今日の出来事から 3月1日(火) 情けなやー

 あー情けない昨日の売り上げ。ランチは最高でしたよ。「いよいよ最後の週でみんな来ている」と思っていたのですが、とんでもない。ディナーは死んでいました。AT&Tの電話のせいか? アカデミーのあとで疲れているのか? もう閉店したと思っているのか?久しぶりの15人以下という来店数にすることもなくただただ落胆していました。

<p>"Though I love pretty much any nut you can throw at me, pistachios are one of my favorite. You can have two large handfuls for just 160 calories, plus they're loaded with healthy fats and are downright tasty. I also like that you have to take them out of the shell, which slows things down so you can savor the flavor."<br> —<a href="http://www.joybauer.com/">Joy Bauer</a>, MS, RD, founder of <a href="https://nourishsnacks.com/">NourishSnacks</a> and the nutrition and health expert for NBC's TODAY Show</p>ピスタチオ
<p>"I always have a green juice or <a href="http://www.womenshealthmag.com/tags/smoothies?cid=isynd_PV_0216">smoothie</a>, as it's a surefire way to load up on nutrients."<br> —<a href="http://www.healthybitesdelivery.com/">Katie Cavuto</a>, MS, RD, the dietician for the Phillies and the Flyers</p>グリーンジュースやスムージー
<p>"Coffee—it has so many benefits to almost every part of the body (brain, skin, heart, etc.)."</p><p><strong>MORE:</strong> <a href="http://www.womenshealthmag.com/fitness/does-coffee-hydrate?cid=isynd_PV_0216">Is Coffee the New Sports Drink?</a> </p><p>"I also eat arugula daily because it's green and I love the taste—and popcorn because it's high in antioxidants and fiber."<br> —<a href="http://www.womenshealthmag.com/nutrition/healthy-eating-facts">Kristin Kirkpatrick</a>, MS, RD, a wellness manager at the Cleveland Clinic Wellness Institute</p>コーヒー
<p>"Greek yogurt, almond butter, and chocolate. I honestly can find a use for plain, nonfat Greek yogurt in just about anything (sweet or savory!). It's high-protein, nutrient-rich, and low-calorie—which makes it great with fruit and an easy base for dip instead of anything cream- or mayo-based. And it's now pretty widely available, so it's easy to grab when I'm in a time crunch. Almond butter is delicious, high in protein and monounsaturated fat, and automatically makes any snack or breakfast more satiating (need I mention tasty). Yes, it's high-calorie, so loading up on tablespoon after tablespoon is an easy way to overdo it (the serving is one tablespoon!). But it's filling—especially when eaten with a high-fiber food for a snack (my favorite are pears)—so you don't need much. And I eat chocolate because it's delicious. Period."<br> —Jaclyn London, MS, RD, senior clinical dietician at <a href="http://www.mountsinai.org/patient-care/inpatient-services/clinical-nutrition">Mount Sinai Hospital</a></p>ギリシアヨーグルト
<p>"Almost every dinner I have, whether at home or out, I start with a salad."</p><p><strong>MORE:</strong> <a href="http://www.womenshealthmag.com/nutrition/salad-topping-ideas?cid=isynd_PV_0216">6 Next-Level Salad Toppings You've Never Thought Of </a></p><p>"Lettuce, cucumbers, tomatoes, red onion, and slivered almonds is my go-to when making it myself."<br> —<a href="http://www.kerigansnutrition.com/">Keri Gans</a>, RD, author of <a href="http://www.amazon.com/The-Small-Change-Diet-Healthier/dp/B0058M64GO">The Small Change Diet</a></p>サラダ
<p>"I eat eggs almost every day. I find them to be the perfect breakfast or a really simple way to get protein in when I'm busy working or with my kids. The added vitamins like choline are an extra plus, too! There is always something green with lunch and dinner. Lately I've been obsessing over Gotham Greens lettuce and make a super-quick lunch or dinner side daily with it."<br> —Brooke Alpert, M.S., R.D., founder of <a href="http://b-nutritious.com/">B Nutritious</a></p>卵やレタス
<p>"I don't have a food that I have every single day, but I do eat oatmeal with organic milk for breakfast about 80% of the time because I love the taste."</p><p><strong>MORE:</strong> <a href="http://www.womenshealthmag.com/nutrition/healthy-eating-facts?cid=isynd_PV_0216">14 Food Nutritionists Never Eat </a></p><p>"It provides protein and fiber, and it satisfies me."<br> —<a href="http://nutritionexpert.com/">Mitzi Dulan</a>, RD, author of <a href="http://www.amazon.com/The-Pinterest-Diet-Your-Thin/dp/0989723941">The Pinterest Diet</a></p>オートミールやアーモンド

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