セレブに会うことの意義 9月20日(木)

Septembre Veinte (Jueves)
 田中豊が日本名か、おじいさんの名前なのか、名前を彫っていて、見せてくれました。やはり、Sandy Springsでは限界がありますよ。ミッドタウンは活気があります。特にイベントのときには、強い。選手はダウンタウンのリッツに泊まっているので、近くでしか食べません。

 a woman standing on a beach71歳

10位 シェビイ インパラ 94800台
Slide 2 of 11: 9,487 stolen in 2017Most stolen model year: 2008Impala has been around for a long time. The current version — introduced in 2013 — is the tenth generation since the model premiered in 1958. However, Impala sales peaked at the 2008 model year and have been on a general decline ever since. Given that more than 500,000 Impalas were sold in 2007 and 2008 alone, the popularity of the 2008 model among car thieves is no big surprise.
9位 GMC ピックアップ 10800台
Slide 3 of 11: 10,865 stolen in 2017Most stolen model year: 2017Call it a simple law of averages — the more copies of a vehicle that are on the road, the more likely it is to be stolen. The GMC full-size pickup — also known as the Sierra — has had impressive sales over the last few years, and last year more were stolen than in any other year. Along with those high numbers, there are a plethora of configurations available to thieves, with choices of body style, drivetrain and features as well as the luxurious Sierra Denali.
8位 ドッジ ピックアップ 12000台
Slide 4 of 11: 12,004 stolen in 2017Most stolen model year: 2001The third-most-popular truck among thieves, Dodge pickups also hold third place in sales behind other Chevrolet and Ford offerings. In 2002 Dodge introduced its first redesigned pickup in eight years with bold styling that laid the foundation for what we now see on the road, but the previous generation — selling around 400,000 units each year — created the pool that truck thieves are dipping into the most today. The current generation of Ram will likely start experiencing increased thefts, since the big truck’s sales are regularly surpassing 400,000 units each year.
7位 トヨタ カローラ 12300台
Slide 5 of 11: 12,337 stolen in 2017Most stolen model year: 2016The Corolla is a perennial favorite among those who choose not to pay for their cars. Toyota claims more than 40 million Corollas have been sold since it was introduced in 1966. Sales have steadily increased over the last several years, making Corolla the best-selling compact car in the U.S. The Corolla’s ubiquity means there are plenty available for thieves to get their hands on, and considerable demand for parts.
6位 日産 アルティマ 13300台
Slide 6 of 11: 13,358 stolen in 2017Most stolen model year: 2016All new for the 2013 model year, the reimagined Altima reinforced a steady sales increase that started back in 2009. Sales hit record levels for Nissan’s popular sedan following the redesign, and 2015 was a record year for Altima. With the increase in sales, the following year also set a record for the most Altimas stolen in a single year. Altima’s pleasant mix of comfort, style and great fuel economy keeps sales high and, conversely, makes more models available to car thieves.
5位 トヨタ カムリ 17350台
Slide 7 of 11: 17,278 stolen in 2017Most stolen model year: 2017Camry has held the title of best-selling passenger car in America for 15 years, and with a roomy interior and fuel-efficient, reliable engines, this popular Toyota sells in huge numbers annually. A completely redesigned version hit showrooms last year and it seems like the new features and styling have been appealing to more than simply buyers — the new Camry is clearly a hit with thieves as well.
4位 シェビイ ピックアップ 30000台
Slide 8 of 11: 30,058 stolen in 2017Most stolen model year: 2004The full-size Chevy Silverado is another popular choice among truck-jackers. Although the 2004 model year seems to be the most sought after, Silverado was basically unchanged from 2003 to 2007 and thus the number of stolen Chevy trucks has remained consistent for those model years. Available with a variety of engines and configurations, Silverado sales have been on the rise, which may result in increased thefts in years to come.
3位 フォード ピックアップ 35000台
Slide 9 of 11: 35,105 stolen in 2017Most stolen model year: 2006Not only are Ford F-Series trucks the best-selling vehicles in America, they outsell every other vehicle on the market by a considerable margin. With so many Ford trucks on the road — the company commonly sells more than 700,000 per year — it’s no surprise to see the F-Series consistently near the top of this most stolen list.
2位 ホンダ アコード 43000台
Slide 10 of 11: 43,764 stolen in 2017Most stolen model years: 1997After years of sitting atop this list of the most stolen vehicles in the United States, the Honda Accord is no longer the most popular model to steal. However, the numbers are still quite high — a direct result of its popularity with drivers everywhere as economical, reliable transportation that retains its resale value. And the sheer number of Accords on the road provides thieves with easy choices and access. Smartkeys were introduced on Accord in 1998, so most of the stolen models come from years prior — since that time the number of Accords stolen each year has dropped considerably.
1位 ホンダ シビック 45000台
Slide 11 of 11: 45,062 stolen in 2017Most stolen model year: 1998One of the most widespread compact cars throughout America, the Civic is now the most popular target for car thieves in America. The model started its life as a subcompact but has grown in size over the years; however, it’s those original, smaller models that remain big targets among car thieves. Most purloined Civics are from model years prior to 2000, before smartkeys became prevalent — somewhat surprising since Civic has remained one of the best-selling cars in America.

トランプ氏との不倫「完全公開」、ポルノ女優が暴露本出版   10月2日に発売です。「Full Disclosure」全面公開という名の本が出ます。ここでトランプとの出会いからH、トランプの一物のサイズや形まで公開しています。もう恥も良いところですが、これが世紀末のアメリカです。

 それゆえ、お金を武器に国交断絶を台湾と交流のある国に迫っているのです。どんどん、追い込まれる台湾。今の政権は独立派ですから抵抗しますが、次の政権が親中なら併合もある??? 戦争すれば自力では負けます。すでに台湾と中国の軍事力は15倍も差があるのです。アメリカが背後にあるからこその台湾でしかないのです。

More above average temperatures
インディアンサマー? 南からの高気圧に覆われています。土曜日まで92度の予報です。そして日曜日が88度です。

 スーパーボウルまで172日? ハーフタイムショーはマルーン5に決まったようです。
 今日から開催のコカ・コーラチャンピオンシップも来年は8月開催になります。その理由は? フットボウルがあるからです。9月といえば、フットボウルの開催月で、土曜日はカレッジ、日曜日はプロで盛り上がり、マイナースポーツのゴルフはお金が取れない。30名のスターがアトランタに来ても、イーストレークはガラガラなのです。情けない話でしょう?それだけ、ゴルフはビジネスとしてお金にならない木です。それゆえ、大きなイベントのない8月にスライドして、少しでも売り上げを上げようということなのです。


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