アミーゴ狩りが始まる 6月18日(火)

Dieciocho de Junio (Martes)
U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement officers gather for a debriefing after staging raids to arrest undocumented immigrants on April 11, 2018 in the Brooklyn borough of New York City. President Trump tweeted Monday night that new, widespread immigration raids are imminent.
5)誰が家を建てるのか? まあ、混乱するでしょう。

Slide 2 of 15: According to an Appetite journal study, people who drank only half a shot of alcohol (20 grams worth) ate 11 percent more than those who abstained and experienced more cravings for high-fat foods. That’s right: Just half a drink can make you hungrier. And that can lead to a domino effect. Read on.食べる量が減るそうです
Slide 3 of 15: In 2013, 14 staffers at New Scientist magazine whose drinking ranged from eight to 64 12-ounce bottles of beer per week took a short-term break from alcohol. Ten people gave up the booze for five weeks. Another four didn’t. Doctors at the Institute for Liver and Digestive Health at University College London tested their blood before and after, and discovered that the teetotalers’ liver fat—a predictor of liver damage—fell 15 to 20 percent! The abstainers’ blood glucose levels—a key factor in diabetes—also dropped by an average of 16 percent!1カ月で肝臓の負担が減り、糖尿病予防になるそうです
Slide 4 of 15: Though booze can make you fall asleep initially, it disrupts shut-eye. That conclusion was reached by a review of 27 studies on the topic. Another recent study in the journal Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research found that drinking before bed increases alpha wave patterns in the brain. If you want restorative sleep, those waves don’t help. Once you give up alcohol, however, you’ll get better sleep and start feeling more refreshed and sharp.よく眠れるそうです
Slide 5 of 15: Getting better sleep makes you eat better. According to a 2013 study published in the journal Nutrition & Diabetes, drinking booze results in shorter, less quality sleep, which caused study subjects to shift from eating carbohydrates to eating fats. And each 30-minute deficit of sleep caused the subjects to eat 83 additional calories, on average! So not only will a Dry January ensure you’re refreshed from additional shut-eye, you’ll be more likely to eat energy-boosting carbs instead of slug-making fatty foods. If you average an additional hour of quality sleep, you can look forward to saving almost 5,000 calories in 30 days—about a pound and a half!減量する速度が上がりエネルギー代謝が良いそうです
Slide 7 of 15: When you consume alcohol, your body uses ethanol for energy, not other sources like fat. Skip the booze and your body will burn carbs, then flubber. Why not maximize your results by working out in a fasted state in the morning? When you work out first thing, your body is low on glycogen, so your body will skip right to burning fat.メタボリズムが上がるそうです
Slide 8 of 15: Alcohol is a diuretic, which leeches fluids from your body. (Translation: It causes you to pee more than you otherwise would.) But unlike tea and coffee, which are also diuretics, alcohol decreases the body’s production of the antidiuretic hormone that helps the body reabsorb water. That’ll show up on your face. After just a few days of abstinence, you’ll notice that your skin looks and feels more hydrated, and skin maladies like dandruff, eczema or rosacea may also improve. Did you know that alcohol is one of the 20 Foods That Age You 20 Years?肌が綺麗になるそうです
Slide 9 of 15: According to the National Cancer Institute, drinking booze has been linked to an increased risk for cancers of the mouth, liver, breast, colon, and rectum—and the risk increases the more you drink. You can guarantee you’ll lower your cancer risk in just 30 days. How? Replace your post-boozing McDonald’s menu with snacks and meals high in fibrous fruits, veggies and legumes. In a 2015 Nature Communications study, scientists from Imperial College and the University of Pittsburg found that swapping a meat-heavy Western diet for a high-fiber one increased healthy, protective gut bacteria and lowered colon cancer biomarkers—in just two weeks!ガンのリスクが減るそうです
Slide 10 of 15: If you’re used to having a few brews or glasses of wine at home each night, you might want to stop drinking and replace the ritual with flavored seltzers or detox waters you make yourself. Not only will saving the calories from booze help reduce your waistline, spiking plain H20 with antioxidant-rich citrus fruits and berries will maximize body detox and weight loss.もっと水を飲むようになるそうです
Slide 13 of 15: In the New Scientist study, participants who quit booze for 30 days reported an 18 percent increase in concentration and a 17 percent boost in performance at their jobs. Quit raising a glass and you’ll be on your way to getting a raise.仕事がよくできるようになるそうです
Slide 14 of 15: In the New Scientist study, staffers who quit alcohol found their blood cholesterol levels fell by an average of 5 percent in just 30 days! This is because abstaining helped their bodies sweep out those nasty, fatty triglycerides.コレステロール値が下がるそうです
とはいっても、飲みニケーションは大事。そして精神安定剤みたいなものもあり、少量のアルコールは必要なのでは? というのが私の見方です。

加工食品の食べ過ぎが、肥満や糖尿病を招く! 加工食品の中にも分類があり上のランクが「超加工食品」と呼ばれています。それは、糖分や塩分、脂肪分を多く含む、加工済みの食品のことで、硬化油、添加糖、香味料、乳化剤、保存料などを加え、常温で保存できたり、日持ちするように作られたものです。自分で書いていて恐ろしいですよ。
 アメリカのスーパーで売られているパンの賞味期限を見てください。どうしてパンが1カ月持つのですか? あり得ない=保存料が入っているからです。物を腐らなくするように作られているわけで、それ=危険。会社にとっては損しないですよね、賞味期限が長いと。
 コンビニができて、石井のハンバーグができて、冷凍食品ができて、世の中大変便利になりましたが、その反面失われたものは実に多いのではないか? 1970年代の食事に戻りましょう。

 レストランは美味しいものを提供する場ではありますが、同時に皆さんの健康管理をする場でもあるのではないか? 自分もそう、お客さんもそう、みな高齢化に向かっているのです、健康で長生き、これが大事。

Hot and humid with afternoon storms


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