今日の出来事から 12月16日(水) 連敗!



 そして家のない女性、「三上さん、38歳。三上さんには家がない。デリヘル(派遣型性風俗サービス)を展開する風俗店「池袋デッドボール」に勤めている。顧客から指名が入るまでの「待機部屋」が、三上さんの “自宅”。繁華街の片隅にあるマンションの一室。5人も入れば手狭になる1DKで一日を過ごす。仕事以外の用事で外出することはほとんどない」



Ideally you should drink half a gallon of water every day, in order to cleanse and detox your body. If you're looking to flatten your tummy, be sure to stay away from sparkling water because it can cause bloating.とにかく水、1日2Lで老廃物が出る!Green tea helps banish stomach bloating as well as keeps you hydrated. Instead of sweetening it with sugar, try honey or even better, lemon and ginger.緑茶
Pears are low in calories and high in fiber! Not only are they delicious, but eating a ripe, fresh pear will leave you feeling full and satisfied.梨 低カロリーで食物繊維が豊富
Apples are great because they're low in calories, high in vitamins and minerals and are actually very filling! Reach for an apple the next time you're in need of a snack. It's a great way to keep your tummy flat and toned.リンゴ 低カロリーでビタミンミネラルが豊富
Olive oil is a very healthy form of fat and can help keep your stomach trimmed and toned. An essential part of the Mediterranean diet, high-quality extra-virgin olive oil has numerous health benefits and is high in vitamins A and E.オリーブオイル
Eggs stimulate your body to burn fat, not to mention that they're extremely filling. Hard boiled eggs are the perfect snack if you're looking to flatten your tummy and battle bloating.
Even though avocados are high in calories, they're filled with healthy fats that help lower cholesterol and regulate your blood sugar. Rich in potassium, fiber and vitamins B and E, avocados are a powerhouse when it comes to burning fat and losing weight.カロリー高いが、コレステロールと血糖値を下げる
White fish is a great source of lean protein because it's low in calories. Try to eat white fish at least twice a week. With the various types out there it should be a breeze!魚 やはり肉よりは魚が健康
Ginger can be consumed as a powdered spice or, even better, raw. Ginger root helps aid and stimulate digestion and is rich in fiber too. Add a bit of grated ginger root to your morning cup of tea for a fat-burning boost!消化を助け食物繊維も豊富
In many countries turmeric is considered a medicinal spice. It has antibacterial properties and can thus help heal tummy troubles.ターメリック カレーですよカレー
Almonds are rich in Omega-9's, which are essential fatty acids. These fatty acids help regulate your blood sugar levels, which is key when it comes to avoiding snacking between meals.アーモンド オメガ9が含まれています


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