今日の出来事から 12月3日(木) 死人に口なし また続く?


 関連でこんなニュースも? 先月のブラックフライデーに、銃器購入時に必要な身元確認が申請された件数は18万5000件を超え、単日として過去最高を記録しました。

 2012年から感謝祭の翌週火曜日に「ギビングチューズデー(#GivingTuesday)」が設けられ、チャリティー活動を呼びかけていますが、今年はインターネット上で約1億1700万ドルの寄付金が集まり、前年比で155%増加しています。 24時間で1080万件の寄付申し出があり、感謝祭翌日の「ブラックフライデー」や翌月曜日の「サイバーマンデー」に次いで「ギビングチューズデー」は今年4年目で定着しそうです。

 67歳からの支給ですが、仮にそれを70歳まで引き伸ばした場合にはどうなるのでしょう? 増額されます。66歳で満額支給の人が70歳から受け取るようにした場合、32%の増額となります。

いわずと知れたコカコーラ 16オンスで52g
バーベキューソース 1オーダーで60g

フルーツのスムージー 70g

<p>Use coffee filters as a disposable applicator to shine leather shoes, pocketbooks, or even furniture. Simply dab a bit of the correct color of polish on the filter, and polish with a circular motion until all of the material is absorbed.You also can ward off unpleasant foot odor by placing a few tablespoons of <a href="http://www.bobvila.com/slideshow/10-ingenious-home-uses-for-baking-soda-46264">baking soda</a> in the center of a filter, tying with a string or rubber band, and leaving the sachet in your shoes overnight. </p><br><p><strong>Related: <a href="http://www.bobvila.com/slideshow/7-super-simple-ways-to-make-your-house-smell-fresh-49459">7 Super Simple Ways to Make Your House Smell Fresh</a></strong></p>靴磨き
<p>Place a layer of coffee filters in the bottom of a <a href="http://www.bobvila.com/articles/how-to-clean-cast-iron/">cast-iron pan</a> to absorb excess moisture and prevent rust. Similarly, the super-absorbent paper cones can be used in the workshop to help sort stray screws, nails, nuts, and bolts. You can keep these small parts organized and rust-free by wrapping them in the filters and storing in a box or plastic container. </p><p><strong>Related: <a href="http://www.bobvila.com/slideshow/small-miracles-9-amazing-home-repair-products-48569">Small Miracles—9 Amazing Home Repair Products</a></strong></p>鉄製のフライパンに敷くと錆びない
<p>Coffee filters make great strainers. Use one over a bowl to catch the seeds when squeezing lemons, limes, or oranges. Similarly, you can strain out bits of broken cork from a bottle of wine by placing a coffee filter over the top of the wine bottle and securing it with a <a href="http://www.bobvila.com/slideshow/9-clever-things-you-can-do-with-a-rubber-band-48803">rubber band</a>. Similarly, consider using coffee filters as a substitute for cheesecloth when straining stocks or broths.</p><br><p><strong>Related: <a href="http://www.bobvila.com/slideshow/9-time-savers-you-need-for-a-hassle-free-holiday-season-49469">9 Time-Savers You Need for a Hassle-Free Holiday Season</a></strong></p>何でも漉すのに使いましょう
<p>Even tea drinkers can make good use of coffee filters as DIY tea bags. Put loose leaf tea, herbs, or dried fruit into a coffee filter, fold and staple it closed, then steep in hot water. Or, place the wrapped items in a <a href="http://www.bobvila.com/articles/5-things-to-do-with-mason-jars/">large jar</a>, cover, and let it sit in the sun for a few hours to brew homemade sun tea.</p><br><p><strong>Related: <a href="http://www.bobvila.com/slideshow/power-up-your-cleaning-routine-with-caffeine-48411">Power Up Your Cleaning Routine with... Caffeine?</a></strong></p>こうすればティーバッグに変身!
<p>Use coffee filters to preserve and press special flowers or lovely leaves. Place the <a href="http://www.bobvila.com/slideshow/3-new-ways-to-decorate-with-fallen-leaves-48057">cut foliage</a> in between two layers of filters and put inside the pages of a dictionary or similarly weighty tome for a week or until completely dry. The filters will absorb the moisture from the flowers, leaving you with a perfectly pressed memento.</p><br><p><strong>Related: <a href="http://www.bobvila.com/slideshow/10-things-to-do-now-for-a-better-garden-next-year-49375">10 Things to Do Now for a Better Garden Next Year</a></strong></p>押し花にも使えます
<p>Most plant pots have a drainage hole or two in the bottom to prevent root rot—but this also lets soil escape, often making a mess of your patio or windowsill. Place a coffee filter or two in the bottom of the pot to keep the soil in, and still let the water out. You also can use a coffee filter in the bottom of your kitchen <a href="http://www.bobvila.com/articles/diy-compost-bin/">compost pail</a> to prevent a gooey mess. When you’re ready to dump the pot, the filter can go right into the compost pile with the rest of the kitchen scraps.</p><br><p><strong>Related: <a href="http://www.bobvila.com/slideshow/10-forgiving-houseplants-you-can-grow-anywhere-48175">10 Forgiving Houseplants You Can Grow Anywhere</a></strong></p>小さいプランターの底に敷いて排水OK
<p><a href="http://www.bobvila.com/articles/quick-tip-clean-windows-with-coffee-filters/#.VkY992SrRhA">Coffee filters</a> are constructed of lint-free paper, which makes them a great cleaning cloth for windows, mirrors, eyeglasses, and car windows. Simply use them in place of paper towels and you'll leave behind nothing but the shine.</p><br><p><strong>Related: <a href="http://www.bobvila.com/slideshow/9-brilliant-cleaning-hacks-everyone-should-know-49230">9 Brilliant Cleaning Hacks Everyone Should Know</a></strong></p>鏡やグラスを拭くのに向いています
<p>Coffee filters attract grease and oil, so they are great for preventing grimy kitchen messes. Use coffee filters on a plate or baking sheet to soak up oil from fried foods. Similarly, cover food in the <a href="http://www.bobvila.com/slideshow/10-things-you-didn-t-know-your-microwave-can-do-49099">microwave</a> with a coffee filter to prevent splattering. </p><br><p><strong>Related: <a href="http://www.bobvila.com/slideshow/10-unusual-tips-for-your-cleanest-kitchen-ever-48947">10 Unusual Tips for Your Cleanest Kitchen Ever</a></strong></p>カウンタートップで油分のついたものを置く
<p>Corn on the cob is tasty—but not if you wind up with a mouthful of silk. Use a clean coffee filter to de-silk the ear of corn before cooking. First dampen the filter and then wipe the shucked ear of corn in one long stroke from top to bottom.</p><br><p><strong>Related: <a href="http://www.bobvila.com/articles/holiday-hotlines-to-have-on-speed-dial/">Holiday Hotlines to Have on Speed Dial</a></strong></p>野菜を包むのにも良い

 寒い冬によく眠る? J-Castにこんな記事があります。

EIGHTという名の寿司屋? 寿司ラウンジがオープンです。930 Howell Mill Roadです。

Atlanta, GA 7-Day Forecast

 アメリカ系のレストランを見ると分かるでしょう? キッチンに5人働いていたらアメリカ人は1人だけです。残りはアミーゴです。彼らを巧く使わないと物が作ればい時代なのです。


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