貸付金の返済は所得? 3月15日(木)

Marzo Quince (Jueves)

週末に軽く出かけるならここ! 南東部編
Slide 2 of 51: <p>Mentone is a picturesque little mountain town atop Lookout Mountain in northeast Alabama. The views are absolutely stunning. The Desoto Falls, 104-foot falls that drop into a wide bright green pool, are one of the top attractions. Pick up handmade arts and crafts at the Log Cabin Craft Village and eat fresh fried green tomatoes with homemade remoulade sauce at the Moonlight Bistro. <a href="http://www.theactivetimes.com/water/surf/best-surf-schools-us"><strong>Summer camps</strong></a> with <a href="http://www.theactivetimes.com/11-places-go-horseback-riding-before-you-die-slideshow"><strong>horseback riding</strong></a>, archery, boating, swimming, craft making, and <a href="http://www.theactivetimes.com/hike-climb/climbing/tips-get-better-rock-climbing"><strong>rock climbing</strong></a>, are popular among kids.</p>アラバマ
Mentone is a picturesque little mountain town atop Lookout Mountain in northeast Alabama.
Slide 10 of 51: <p>Known as one of the most unique barrier islands in the world, Sanibel Island has won awards for being the best shelling beach in Florida. It’s a <a href="https://www.theactivetimes.com/content/florida-s-best-beaches/slide-12"><strong>beautiful destination</strong> </a>for a wedding and a great place for fishing, shelling and bird watching. Bonus: Pets are allowed but they must be leashed. Golf players are going to love this place and its more than 70 scenic courses. Boating, kayaking and water-skiing are very popular there. Fishing can be very entertaining – you may catch a fish you haven’t seen before.</p>フロリダ
Known as one of the most unique barrier islands in the world, Sanibel Island has won awards for being the best shelling beach in Florida.
Slide 11 of 51: <p>Tybee Island is also known as Savannah Beach. It is easily accessible and located just 18 miles away from the Hostess City of the South, historic Savannah, Georgia. Rich in both history and natural beauty, Tybee Island is also famous for its diverse cuisine, <a href="http://www.theactivetimes.com/travel/world/world-s-most-luxurious-resorts"><strong>excellent accommodations</strong></a>, and a variety of exciting <a href="http://www.theactivetimes.com/adventure/expeditions/best-active-adventure-every-state"><strong>recreational activities</strong></a>, according to <a href="https://tybeeisland.com/"><strong>Discover Tybee Island</strong></a>. The five miles of public beach offer endless views of the Atlantic Ocean and are ideal for sunbathing, walking, biking, sailing, and fishing. Various art and music events are scheduled almost every day.</p>ジョージア
Tybee Island is also known as Savannah Beach. It is easily accessible and located just 18 miles away from the Hostess City of the South, historic Savannah, Georgia.
Slide 41 of 51: <p>The man-made Lake Keowee reservoir covers an almost 30 square miles, and boasts 350 miles of shoreline. With much of the <a href="http://www.theactivetimes.com/10-secret-american-beaches-should-be-your-bucket-list"><strong>coast undeveloped</strong></a>, everything there feels as natural as can be. Add the fact that the lake is just by the Blue Ridge Mountains, and you’ve got some of the <a href="http://www.theactivetimes.com/content/most-spectacular-places-go-camping-under-stars"><strong>most scenic views</strong></a> in the region. Camp in the South Cove County Park, which also has boat launching, tennis courts, and pavilions. Go fishing or see why <a href="http://www.theactivetimes.com/10-reasons-stand-paddleboarding-actually-killer-workout-slideshow"><strong>paddle sports are so fun</strong></a>; and visit the beer station at the end of the day for an incredibly diverse brew selection.</p>サウスカロライナ
The man-made Lake Keowee reservoir covers an almost 30 square miles, and boasts 350 miles of shoreline. 
Slide 43 of 51: <p>Tourists who want to have an <a href="https://www.theactivetimes.com/travel/us/2017s-20-best-american-foodie-towns"><b>enjoyable weekend binging on great food</b></a> and even better music on a modest budget should consider Nashville. There is plenty of free music, and the city hosts many cultural <a href="http://www.theactivetimes.com/content/universal-studios-florida-top-10-attractions"><b>attractions</b></a> that will entertain you throughout the weekend. Listen to music at the famous Bluebird Café, visit the Tennessee Agricultural Museum, watch free concerts by the Nashville Symphony, and take a stroll along the Music City Walk of Fame – all for free. Take a guided tour of all the foodie hotspots with Walk Eat Nashville. Take your adult friends and have fun at whiskey tastings at distilleries.</p>テネシー
Tourists who want to have an enjoyable weekend binging on great food and even better music on a modest budget should consider Nashville.
Slide 34 of 51: <p>Visit the area <a href="https://www.theactivetimes.com/travel/world/20-places-visit-they-re-lost-climate-change"><strong>before it disappears due to climate change</strong></a>. Another reason to go: This is one of the <a href="https://www.theactivetimes.com/adventure/expeditions/15-best-non-disney-places-travel-children"><strong>best non-Disney places to take the kids</strong></a>. The 200-mile-long stretch of picturesque barrier islands is perfect for camping, for which you don’t need a lot of money. The <a href="http://www.nps.gov/caha/index.htm"><strong>Cape Hatteras National Seashore</strong></a> is a string of islands surrounded by the <a href="http://www.theactivetimes.com/water/n/worlds-longest-and-most-dangerous-swims"><strong>Atlantic Ocean</strong></a> on one side and the mellow Pamlico Sound on the other, where <a href="http://www.theactivetimes.com/water/canoe-kayak/most-beautiful-places-you-can-only-see-kayak"><strong>kayaking</strong></a> and kiteboarding are common activities.</p>ノースカロライナ
Outer Banks, this is one of the best non-Disney places to take the kids. The 200-mile-long stretch of picturesque barrier islands is perfect for camping, for which you don’t need a lot of money. 


 昨夜、日本のお昼のニュースを見ていましたが、森友学園問題で1時間近くもやっていました。辞任した国税庁長官=元理財局長ですが、関与したのか、首相は=や婦人の口ききがあったのか。それにしても籠池夫妻は逮捕され、大阪拘置所で面会禁止です。これはおかしい、誰にも会わせないのは高検の策略? 変なことを話されては困る? あやしいですねー。

 おもちゃの販売大手トイザラスは15日、米国内の全735店を閉鎖し、事業を清算することを破産裁判所に届け出たと発表しました。これで3万人が仕事を失います。ネットに負けた? アマゾンが潰した?


 昨日、全米の高校生が早く家に帰り、銃規制で抗議活動をしたようです。これで世論は動くのか? 日本じゃ、あり得ないでしょう。

 経歴を調べましたが、麻生一族のボンボンですよ。アホボンかどうかは知りません。学習院を出ていますからボンですね。麻生セメント、まあ小さいながらも財閥だったのでは? 顔が賢いように見えない。スタンフォードに入っていますが、アイビーリーグの中でも特殊なスタンフォード、タイガーもここの出ですからね。親の遺産25億円を相続していますし、お金には困らない生活。最後は名声で政治家かい?と思われても仕方ないでしょう。それにしても、日本の政治はこんなことばかりやっていて良いのか?



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