今日の出来事から 7月12日(火)今週はギャンブルだ!

 そうです、今夜、木曜日そして土曜日です。Chastain Parkでコンサートがあります特に木曜日はBoys2Men、これはかなり行けそうです。コンサート開始の前が勝負です。土曜日はパット・ベネター、80年代の前半に活躍したので、知ってる人は少ないようですが、それでも「往年の歌手」を見に人は来るでしょう。その前の腹ごしらえがうちの店になるわけです。すでに火曜日はいつも以上の予約があり、ここに便乗して儲けんで、どこで儲けまんねん!

 People rally in Dallas, Texas, on Thursday, July 7, 2016 to protest the deaths of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile.
Black motorist Philando Castile, 32, a school cafeteria worker, was shot at close range by a Minnesota cop and seen bleeding to death i暇人?
 この人達はひまなのでしょうか? デモ行進してお金もらえるわけでもないし、暑いのに表に出て何を考えている??? としか私は思いません。昨夜も州知事公邸の前に群衆が集まり、ご近所閉鎖。アトランタで事件は起きていません、するんじゃない!

 暑いですか? エアコンない? ではこうしましょう!!!
<p>The fastest, easiest fix for cooling down your house is opening your windows—but you have to do it the right way. Open them too wide, and you'll get no air movement; open them too little, and you'll just swelter. See <a href="http://www.rodalesorganiclife.com/home/how-keep-your-house-cool-without-ac"><strong>How To Keep Your House Cool Without AC</strong></a> to learn an easy trick for creating drafts by strategically opening windows.</p>窓を開ける!!!
<p>Ice is one of the <a href="http://www.rodalesorganiclife.com/wellbeing/staying-cool"><strong>8 Cheapest, Easiest Ways To Stay Cool</strong></a>. Using ice in front of fans or frozen ice packs in your pillow at night are two low-energy ways to beat the heat. </p>アイスパックをカラダにあてる!!!<p><a href="http://www.rodalesorganiclife.com/home/what-southerners-taught-us-about-keeping-houses-cool"><strong>What Southerners Taught Us About Keeping Houses Cool</strong></a> is that you could spend big bucks on fancy awnings or efficient shutters for your windows, or you can almost get the same cooling effect with shade plants in your garden. Sunflowers, morning glory, and even hops that you can use to make your own beer are fast-growing shade plants that you can enjoy within weeks of planting. </p>植物を植える!!!
<p>When it finally does get so hot that an air conditioner is necessary, learn how to use it efficiently and make sure you're looking out for <a href="http://www.rodalesorganiclife.com/home/efficient-air-conditioner-use"><strong>Signs You're Using Your Air Conditioner Wrong</strong></a>. Wondering <strong><a href="http://www.rodalesorganiclife.com/home/leave-your-ac-or-turn-it">if it's better to leave your A/C on all day or turn it off</a></strong>? Turs out, it's actually more energy-efficient to turn it off when you're not home because air conditioners work more efficiently at full blast. So even though you may come home to a sweltering house, know that you've saving money and energy by keeping it off until you're there.</p>でも最後はエアコン!!!

<p>Whether you eat all the wrong foods or too much of everything, a poor diet is almost a surefire guarantee that you'll age faster than your DNA intended. To limit calories and take in more nutrients, aim to eat foods that are still close to the condition they were harvested in. Fruits, vegetables, whole grains, meats, for example. Limit processed foods, which are packed with <a href="http://www.rodalewellness.com/food/daily-salt-intake">salt</a>, <a href="http://www.rodalewellness.com/weight-loss/6-sneaky-sources-of-sugar">sugar</a>, and additives and preservatives you just don't need.</p>1、悪い食べ物
<p>If you don't sleep soundly or enough, your whole body will suffer. Sleep is one of the most critical components of a healthy, happy, productive life, so follow these <a href="http://www.rodalewellness.com/health/50-ways-to-sleep-better-tonight">50 steps to better sleep</a>. Sleep helps your brain forge new connections. It also recharges your body's systems.</p><p>Skimping on sleep has been shown to <a href="http://www.rodalewellness.com/weight-loss/how-sleep-hurts-weight-loss">increase your risk of weight gain</a>, cancer, and basically any health problem you can possibly imagine. It might sound like an exaggeration, but decades of medical literature can't be wrong.</p>2、悪睡眠+睡眠不足
<p>Occasional stress is good for you. It's motivating. A little jolt of stress gets you going by triggering the release of hormones like adrenaline. It's the old evolutionary fight-or-flight response. However, <a href="http://www.rodalewellness.com/mind-spirit/how-deal-stress">stress</a> and its subsequent rush of hormones can cause us a lot of headaches (even <a href="http://www.rodalewellness.com/health/6-lifestyle-changes-for-migraine-prevention">migraines</a>) and heartache. Over time, chronic stress can make you look and feel older and contribute to a whole bunch of problems.</p>3、ストレス
<p>Sloth is one of the seven deadly sins, and not even a fun one. And research suggests you should take the "deadly" part literally. Sitting deactivates the skeletal muscles in your lower body, ushering in negative metabolic consequences. It's never too late to change. So what's a desk jockey to do? Get up more often. Stand up at your desk, and <a href="http://www.rodalewellness.com/fitness/5-ways-move-more-work">move more at work</a>. Schedule walking meetings. Move around during conference calls. </p>4、運動不足
<p>You wouldn't swallow something poisonous on purpose, but you may slowly be poisoning yourself. Scientists have long known that <a href="http://www.rodalewellness.com/health/6-ways-to-lower-your-bodys-toxic-burden">exposure to large amounts of toxins</a>, like lead, mercury, or arsenic can kill you. But now, research also suggests that chronic exposure to relatively low quantities of <a href="http://www.rodalewellness.com/living-well/healthy-home-0">toxic chemicals</a> can wreak havoc on your health. These substances may build up in your blood, body fat, or other tissues, where they can disrupt your hormones and other body systems.</p>5、毒物
<p>If you can avoid boozing, smoking, and doing drugs, you'll do your body a big favor. These vices cause damage faster than you think. It only takes 15 minutes for cigarette smoking to harm your DNA, according to a study published in Chemical Research in Toxicology, so make it a point to <a href="http://www.rodalewellness.com/health/quit-smoking">quit smoking today</a>. And over a lifetime, that stuff adds up. Guys who drink excessively or smoke have about triple the risk of dying during a given time period compared to those who don't use.</p>6、たばこや麻薬
<p>If high blood pressure, high blood sugar, or high <a href="http://www.rodalewellness.com/food/cholesterol-lowering-avocado">cholesterol</a> go undetected, they will wreck your body. Trouble is, sometimes you don't know they even have these problems until they have a <a href="http://www.rodalewellness.com/health/heart-attack-causes">heart attack</a> or a stroke, and by then, it might be too late. Ask your doctor about screening tests, and keep an eye out for signs of trouble. </p><p><strong>Adapted from <a href="http://www.menshealthbettermanproject.com/menshealthBetterManProject/index?utm_source=rodalewellness&utm_medium=article&utm_campaign=bettermanproject">Better Man Project</a></strong></p>7、体の危険信号を無視

 南シナ海をめぐる中国の主張や行動は国連海洋法条約違反などとしてフィリピンが申し立てた仲裁手続きで、オランダ・ハーグの仲裁裁判所は、中国が「歴史的権利」として主張する「九段線」について国際法上の根拠は認められないとの裁定を公表。南シナ海のほぼ全域の主権を主張して強引に進出する中国に対し、初めて国際法に基づく判断が下されました。YES!! さてこれで中国は引き下がるのでしょうか???

 ニンテンドーのポケモンGOが売れているんだそうです。私は全く、興味ないですけどね。スマホでゲーム? スマホは電話をするものです。

 東大って、すごいですかねえ? 日本人の目には日本の頂点みたいなところがありますが、すでにアジアの1位はシンガポール大学だそうです。その理由の1つは、英語で教えないからだとか。日本の大学なので日本人専門、日本語で教える。これは当たり前のようですが、世界的にみると、これはガラパゴスなんでしょう。

 ダイヤモンドのアクセルランク1位は「婚活女性の4割が医者と結婚したいと患う」です。勘違いしていますねえ。「“お医者さま”を紹介してください」―― こう言って、結婚相談所に駆け込んでくる女性はとても多い。
 そこまで執念を燃やす必要があるんでしょうか? 高いものをねだるよりも、自分の分母を増やすことが大事ではないでしょうかねえ???

 Atlanta, GA 7-Day Forecast

 どうも日本人は綺麗に生活したいのではないかと思いますね。スマートな生き方とでも言いましょうか? お金儲けもキレイにやりたい。医者や弁護士ならきれいなお金儲けですか? そして名声??、医者や弁護士なら格好いい。汗流してもきれいに儲けてもお金はお金です。自分に能力のない人間ほど、そういうものを求める。上に書いたようにギャンブル結婚に執念を燃やす。まあ、上の女性は50歳代のバツイチ医者と結婚したそうです。それでも結婚後に上手く行くのでしょうか? 年収300万円だった人が1千万円以上の人と結婚してその生活環境、お金の使い方などで合うのでしょうか?疑問です。
 今週は稼がせてもらいます! いつ死んでも後悔しないこと、必死は必ず死ぬとも意味が取れますが、そうならないために上手いことやらんといけません。


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