今日の出来事から 10月26日(水) 踏ん張っている!



 こんなニュース? 成田空港の誘導路が「へ」の字に曲がる原因となった農地をめぐる裁判で、空港反対派の農家に対して農地を成田国際空港会社に明け渡すよう命じた一、二審判決が確定。最高裁第三小法廷が決定で、三里塚芝山連合空港反対同盟(北原派)の農家市東孝雄さん(66)の上告を棄却。


<p>Many people know that eating too much salt can raise their blood pressure. But not everyone realizes that uncontrolled high BP can cause their arteries to harden and narrow, increasing the risk of heart disease. That's not all: New research has also linked obesity to high sodium intake while another study found that overweight men with the highest salt intakes were 61 percent more likely to die of heart disease than those who consume less of the mineral. </p><p>You already know foods like chips and pretzels pack a lot of salt, but here we reveal 10 less-obvious sources of sodium that are making your blood pressure soar. Commit them to memory and keep them far away from your mouth!</p>塩分 <p>Veggies may be a cornerstone of a blood-pressure-friendly diet, but not the ones that come out of a can. The preservatives and sauces that keep the vitamin-filled veggies company inside the container are packed with sodium. Look for "no salt added" or "low sodium" options and be sure to rinse your veggies thoroughly before digging in. Can't find an unsalted option? Consider switching to frozen veggies; there are plenty of unsalted selections. And speaking of surprisingly salty foods, check out these <a href="http://www.eatthis.com/salty-desserts">20 Restaurant Desserts With More Salt Than A Bag of Pretzels</a>!</p>缶の野菜
<p>According to a recent survey, 48 percent of Americans are looking to cut back on sodium, however according to a Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics study, nearly half of Americans consume a sandwich every day—one of the top source of salt in the American diet. Coincidental? We think not. The bread and condiments certainly don't help the salt situation, but cold cuts and cheese are the primary culprits, contributing about 250 milligrams of sodium per slice. And let's be real: we all use at least three or four slices of the stuff, which equates to 1,000 milligrams of salt in a single sitting. Looking for delicious flat-belly lunches to eat instead of your tired turkey and mayo? Indulge in the all-new <a href="http://amzn.to/1Qmv9tH">Zero Belly Cookbook</a>!</p>ハムなど、やはり塩分
<p>Want some pasta with that salt!? A half cup of Hunter's Tomato sauce packs a whopping 830 milligrams of sodium—which is more than you'd find in 97 Cheez-It crackers! To keep your blood pressure from spiking, look for jars of tomato sauce with fewer than 350 milligrams per half-cup serving. Both Amy's Light in Sodium Organic Family Marinara and Ragu Light No Sugar Added Tomato&Basil fit the bill. And speaking of noodle night, make sure you're entire bowl is wholesome with the help of our exclusive report, <a href="http://www.eatthis.com/pasta-nutrition">Most Popular Types of Dry Pastas—Ranked for Nutrition!</a></p>トマトソース、これまたやはり塩分
<p>Frozen dinners may be quick and easy options when you're time strapped, but they're also loaded with sodium. Yes, even the healthy-sounding options. Two prime examples: Lean Cuisine's Roasted Chicken and Garden Vegetables packs 620 milligrams of sodium and Special K's Sausage, Egg&Cheese Flatbread Breakfast Sandwich carries 700 milligrams—or just under half a day's worth. When you're in the freezer aisle, look for meals with less than 500 milligrams per serving. And whenever you're eating something high in sodium, wash down your meal with one of these <a href="http://www.eatthis.com/best-detox-water-fat-burning-weight-loss">50 Best Detox Waters for Bloat</a>.</p>冷凍食品
<p>Prefer to sip your greens rather than chew 'em? Stick with the freshly made varieties from a local juice shop (or your kitchen). The bottled versions are filled to the bring with salt. Just 8-ounces of V8 Vegetable Juice Essential Antioxidants has 480 milligrams of sodium. If you have to sip the bottled variety go for V8's low-sodium blend. It will save you 340 milligrams of sodium, which over the course of a month can really make a difference in your blood pressure levels. For more better-for-you picks to keep within reach, read up on these <a href="http://www.eatthis.com/best-kitchen-staples-for-cooking">40 Things Healthy Cooks Always Have in Their Kitchen</a>.</p>自分で搾っていない野菜ジュース、これも塩分
<p>When it comes to your blood pressure and heart health, condiments matter. Those capers you top your Chicken Piccata with? They carry over 200 milligrams of salt per tablespoon. And the ketchup you dip your fries into has 167 milligrams in the same serving size. Scale back on the condiments to maintain your <a href="http://www.eatthis.com/flat-belly-superfoods-video">flat belly</a> and keep your ticker in tip-top condition. </p>ケチャップ、これも塩分
<p>Even though this breakfast staple doesn't taste salty, a one-cup serving can carry almost 700 milligrams of the mineral—more than a third of what you're supposed to have in an entire day. If you're going to keep the stuff in your breakfast lineup, swap to a no-salt-added variety. Or, better yet, eat a container of <a href="http://www.eatthis.com/11-best-worst-greek-yogurts-weight-loss">Greek yogurt</a> instead. It's a low-salt, high-protein cottage cheese substitute we're big fans of.</p>ポップコーン、これも塩分

<p>Jerky is super trendy right now, thanks in part to the ever-growing Paleo trend. Sure, it's free of refined grains and packed with protein, but it's also notoriously high in salt—not good news if you have high blood pressure or want to keep your heart healthy. A small, 1-ounce serving can have an upwards of 700 milligrams of salt, which is more than four times what you'd find in the same serving of chips. And speaking of the savory snack, see how healthy your favorites crisps are in our special snacking report, <a href="http://www.eatthis.com/best-selling-chips-ranked">The 35 Best-Selling Chips—Ranked</a>.</p>ビーフジャーキー、塩分

 Atlanta, GA 7-Day Forecast

 では「自殺するほど悩むのは人間が大成したということ?」とはならないでしょう? 仕事の悩みは尽きませんよ。オーナー、社長、管理職と上の役職になればなるほど、悩みは多い。だから? 
 電通の社員の自殺が話題になって、10時に消灯ですか? ばかげている。そういうものは強制的にやるもんじゃない。どうぜパソコンを家にもって帰って、仕事しているに決まっています。仕事が苦痛になるからしんどいわけです。仕事を楽しみに変える工夫も大事。そして最後の最後に逃げ道を作ることも大事。飛行機だってパラシュートがあるんですよ、仕事にパラシュートあっても良いではないですか?「嫌なら辞めればいい、逃げればいい。逃走せんかい」死ぬことが最終選択ではあまりに惨めですよ。
 アメリカで仕事失敗したらどうします? 借金の山? 取り立て? 日本に逃げて帰ればいい。それが日本人のパラシュートですよ。そうして日本に帰った人がいますからね。最後の逃げ道を作っておきましょうよ。


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