今日の出来事から 8月27日(木) それでも崩壊への道は続く

 せっかく上がったダウと日経平均ですが、それでも崩壊への道は続くのです。こんなの茶番? 誰かが支えているに決まっています。仮にどんどん下がっていけば、恐慌の手前まで行きますからね。

<p>There are dozens of supermarket brands out there, but none are quite like Trader Joe’s. Just setting foot in one will tell you that you’re someplace special: The walls are colorfully painted, the employees are wearing Hawaiian shirts, and most of the products don’t resemble any that you’ve ever seen before. We tracked down 10 facts that we bet you didn’t know about Trader Joe’s, even if you’re a regular shopper.</p>通称:トレジョー、その秘密

<p>The <strong><a href="http://www.thedailymeal.com/cook/america-s-best-supermarkets">average supermarket</a></strong> carries up to a whopping 50,000 items. If <strong><a href="http://www.thedailymeal.com/eat/25-best-and-worst-snacks-trader-joes">the inventory</a></strong> at your local Trader Joe’s seems a little more manageable than that at your local Stop & Shop, that’s because the average TJ’s only keeps about 4,000 products in stock. </p>
<p>Even though you’ll never encounter a Trader Joe’s that’s not handing out free samples of some sort, if you want to try <strong><a href="http://www.thedailymeal.com/eat/trader-joe-s-best-products-gluten-free-goodies">something specific</a></strong>, just ask an employee and they’ll most likely <strong><a href="http://www.thedailymeal.com/10-things-you-didn-t-know-you-could-buy-trader-joe-s">open it up for you</a></strong> to have a taste right then and there. </p>
<p>“Those blustery PA systems just didn't feel right to us,” the company says <strong><a href="http://www.traderjoes.com/faqs/general-information">on their website</a></strong>, so they communicate via bells: One bell means it’s time to open a new register, two bells means there’s a question at <strong><a href="http://www.thedailymeal.com/buying-bread-online-real-life-terms">checkout</a></strong>, and three bells calls over “a manager-type person.”</p>
<p><strong><a href="http://www.thedailymeal.com/eat/best-and-worst-products-trader-joe-s-volume-5">New products</a></strong> are introduced every week, and that means that if a product isn’t selling well, it’s going to be on the chopping block. Other reasons why a product might disappear is if it’s a seasonal item or if the cost of producing the item increases to a point where it’s no longer a good deal. To stay on top of what’s coming and going, sign up to receive <a href="http://www.traderjoes.com/subscribe"><strong>their Fearless Flyer</strong></a>.</p>
<p>If you buy a food item, try it, <strong><a href="http://www.thedailymeal.com/eat/worst-things-buy-trader-joe-s-sweets">and don’t like it</a></strong>, you can return it for a full refund, no questions asked. </p>
<p>This helps keep prices down, and also allows the company to have more control over the quality of their products. Pantry items like bread, butter, olive oil, <strong><a href="http://www.thedailymeal.com/trader-joe-s-valencia-peanut-butter-roasted-flaxseeds">peanut butter</a></strong>,<strong><a href="http://www.thedailymeal.com/eat/trader-joe-s-best-products-condiments"> condiments</a></strong>, and rice will be a lot less expensive here than at your local supermarket. </p>
<p>To keep the kiddies entertained while you do your shopping, send them on a hunt for a <strong><a href="http://www.thedailymeal.com/incredibly-realistic-food-toys-you-wish-you-had-kid">hidden toy</a></strong> or a plastic <strong><a href="http://www.thedailymeal.com/videode-shelling-lobster">lobster</a></strong>. Every location has them hiding!</p>
<p>Just <a href="http://www.traderjoes.com/contact-us/location-request"><strong>fill out this form</strong></a>; they read every submission and take the amount of local requests into consideration when mapping out new locations.</p>
<p>If you’re interested in being a vendor, you can <a href="http://www.traderjoes.com/contact-us/new-vendor-form"><strong>fill out this form</strong></a>. Just know that their criteria for what makes it onto their shelves is incredibly strict!</p>
<p>They also contain no <strong><a href="http://www.thedailymeal.com/eat/10-things-you-didn-t-know-about-msg">MSG</a></strong> and are “priced to sell” (that’s why you <strong><a href="http://www.thedailymeal.com/10-ways-save-money-groceries-without-coupons/100613">never see any Trader Joe’s coupons</a></strong>), and they’ve all gone through a tasting panel to make sure that there are no clunkers. </p>

Out of all the foods out there, fatty fish like salmon, mackerel, trout, tuna and eel, are one of the best sources for Vitamin D. In addition to their lean protein, and omega-3s, fish offer the sunshine vitamin in one of the most potent doses for food.Just to give you a frame of reference, the current recommended daily dose of Vitamin D by the National Institute of Health, is 600 international units (IU) for people 5 through 70. 70 and older are recommended to have 800 IU each day. Health.com says that a 3-ounce salmon fillet has 450 IU in addition to its heart-healthy benefits. Oh, and it's delicious too!鮭、鯖、マグロなどから摂る
Like us, mushrooms have the ability to convert UV light into Vitamin D, so they are an excellent source of this nutrient. However, not all mushrooms are grown exposed to light, so be sure to look for Vitamin-D rich mushrooms when browsing through the grocery store.For every 1 cup (about 3 ounces) of mushrooms, you can get 400 IUs worth of Vitamin D. While most mushrooms only produce Vitamin D2 (our bodies produce D3) a recent study found that mushrooms could produce D3 and D4 vitamins if exposed to UVB light. Source: JM, et al. Evaluation of the bioavailability of vitamin D2 in mushrooms in healthy adults. Experimental Biology. 2013.きのこ類から摂る
Even though eggs sometimes get a bad reputation, they have the added benefit of having a decent amount of vitamin D, and less cholesterol than foods with saturated fat. While it might be tempting to just eat the whites of an egg when watching calories, the Vitamin D comes from an egg's yolk, so it's crucial to add this part to your meal. Overall, one egg will give you about 40 IUs of Vitamin D, but the American Heart Association suggests to eat them in moderation.卵から摂る
Since many foods do not have high quantities of Vitamin D naturally, food and drink fortified with the nutrient could also be a good source. Today, the National Institutes of Health estimate that almost all milk in America is fortified with Vitamin D. An 8-ounce glass of milk could have up to 100 IUs of Vitamin D, while a 6-ounce bowl of yogurt has about 80 IUs. As far as non-diary milks, some do have additional Vitamin D, but you should check the label. Also, neither ice cream nor cheese is usually fortified with the vitamin, so unfortunately your next sundae will not have this added benefit.牛乳から摂る
It sounds completely unappealing, but do not worry you do not have to eat it. Not only does cod liver oil come available in capsule form, or flavored with mint and citrus, it offers the greatest amount of Vitamin D per serving on this list: just one tablespoon of the stuff will give you 1,300 IUS of vitamin D, more than twice the daily recommended dose. So as tempting as it is, you might not want to have too much of it.肝臓オイルから摂る
When in doubt, there is always the option of supplements. Taking a Vitamin D supplement each day will help you get your full daily recommended dose without being exposed to harmful UV rays. And unlike calcium, Dr. Honig tells Health.com, "You don't have to split up your vitamin D dose; you can take it all at one time."But be sure if you are taking a supplement that you do not exceed the recommended daily dose; vitamin D can be toxic if taken in large quantities, so be sure to assess the other sources you could potentially be getting it from, and in what amount.サプリメントに頼る
 ビタミンDの健康効果 ◎骨や歯を丈夫にする効果 ◎糖尿病を予防する効果 ◎免疫力を高める効果 ◎インフルエンザを予防する効果です。

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 それを叱れない親にも問題。どうして帰宅できない状況を作ってしまったのか? やはり病んでいる日本です。
 死んでしまったものは仕方ないから、前に向かって生きるしかないでしょう? 今朝もワイドショーは昨日の「ライブ殺人事件」の続報ばかりでした。


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