今日の出来事から 3月31日(木) 3月の終わり、第一四半期の終わり




Remember back in 2007 when all those toys manufactured in China were recalled because they were made with lead-based paint? Well, there’s a good chance some of them are still popping up at yard sales. And we’re not just talking about cheap toys from the 99-cent store. The recall included brand-name wooden trains and small metal cars, as well as dozens of Fisher-Price items featuring kids’ favorite characters. Antiques and collectibles likely contain lead, too, so be cautious about adding them to the playroom. Since there is no safe level of lead exposure, it pays to be wary. The stamp “Made in China” on newer toys may be a tip-off that lead is present.子供のおもちゃ、中国製でリコールかも??
The chemical chlorinated Tris was used to treat PJs back in the 1970s. It seemed like a good precaution in case of a midnight house fire until scientists realized chlorinated Tris is a cancer-causer and can have a damaging effect on DNA. So while those vintage pajamas may have a fun print, stay away. Opt for organic cotton sleepwear instead.子供のパジャマ、古いものは有害だった可能性が。
The queen of yard sales, the iconic 1950s containers come in fun colors and seemingly last forever. But hold up. According to the company’s website, Tupperware only went BPA-free in 2010. And since scientists have begun to doubt the safety of BPA-free plastic anyway, you should probably stay away from these types of food containers in general. Opt for glass when you can. And if you do use Tupperware for keeping leftovers, transfer the food to a plate before microwaving, since heating will leach more chemicals into your food.古いタッパーウェア、やはり古いものは有害だった。There are tons of questionable ingredients like DEA in makeup to begin with, and even if you find something unopened at a garage sale, you have no idea how long it’s been sitting around. The molecules in old, expired makeup have probably begun to break down, which can cause irritation and inflammation. Plus, if it’s been used already (yuck), why would you want it anyway? Cough up a few extra dollars and try Our Favorite Organic Makeup that free of harsh chemicals.化粧品、こんなの買う人いるのか???Fishing weights are another product commonly made with lead, and while technically still legal in most places, they can poison wildlife when lost in rivers and streams. Vintage sinkers are almost certainly made of lead, so pass them up in favor of new ones made from steel or tin.古い釣り具の重り、鉛でできています、今はスズ。Old-school ceramic dish sets like Fiestaware may contain lead paint, though it can be hard to know for sure without having them tested. The FDA told Smithsonian Magazine that they began enforcing limits on leachable lead in tableware about 40 years ago, though they only recommend discarding the pieces if they’re pitted or chipped, which makes leaching more likely. Bottom line: Proceed with caution.古い皿、これも塗料に鉛が入っている可能性あり。Antique thermometers commonly used mercury, a liquid metal that shrinks and expands depending on the temperature. They’ve been largely phased out because mercury is poisonous if inhaled in large amounts (it eventually turns to vapor when released from the vial). You’ll know if you have a mercury thermometer because the liquid in it is silver, not red. (Red thermometers are alcohol-based.) If you find a vintage thermometer you really like, check for signs of wear and tear (that could lead to cracks) before taking it home.古い温度計、水銀が入ってます。


 ストレス発散になっているそうですが、屋内でストレス発散ですか??? ゴルフの方がストレス発散です。そして時にゴルフはストレスを生み出します。


 Atlanta, GA 7-Day Forecast

 今週は、3日間終わって、皆さんに助けられ、3勝0敗で来ています。全勝できるのか? 今夜は日本からのお客さんが3名来る予定になっています。これまた1年ぶりの再会です。マスターズ話で盛り上がることでしょう。


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