今日の出来事から 10月16日(金) 良い品が売上を作る

 US Airways planes at Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport, October 21, 2013

<p>You may be tempted to leave your patio furniture out all year, but if you properly pack and store your set during the winter, it will last much longer. Before you put your outdoor tables and chairs away, clean off any <a href="http://www.bobvila.com/slideshow/the-dirty-dozen-12-places-you-probably-never-clean-but-definitely-should-47266">dirt and debris</a>, let them dry completely, and store them in an enclosed space like the garage. Cover the pieces with blankets to prevent damage.</p><br><p><strong>Related: <a href="http://www.bobvila.com/slideshow/8-diy-pick-me-ups-for-a-plain-patio-48861">8 DIY Pick-Me-Ups for a Plain Patio</a></strong></p>パティオの片付け
<p>You don’t want to overlook this task! Avoid winter water mishaps by turning off outside faucets and in-ground irrigation systems to <a href="http://www.bobvila.com/slideshow/7-ways-to-avoid-winter-s-worst-home-disaster-48417">prevent them from freezing</a> and bursting when the temperature plummets. You'll also want to close any shut-off valves and open outside faucets to drain the lines completely. Finish by draining any lingering water and putting away garden hoses and sprinklers to prevent them from being harmed by the harsh winter weather.</p><br><p><strong>Related: <a href="http://www.bobvila.com/slideshow/7-fall-fix-ups-to-do-for-a-winter-ready-home-49329">7 Fall Fix-Ups to Do for a Winter-Ready Home</a></strong></p>屋外水道を空にする(冬季の破裂防止)
<p>'Tis the season for candles, cooking, and gathering around the fireplace—and all these seasonal flames can quickly lead to accidents. While they may not be the prettiest items in your home, fire extinguishers are certainly some of the most important. Whether you just have a fire extinguisher in the <a href="http://www.bobvila.com/slideshow/11-inspiring-kitchens-that-defy-their-small-size-47280">kitchen</a> or one on every floor of the house, early fall is a great time to inspect your fire extinguishers, make sure they're accessible and in working order, and review their proper use. </p><br><p><strong>Related: <a href="http://www.bobvila.com/slideshow/8-dangerous-secrets-your-home-may-be-hiding-48583">8 Dangerous Secrets Your Home May Be Hiding</a></strong></p>消火器の点検(火災は冬に多い)
<p>After you’ve finished deadheading your perennials, pulling up annuals, and trimming ornamental shrubs, consider adding a <a href="http://www.bobvila.com/slideshow/7-remedies-to-rescue-a-dying-lawn-48982">layer of mulch</a> to your flower beds. This extra blanket of warmth helps protect tender plants during the winter, increasing the chances that they'll survive until spring. While you can use a premade product like cedar mulch, consider creating your own by shredding and mulching the leaves from your lawn.</p><br><p><strong>Related: <a href="http://www.bobvila.com/slideshow/7-easy-budget-friendly-backyard-makeovers-44638">7 Easy Budget-Friendly Backyard Makeovers</a></strong></p>植木の冬準備
<p>These crisp days of early fall are delightful, but less delightful frigid temperatures are on their way. <a href="http://www.bobvila.com/articles/furnace-cleaning-and-maintenance/">Inspect your furnace</a> now so that you can take care of any problems before you really need that heat. Many experts recommend changing the furnace filter every few months, but a regular maintenance program should also include checking the pilot light and thermostat, and opening heating vents to make sure everything is working safely and efficiently.</p><br><p><strong>Related: <a href="http://www.bobvila.com/slideshow/the-1-hour-home-energy-audit-that-can-save-you-money-every-month-48115">The 1-Hour Home Energy Audit That Can Save You Money Every Month</a></strong></p>エアコンのフィルター点検
<p>After you rake up your first batch of <a href="http://www.bobvila.com/slideshow/editor-s-picks-7-tools-to-wage-war-against-leaves-47974">fallen leaves</a>, spend some time trimming branches to keep your trees healthy. If you prune while the tree still has leaves, you’ll be able to easily determine which branches are dead or dying and need to be removed, and which should be left alone. Your trees will probably appreciate the trim, especially if damaged branches are harboring insects or disease.</p><br><p><strong>Related: <a href="http://www.bobvila.com/slideshow/don-t-make-these-8-mistakes-in-your-front-yard-49148">Don't Make These 8 Mistakes in Your Front Yard</a></strong></p>植木の剪定
<p>You may think it's OK to wait until you hear that helpful low-battery chirp before checking your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors, but think again. It’s recommended that you test smoke detectors once a month and replace batteries every six months for best performance. Add this task to your fall—and <a href="http://www.bobvila.com/slideshow/10-life-changing-tools-for-easier-spring-cleaning-48648">spring</a>—checklist to ensure your home and family's safety. A good rule of thumb: Check your detectors when you change the clocks in fall and spring.</p><br><p><strong>Related: <a href="http://www.bobvila.com/slideshow/11-home-hazards-to-know-and-avoid-47723">11 Home Hazards to Know and Avoid</a></strong></p>報知器の電池点検
<p>If you intend to do any DIY projects during the winter, take the time to clean and <a href="http://www.bobvila.com/slideshow/make-room-for-the-car-7-easy-diy-garage-organizers-48117">organize your garage</a> to ensure that your indoor work space is usable. While you're at it, give the lawn mower and string trimmer a thorough cleaning and tune-up so they'll be ready for action as soon as spring hits. The same goes for any garden tools that you won’t be using during the winter.</p><br><p><strong>Related: <a href="http://www.bobvila.com/slideshow/7-tips-to-keep-your-mower-in-working-order-47480">7 Tips to Keep Your Mower in Working Order</a></strong></p>芝刈り機などの点検、収納
<p>Relaxing by the fire is a favorite cold-weather pastime, but before your first gathering of the season, have your chimney and <a href="http://www.bobvila.com/slideshow/7-mistakes-not-to-make-with-your-fireplace-48156">fireplace</a> evaluated by a licensed inspector. If you have the structure serviced properly, it will function more efficiently, and you should be able to avoid any accidents caused by creosote buildup, dirty flues, or other hidden dangers. Make sure you have dry wood easily accessible to fuel your wood-burning fireplace during those cold winter nights.</p><br><p><strong>Related: <a href="http://www.bobvila.com/slideshow/10-steps-to-readying-your-fireplace-for-winter-48090">10 Steps to Readying Your Fireplace for Winter</a></strong></p>煙突の点検


 南東部 州別の名物、これだけは食べておけ!ハワイも追加
ALABAMA: Fried green tomatoes are an iconic Southern side dish consisting of unripe tomatoes fried in cornmeal, and were made famous by the 1987 novel “Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Café” and its subsequent movie.アラバマ グリーントマトのフライ(GAもそうですが)
GEORGIA: There's a reason Georgia is called the Peach State, so sink your teeth into a sweet, juicy peach in the form of a crispy peach pie.ジョージア ピーチパイ
HAWAII: Hawaiians love Spam, which they were introduced to during WWII. The Japanese in the area quickly adopted the canned meat, turning it into Spam musubi, a sushi roll of sorts that is made with grilled Spam, sticky rice, and nori seaweed.ハワイ スパムおむすび
NORTH CAROLINA: In this state, BBQ translates to succulent, slow cooked-pork that is chopped or shredded and drowned either in a tangy vinegar sauce or a sweet, ketchup-infused sauce.ノースカロライナ ポークのBBQ
SOUTH CAROLINA: Shrimp and Grits—fresh shrimp served on a bed of simmered milled corn—is a classic dish in South Carolina. Mix-ins can include everything from bacon, garlic, and lemon to mushroom and scallions.サウスカロライナ 海老のグリッツ
TENNESSEE: In Memphis, the city’s succulent pork ribs reign supreme. They can be ordered “wet” (with a tomato-based sauce) or “dry” (with a rub of spices).テネシー ポークリブ(特にメンフィス)
FLORIDA: Key Lime Pie is believed to have been invented by sponge fishermen in the Keys, who would have condensed milk, eggs and lime aboard their boats when traveling for long periods of time, and no access to an oven.フロリダ やはりキーライムパイ


  10月15日、メキシコの今年のハロウィーンは、7月に脱獄した「麻薬王」ホアキン・グスマン受刑者の仮装が人気を博している。写真は14日、店頭に展示された麻薬王の仮装(2015年 ロイター/Henry Romero )
 メキシコのハロウィーンでは、これが流行り? 麻薬王のエルチャポです。

   「美人は得」と漠然と信じられた社会通念を科学的に「証明」した研究があり、2015年2月に出版された「美貌格差 生まれつきの不平等の経済学」です。米国の労働経済学者が「見た目のいい人」と「普通の人」では生涯収入で約2700万円の差が出ることを膨大なデータから明らかにしました。
 私、53歳に見えない53歳です。だいたい45歳で言われますが、果物大好き、いまだに裸眼です。そして「夢を捨てない」ことですかね。金持ちになるでー! 成せば成る

 知ってました? 日本でレクサス買うと、紅白のテープカット、シャンパンが開き、ファンファーレが鳴る??? アメリカでは考えられません。

 Atlanta, GA 7-Day Forecast
 日曜日のゴルフは長袖? 短パンで来ると言っていたあの人、本当に来るんでしょうか??

 まあ、ある初老のゴルファーが、プレイ中に言っていたことがあります。ドライバーがえらい飛ぶ人がいます。その人が280飛ぶなら、初老のプレイヤーは220程度。そんなものには動じず、「上がってなんぼ」と言う。 そしてその通りになる。飛ばし屋は寄せとパットが下手でパーで上がれない。初老のプレイヤーは、こじっかり寄せてパーを取る。


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