今日の出来事から 12月22日(木)


 Consumer Reportが高い評価を下した車とは?
 テスラS P85D 100点
BMW750i 99点
 BMW M235i 98点
Audi Q7プレミアム 96点
 ベンツS550 同じく96点
 カレラS 同じく95点
ベンツE250 93点
 コルベット 92点
アウディA8 91点
 シボレー インパラ 91点
アウディA6 90点
 インフィニティ Q70 90点



 ホンダ は、グーグルと完全自動運転の共同研究を開始すると発表。ホンダは運転者の乗車を前提に開発を進める一方、グーグルが目指す無人運転の実用化もにらんで手を組むものです。

<p><strong>Chocolate Chess Pie</strong></p><p>A Southern specialty, chess pie is filled with a humble mixture of eggs, sugar, butter, and a small amount of flour, which was easy to throw together during lean times. At Marta's bakery, chess pie comes in a rich chocolate version. (<a href="http://www.martasbakeryandcatering.com/">martasbakeryandcatering.com</a>, $14.99)</p>
アラバマ A Southern specialty, chess pie is filled with a humble mixture of eggs, sugar, butter, and a small amount of flour, which was easy to throw together during lean times. At Marta's bakery, chess pie comes in a rich chocolate version.
Harvey's Special Fruit Box
フロリダ It was back in 1920 that the Harveys opened their first roadside fruit stand in the sweet spot of Florida's citrus region, Indian River. This colorful fruit box is a compilation of their best picks: Merritt Island Navel Oranges, ruby red grapefruits, and local tangerines.
<p><strong>Atlanta Cooknotes Cookbook</strong></p><p>Give the gift of Southern cooking secrets. Filled with more than 750 kitchen-tested (and Southern-approved) recipes, this cookbook generates proceeds for <a href="http://www.jlatlanta.org/">The Junior League of Atlanta</a>, which raises money for programs that benefit women and at-risk children in Atlanta, Georgia. (<a href="http://www.georgiagourmet.com/product.asp?id13b=25&id13=109&par">georgiagourmet.com</a>, $19.95)</p>
ジョージア Give the gift of Southern cooking secrets. Filled with more than 750 kitchen-tested (and Southern-approved) recipes, this cookbook generates proceeds for The Junior League of Atlanta, which raises money for programs that benefit women and at-risk children in Atlanta, Georgia.
Kentucky Woods Bourbon Barrel Cake
関係ありませんがケンタッキー これコストコに売っています。17ドルです。
Bourbon has a history in Kentucky that goes back to the 18th century. This tipsy cake comes from a family recipe and contains three types of aged Kentucky bourbon. It's the perfect treat to give to a hostess during the holiday season.
24 Cheerwine Longnecks
ノースカロライナ Spread holiday cheer in the form of this cherry soft drink from the Tar Heel state. Contrary to its name, Cheerwine contains no alcohol, but rather wild cherry flavor sweetened with real cane sugar. Almost exclusively available in the Southeastern states, Cheerwine has garnered serious appreciation from fans who live outside the distribution area.
South Carolina Specialties Gift Basket
サウスカロライナ Your friends and family will love this basket of sweets from South Carolina. It has double-dipped chocolatepecanshoney crisp pecans, praline pecans, benne wafers, ginger cookies, a pecan log roll, and fiddlesticks. 
Sauce/Seasoning Combo
テネシー Remedy the Memphis blues with a taste that made the city famous: Send 'em some Rendezvous barbecue sauce (hot and mild) and seasoning rub.

 Atlanta, GA 7-Day Forecast


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