今日の出来事から 12月8日(火) 3月並みのお天気!


 One way to channel your inner MacGyver: Get familiar with baking soda ASAP. You probably have a box of it tucked away in your kitchen cabinet for cooking and baking. But the unassuming ingredient can be used in so many different ways, from making DIY shampoo to clearing a clogged drain. Check out 23 tried-and-true uses for baking soda below.
Slipping into a warm bath is relaxing enough on its own. Add baking soda to easily rinse away any oil and sweat on your skin. Bonus: It’ll also help soothe sunburns and itchiness (including bug bites). Go on, take the time to treat yourself!泡風呂に一緒に入れると掃除が簡単。
Baking soda can do your mouth a whole lot of good—health experts believe it may help treat gingivitis. Use baking soda and hydrogen peroxide to whip up a paste that you’ll work into your gums. Leave it on for a couple of minutes, then rinse it off.歯茎の健康に効く。
There’s no need to buy Tums or Alka-Seltzer when you have a box of baking soda at home. The next time you feel the first signs of heartburn, mix a half teaspoon of baking soda into a glass of water. The drink should reduce acid buildup and soothe your stomach.胸焼けに効果。
Don’t forget your fridge during your next cleaning sesh. The USDA recommends wiping down the insides with a mixture of hot water and baking soda to get rid of any pesky germs and odors.冷蔵庫の掃除に最適。
There’s no excuse for a smelly fridge. All it takes to keep odors out is a box of baking soda. Just open it up and stash it on a shelf—because no one wants to smell the leftovers from Taco Tuesday.冷蔵庫内の脱臭、これは有名。
So you cooked up a storm, and your kitchen has seen better days. Clean up your counters and stovetop with three things: baking soda, vinegar, and a little elbow grease. Start by applying white vinegar to the greasy surface. Let it sit for 10 minutes, then scrub it with a damp sponge or cloth that has baking soda sprinkled on it.油落とし
Whether you’ve scuffed up your walls or they’ve fallen victim to crayon-carrying tots, rest easy—you don’t need a fresh coat of paint. Just put baking soda on a damp sponge and scrub away.壁の落書きを消す
When a room smells more funky than fresh, you know you’ve got a problem. Luckily there’s an easy fix—as far as stamping out the smell goes. Just squeeze 10 drops of your favorite essential oil into a box of baking soda, and the bad odors will be gone in a few hours.部屋の消臭にも効果
Few things are better than a glass of red wine after a long day, except of course when that vino spills on your carpet. In that case, quickly grab vinegar and baking soda. Pour the vinegar over the stained area and then sprinkle baking soda on top. The two work together to soak up the stain so that spill can stay a secret.ワイン溢したら、酢とベーキングソーダ
Once you’ve gotten your fruits and veggies home, clean ‘em! Add two to three tablespoons of baking soda to a bowl of cool water, then throw your produce in. See you never, dirt and pesticides.野菜や果物の汚れを落とす
You don't want those surfaces to lose their luster. To keep them bright, you'll need an alumnium pan (or a pan lined with aluminum foil), boiling water, and (you guessed it!) baking soda. Place the tarnished silver or steel in the pan, then pour in the boiling water and baking soda—use a quarter cup for every four cups of boiling water. It'll start bubbling, and after a few minutes, most silver and steel will look good as new.ステンレスやシルバーを綺麗に
One of the worst things about cleaning the bathroom is dealing with gross drains. Those slimy hairballs? Shudder. Your plan of action: Pour one cup of baking soda into the drain, followed by one cup of hot vinegar. Finish up by pouring boiling water down the drain. No more showering with ankle-deep puddles at your feet.排水溝の詰まり防止にも
Cooking oil gives an irresistible flavor to some of our favorite foods, but when that oil gets too hot, you can have a grease fire on your hands. And that's one type of fire you can’t douse with water. Instead, extinguish it with baking soda. Be generous with the amount you throw on—you’ll need a lot to put it out.油が原因の火事に消火器替わりに


 オーナーの私、朝の8時からブログ、まあこれは仕事ではないか?? で9時過ぎには家を出て買い物。10時半に店に入る、2時に終り家に戻る。4時には店に入る、10時半に店を出る。




 利上げすれば130円? ロイターにこんな記事があります。


英国とイングランドのいくつかの地域では、12月4日からの 24時間雨量が 340ミリを超え、これまでのすべての英国の観測上での記録を上回る驚異的な雨量となっています。太平洋の強い風でオレゴンも大洪水です。

 Atlanta, GA 7-Day Forecast
 60度以上あるとかなり「暖かい」感じがします。日向なら10度高いわけで70度ですからね。これがどう裏目に出るのか? 月末に寒波到来でホワイトクリスマスになるか。1-2月に持ち越しか、全く予想がつかないのが、今どきの天気です。



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