今日の出来事から 10月7日(金) 学校によっては5連休

 ふざけてませんか? 5連休。まあ月曜日がコロンバスデーで祝日というのは分らないでもない、でもどうして今日の金曜日、そして火曜日まで休みにするのでしょう。これはもう、完全に秋休みですよ。日本と比べて連休が少ないアメリカが意図的にそうした? 

 アミーガ2人が突如、辞めて大変! これもふざけてます。昨日フロントとキッチン、姉妹ですが2人とも来ない。一昨日、「暇だったらすることあるだろう、目の前の壁が汚い」と叱咤したことが原因か。そしてフロントは「服のセンスがないからユニフォームを着用するように」と言ったことが原因か。

$110 MILLION: The Pingtang telescope was finally turned on in September of 2016, and is now the world's second-largest radio telescope. Its dish measures 1,640 feet across.
$110 MILLION: The Pingtang telescope was finally turned on in September 2016, and is now the world's second-largest radio telescope. Its dish measures 1,640 feet across.
$176 MILLION: The Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory is where many of China's major scientific projects are conducted. It's the country's most expensive research facility.
$176 MILLION: The Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory is where many of China's major scientific projects are conducted. It's the country's most expensive research facility.
$200 MILLION: The Guangzhou Opera House is one of the three biggest theaters in China, designed by architect Zaha Hadid.
$200 MILLION: The Guangzhou Opera House is one of the three biggest theaters in China, designed by architect Zaha Hadid.
$900 MILLION: The Tianhuangping hydroelectric project is the biggest in Asia and plays a vital role in supplying power to eastern China.
$900 MILLION: The Tianhuangping hydroelectric project is the biggest in Asia and plays a vital role in supplying power to eastern China.
$1.1 BILLION: The 1,614-foot-tall Shanghai World Financial Center Project (on the right in this picture) is home to the second highest hotel in the world. The Park Hyatt Shanghai is on the 79th through 93rd floors.
$1.1 BILLION: The 1,614-foot-tall Shanghai World Financial Center Project (on the right in this picture) is home to the second-highest hotel in the world. The Park Hyatt Shanghai is on the 79th through 93rd floors.
$2.12 BILLION: The Wuhan Railway Station serves some of the world's fastest trains, which sail along at 186 mph.
$2.12 BILLION: The Wuhan Railway Station serves some of the world's fastest trains, which sail along at 186 mph.
$2.2 BILLION: The Qinshan Nuclear Power Plant, Phase 2 was added to the original Qinshan plant in 2011. It has the most nuclear reactors of any site in the world.
$2.2 BILLION: The Qinshan Nuclear Power Plant, Phase 2 was added to the original Qinshan plant in 2011. It has the most nuclear reactors of any site in the world.
$6.3 BILLION: The Beijing South Railway Station is the city's largest station and one of the largest in all of Asia.
$6.3 BILLION: The Beijing South Railway Station is the city's largest station and one of the largest in all of Asia.
$10.6 BILLION: The Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macau Bridge project will connect the two huge regions when it's completed in 2017.
$10.6 BILLION: The Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macau Bridge project will connect the two huge regions when it's completed in 2017.
<p>A huge change is underway in China.</p><p> Over the next 10 years, the country plans to move <a href="http://www.techinsider.io/photos-show-the-growth-of-chinese-megacities-2015-8"> 250 million people</a> - the equivalent of Indonesia's entire population - into the country's rapidly-growing megacities.</p><p> To accommodate that enormous migration, the country has invested billions of dollars in massive infrastructure projects. Some are already complete, while others are still in the works.</p><p> From highways that span the continent, to the largest wind power base in the world, to enormous airports, to new cities in the desert, China is showing what it really means to do big things.</p><p>Robert Johnson and Vivian Giang contributed to an earlier version of this story.</p>
$16 BILLION: The Jiaozhou Bay Bridge is the world's longest cross-sea bridge, stretching nearly 26 miles — almost the length of a marathon.

$35 BILLION: The Beijing Shanghai High Speed Railway is the world's longest high-speed rail project to have been constructed in a single phase.
$43 BILLION: China is one out of 32 countries that signed an agreement for the construction of the Asian Highways Network, which will span the continent and reach Europe.
$43 BILLION: China is one out of 32 countries that signed an agreement for the construction of the Asian Highways Network, which will span the continent and reach Europe.
ま、ものすごい数のプロジェクトです。しかし、原発危ないですよ。橋落ちませんか? 新幹線もどきは脱線しませんか? 怖い怖い

 昔の人はタフでした。残業しても死なない。しかしあの「ゆとり教育」の後からは、人間が丈夫ではなくなったのです。若いときに鍛えられていないので、すぐに死んでしまいます。いわゆる、路地ものの人間と温室栽培の人間の違いです。これからは、温室栽培人間が主流ですから、やり方を変えるしかないでしょう。この私の考え方、間違ってないでしょう? 私? 雑草ですよ。踏まれてもなんとも思わない。どこでも生えてやる。茎を切られても根が生きてまっせー、除草剤も効きませんでー。殺すときは燃やすしかありまへん!! それくらいの覚悟を持って生きようではありませんか?


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