今日の出来事から 8月15日(月) 終戦記念日






<p><strong>Your Food Fix:</strong> Ginger</p><p><strong>Why It Works:</strong> This underground stem is packed with <a href="http://www.rodalewellness.com/food/anti-inflammatory-foods">anti-inflammatory</a> properties and may help reduce puffy eyes. Added benefit, it's also been shown to kill the influenza virus and helps quell aches and pains.</p><p><strong>Bonus Tip:</strong> Not sure how to incorporate this flavorful rhizome into your cooking? Try one of these <a href="http://www.rodalewellness.com/food/how-use-ginger">ginger recipes</a>.</p>生姜
<p><strong>Your Food Fix:</strong> Olives, avocados, buckwheat</p><p><strong>Why It Works:</strong> The monounsaturated fatty acids in these foods help keep skin youthful and taut. Buckwheat even contains a flavonoid called rutin that may help keep aid in skin elasticity.</p><p><strong>Bonus Tip:</strong> Don't shy away from buckwheat because you think it contains gluten. Buckwheat is one of the <a href="http://www.rodalewellness.com/food/the-healthiest-gluten-free-grains">best gluten-free grains</a> and is actually part of the rhubarb family, not the wheat family.</p>オリーブ、アボカド、そば
<p><strong>Your Food Fix:</strong> Oysters, mussels</p><p><strong>Why It Works:</strong> These shellfish picks are rich in zinc, a vital mineral that plays a major role in skin renewal and repair.</p><p><strong>Bonus Tip:</strong> Adequate zinc levels can help prevent <a href="http://www.rodalewellness.com/weight-loss/hormone-imbalances">hormonal imbalances</a> that promote breakouts. Zinc also helps regulate the formation of collagen, which is required for healthy skin and oil control.</p>オイスターやムール貝
<p><strong>Your Food Fix:</strong> Wheat germ</p><p><strong>Why It Works:</strong> This food rich in B vitamins, vital nutrients that help your skin create healthy, new cells, makes a great addition to <a href="http://www.rodalewellness.com/food/healthy-granola-recipe">homemade granola</a>. These vitamins also promote rapid cell division, keeping your complexion looking fresh.</p><p><strong>Bonus Tip:</strong> Avoid "defatted" wheat germ—it was likely treated with the toxic solvent hexane.</p>小麦の胚芽
<p><strong>Your Food Fix:</strong> Wild-caught salmon, ground flaxseed</p><p><strong>Why It Works:</strong> The healthy <a href="http://www.rodalewellness.com/food/eat-more-omega-3s">omega-3 fats</a> in these foods help boost circulation and hydrate the skin and scalp while building healthier hair.</p><p><strong>Bonus Tip:</strong> Avoid "Atlantic" salmon or salmon from unknown origins. It's likely <a href="http://www.rodalewellness.com/food/your-wild-caught-salmon-could-be-one-big-fish-fraud">fish fraud</a> and was raised in questionable fish farms.</p>天然のサーモン
<p><strong>Your Food Fix:</strong> Broccoli, kale, spinach</p><p><strong>Why It Works:</strong> This superfood trio features potent levels of vitamins C and A, nutrients needed to produce an oily substance secreted by your hair follicles called sebum, and can help to <a href="http://www.rodalewellness.com/food/foods-energy">naturally boost your energy</a>. Sebum acts as your body's natural hair conditioner, adding shine and strength while decreases your risk of developing brittle hair.</p><p><strong>Bonus Tip:</strong> Spinach and kale both landed on Environmental Working Group's <a href="http://www.rodalewellness.com/food/new-fruit-tops-ewgs-dirty-dozen-list-of-produce">Dirty Dozen</a> list due to higher pesticide contamination level, so choose organic whenever you can.</p>ボロッコリー、ケール、ほうれん草

 Atlanta, GA 7-Day Forecast
ジョージアはフロリダ沖から張り出した高気圧に覆われ暑くなっていますが、それも水曜日から状況が変わってきます。西から低気圧が来るのでしょうか? 雨の予報が50%になっています。

 終戦、占領されていた国からすれば解放そして戦勝ですか。別に日本が悪いことをしたとは思いません。欧米の真似をしただけ? 当時の状況は欧米はアフリカやアジアに植民地を持っていました。それを日本は同じアジアとして救おうとしただけの話?と考えてみてください。中国はアヘン戦争で英国に負け、香港とマカオを取られたのに、これに対して大きな抗議をしていません。なぜですか? おかしいと思うのです。フィリピンなどもそうだったと思います。欧米は自国の利益誘導のために、海外に植民地を多く作りました。そういう行為は責められないのですよ。そして最後に海外進出した日本だけがどうも叩かれる。


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