best Choice" in terms of sustainability. Just watch out for canned mackerel, which can have mercury levels up to 586 parts per billion.</p><p><strong>Eat This Instead:</strong> Atlantic Mackerel<br>Nutrition, 3 oz: 174 calories, 11.8 g fat, 2.8 g saturated fat, 76 mg sodium, 0 g carbs, 0 g fiber, 0 g sugar, 15.8 g protein</p>Tile Fish アマダイは鉛が多い
Peter Pan Creamy Original<p>Nutrition, 2 Tbsp: 210 calories, 17 g fat (3 g saturated fat,) 140 mg sodium, 6 g carbs, 2 g fiber, 3 g sugar, 8 g protein</p><p>Four oils, sugar, and salt compete for space in what should be a jar of blended nuts. And if you can even believe it, one serving has more fat and sodium than a small order of French fries from McDonald's. If Peter Pan had eaten this, he'd be too fat to fly. Instead, turn to Smucker's Natural Peanut Butter Creamy, which is made of nothing more than peanuts and salt. Even better: Compared to some artisanal brands, Smucker's is fairly affordable. </p><p><strong>Eat This Instead:</strong> Smucker's Natural Peanut Butter Creamy (<a href="http://amzn.to/2a1hVza">Buy It Now!</a>)<br>Nutrition, 2 Tbsp: 200 calories, 16 g fat, 2.5 g saturated fat, 105 mg sodium, 6 g carbs, 2 g fiber, 1 g sugar, 8 g protein</p>ピーターパンのPバター、2tbsで210カロリー
Honey Smacks<p>Nutrition, 1 cup: 133 calories, 0.5 g fat (0 g saturated), 53 mg sodium, 32 g carbs, 1.5 g fiber, 20 g sugars, 2.7 g protein</p><p>Sugar. It's what turns a pile of musty grapes into a fine cabernet or a bitter cacao bean into an exquisite chocolate truffle. It's also what turns a healthy breakfast into an energy-sapping, bathroom-scale-tipping, nutritional disaster. And chances are pretty good that your breakfast cereal has a lot more of it than you think. With 60 percent of its calories coming from sugar, Honey Smacks is easily one of the worst ways to start your day. Although it's lower in sodium than most other cereal options in the grocery store, it contains the worst kind of fat you can consume: hydrogenated oils, plus appetite-increasing soy lecithin and BHT. With less than 2 grams of fiber, these sweet wheat puffs are the equivalent of kissing a frog. And while we're on the subject of childhood favorites, don't miss our essential list: Every Menu Item at McDonald's—Ranked!</p><p><strong>Eat This Instead:</strong> Post Shredded Wheat Spoon Size Wheat 'n Bran (<a href="http://amzn.to/29UdrLn">Buy It Now!</a>)<br>Nutrition, 1 cup: 168 calories, 1.2 g fat, 0 g saturated fat, 0 mg sodium, 37.6 g carbs, 6.4 g fiber, 0 g sugar, 5.6 g protein</p>甘いシリアルも要注意!
Chili's Southern Smokehouse Bacon Burger<p>Nutrition, burger with fries: 1,400 calories, 84 g fat, 28 g saturated fat, 2 g saturated fat, 3,780 mg sodium, 105 g carbs, 5 g fiber, 25 g sugar, 64 g protein</p><p>A typical burger at Chili's will cost you a cool 1,000 calories—without fries!—and with this ground-beef bomb, the chain pulls out all the gut-busting stops: cheese, bacon, fried onions, barbecue sauce, and mayo. This blatant display of excess translates into a sandwich with nearly as many calories as 2.5 Big Macs and far more than your recommended daily allotment of salt. There's only one way to safely get your meat fix at Chili's: Order a steak and pair it with respectable sides—and a tall glass of water (or three!). Everything there is packed with bloat-inducing salt. </p><p><strong>Eat This Instead:</strong> 6 oz Classic Sirloin with Broccoli and Quinoa&Wheat Berry Blend<br>Nutrition, 550 calories, 22.5 g fat, 7.5 g saturated fat, 1,320 mg sodium, 29 g carbs, 6 g fiber, 5 g sugar, 40 g protein</p>Wバーガー これはChili's Southern Smokehouse Bacon Burgerですが、1400カロリー
Quiznos Chicken Carbonara<p>Nutrition, 12": 1,360 calories, 70 g fat, 20 g saturated fat, 1.5 g trans fat, 3,340 mg sodium, 103 g carbs, 7 g fiber, 14 g sugar, 83 g protein</p><p>Carbonara is code for cream, cream, and more cream. Grilled chicken is usually a safe sandwich stuffer, but a smothering of Parmesan Alfredo sauce—along with the fatty one-two punch of bacon and cheese—makes for a chicken sub with more than a day's allotment of saturated fat. A 160-pound person would have to go on a three-hour hike just to burn off this sandwich's calorie load. There are much smarter ways to spend your lunch money. The basil pesto turkey flatbread (turkey, mozzarella, Italian cheese, lettuce, tomatoes, mayo, basil pesto), for example, delivers hints of Italian flavor (like the carbonara) without serving up dangerous trans fats nor nearly an entire day's calories. The winner here is clear.</p><p><strong>Eat This Instead:</strong> Basil Pesto Turkey Flatbread<br>Nutrition: 350 calories, 15 g fat, 2.5 g saturated fat, 0 g trans fat, 1,070 mg sodium, 30 g carbs, 4 g fiber, 3 g sugar, 21 g protein</p>Quiznos Chicken Carbonara 12ft1390カロリーCalifornia Pizza Kitchen Full Moroccan Spiced Chicken Salad<p>Nutrition: 1,500 calories, 99 g fat, 10 g saturated fat, 1,380 g sodium, 80 g carbs, 27 g fiber, 80 g sugar, 43 g protein</p><p>We're pretty sure Morocco would be annoyed to learn their top spice, according to CPK, is sugar. If you wouldn't shove four Hostess Chocolate Cupcakes into your mouth in one sitting, then you'd best steer clear of this super-sweet salad! To cut out 68 grams of sugar and nearly 1,000 calories, get the chain's half-size Roast Veggie and Grilled Chicken salad, instead. Ask for the dressing on the side, and only use a few spoonfuls to ensure you're keeping calories and fat under lock. For even more calorie-saving hacks, check out these 25 Ways to Cut 250 Calories!</p><p><strong>Eat This Instead:</strong> Quinoa and Arugula Salad<br>Nutrition: 590 calories, 36 g fat, 4.5 g saturated fat, 730 mg sodium, 58 g carbs, 13 g fiber, 9 g sugar, 17 protein</p>不健康なサラダ California Pizza Kitchen Full Moroccan Spiced Chicken Salad 1500カロリー
Outback Steakhouse Bloomin' Onion<p>Nutrition: 1,954 calories,155 g fat, 56 g saturated fat, 7.35 g trans fat, 3,841 mg sodium, 122 g carbs,14 g fiber, 18 g sugar, 18 g protein</p><p>According to Outback's Web site, its signature starter is "hand-carved by a dedicated bloomologist." We have no idea what that means, but let's go ahead andconsider bloomology the science of diet destruction. This bouquet of batter-dipped produce is the caloric equivalent of eating an entire medium Pizza Hut pepperoni pizza—before your dinner! What's more, it also delivers two days' worth of cholesterol-boosting trans fats and enough sodium to keep your cardiologist up at night. Find out which other menu items to avoid at all costs in our exclusive report on <a href="http://www.eatthis.com/restaurant-menu-worst-options">The #1 Worst Menu Option at 40 Popular Restaurants</a>!</p><p><strong>Eat This Instead:</strong> Grilled Shrimp on the Barbie<br>Nutrition: 582 calories, 13 g saturated fat, 0.25 g trans fat, 1,570 mg sodium, 43 g carbs, 2.5 g fiber, 2.6 g sugar, 34.4 g protein</p>これは有名、Outback Steakhouse Bloomin' Onion これだけで1950カロリーもあります。

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