今日の出来事から 8月12日(花金) ファルコンズン1勝!


The Ave Maria Grotto in Cullman is also known as "Jerusalem in Miniature." Handmade by a Benedictine monk, the grotto is home to 125 miniature replicas of historic buildings, events, and shrines from around the world. Many of the pieces were made with donated materials -- everything from colored glass and pieces of marble to bathroom tiles. Visitors marvel at the detail.アラバマ
The Ave Maria Grotto in Cullman is also known as "Jerusalem in Miniature." Handmade by a Benedictine monk, the grotto is home to 125 miniature replicas of historic buildings, events, and shrines from around the world. Many of the pieces were made with donated materials -- everything from colored glass and pieces of marble to bathroom tiles. Visitors marvel at the detail. Aptly named, Monkey Island in Homosassa is inhabited by five monkeys: Ralph, Sassy, Ebony, Eve, and Emily. Homosassa Riverside Resort, which owns the island and takes care of the animals, offers boat tours and dinner cruises that promise an up-close look at the monkeys.フロリダ
Aptly named, Monkey Island in Homosassa is inhabited by five monkeys: Ralph, Sassy, Ebony, Eve, and Emily. Homosassa Riverside Resort, which owns the island and takes care of the animals, offers boat tours and dinner cruises that promise an up-close look at the monkeys.
 In Elbert County stand the Georgia Guidestones, five massive granite blocks that are astronomically aligned. Sometimes referred to as the "American Stonehenge," the guidestones are inscribed with instructions that urge humanity to live in tune with nature. These "commandments" appear in multiple languages, including Sanskrit and Egyptian hieroglyphics.ジョージア
In Elbert County stand the Georgia Guidestones, five massive granite blocks that are astronomically aligned. Sometimes referred to as the "American Stonehenge," the guidestones are inscribed with instructions that urge humanity to live in tune with nature. These "commandments" appear in multiple languages, including Sanskrit and Egyptian hieroglyphics. "Cloud Chamber for the Trees and Sky," on the grounds of the North Carolina Museum of Art in Raleigh, has been likened to a hobbit's house. It's a camera obscura created by the artist Chris Drury. Visitors can sit inside and see the trees and sky outside projected onto the walls.ノースカロライナ
"Cloud Chamber for the Trees and Sky," on the grounds of the North Carolina Museum of Art in Raleigh, has been likened to a hobbit's house. It's a camera obscura created by the artist Chris Drury. Visitors can sit inside and see the trees and sky outside projected onto the walls.
 Myrtle Beach claims the title of miniature golf capital of the world. Each of the dozens of putt-putt courses has its draw. "Molten lava" streams down a volcano to block balls, one course resembles Neverland, and another is Gilligan's Island-themed.サウスカロライナ
Myrtle Beach claims the title of miniature golf capital of the world. Each of the dozens of putt-putt courses has its draw. "Molten lava" streams down a volcano to block balls, one course resembles Neverland, and another is Gilligan's Island-themed. "The Mindfield" is an outdoor sculpture made of salvaged steel that stretches to cover about an acre and reaches more than 125 feet into the air at points. It's the work of Billy Tripp, a local Brownsville artist who began construction in 1989 and has said he will continue to add to the sculpture until he dies.テネシー
The Mindfield" is an outdoor sculpture made of salvaged steel that stretches to cover about an acre and reaches more than 125 feet into the air at points. It's the work of Billy Tripp, a local Brownsville artist who began construction in 1989 and has said he will continue to add to the sculpture until he dies.

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