今日の出来事から 2月25日(木) 明日は226事件、戦え君たち!

 革命だー! まあ、何でもいい。敵を作って戦ってください。ついでに教科書で教えられた226事件と実際の226事件は違います。明治以降の近代史は実に面白いのですが、それが表には出てきません。

<p>There's no denying that <a href="http://www.eatthis.com/how-to-make-a-smoothie-bowl">smoothie bowls</a> are delicious. They can be super healthy, too, as long as they're made with whole foods with sensible portion sizes. The problem: Many of these smoothie bowls—especially the ones found in restaurants—are calorie and sugar bombs made with fruit juices, purees, honey, and sweetened yogurt. The result? A snack that clocks in at several hundred calories—and sometimes (way) over your daily recommended sugar intake.</p>店で売られているスムージーボウル
<p>Granola has to be healthy, right? Wrong. The crunchy stuff made with oats averages a whopping 597 calories per cup—not to mention 28 grams of fat and 24 grams of sugar per cup. Yes, per cup! There are somewhat healthier versions of your favorite crunchy granola, but your best bet is to ditch it for oatmeal.</p>グラノーラのバー
<p>Need to step your veggie game up? Don't go for veggie chips. This health food aisle staple seems like it would be healthy, the way they're processed in manufacturing plants means you're getting a ton of sodium (and maybe even sugar) without all of the nutrients. Crunch into some raw carrots or celery sticks, instead! But for some packaged foods you can get away with, check out these <a href="http://www.eatthis.com/best-processed-foods">17 Processed Foods Nutritionists Actually Approve Of</a>.</p>野菜のチップス
<p>Yogurt is a wonderful food; the probiotics found in it are great for your gut, plus it's loaded with protein. But the health benefits are wiped out when you eat the flavored versions sold at stores. The reason: They're loaded with sugar—sometimes 20 grams or more for just a few ounces of yogurt. Keep yogurt healthy by looking for low-sugar versions (ideally less than 8 grams) and add a bit of sweetener or berries for taste. Want some probiotics but not a fan of yogurt? Consider looking into these <a href="http://www.eatthis.com/probiotic-products">14 Yogurt-Free Products with Probiotics</a>.</p>味のついたヨーグルト

  2月25日、金(ゴールド)市場への資金流入が勢いづいている。写真はロンドンで昨年7月撮影(2016年 ロイター/Neil Hall)マイナス金利でゴールド?
 最後の切り札はこれです。仮に中国がこけるようなことになれば世界経済は混沌とします。そうなると何を信じるのか? 紙に印刷した紙幣を信じますか?実物ですか?


Atlanta, GA 7-Day Forecast

 明日で横の靴屋さんが消えます。モール全体が出ていく中、もう半分以上はいません。再開発であと3週間ですべてのテナントが出ていく羽目になっています。うちも来週末で終わり。 ランチのパーキングで争いのあった靴屋も消え、来週は好きなようにパーキングが使えるわけですが、寂しいものがあります。


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