闇に流れる拳銃の多さーアトランタ犯罪レポート 1月24日(金)

Veinte quatro de Enero(Vieres)
 先日の車盗難未遂の犯人がEast Pointで捕まったそうです、5人組です。まあ最低10年は出てこれないでしょう。
 昨年1年にCity Of Atlanta内でどれだけの拳銃が盗難に遭っているか知っていますか? 1千丁を超えるそうです。単純に毎年1千丁の拳銃が犯罪組織に流れていることになります。

 アトランタ対ワシントン。しかし八村塁は出るのか? 多くのアトランタ在住の日本人が日ごろはバスケに興味もないのに、塁見たさにチケットを買い、肝心な塁が故障中で出ない??? 金返せ、ゲーム見ても仕方ない。詐欺だ!と感じているのでは?


 Slide 3 of 28: Before you leave your job, double-check that you have enough stashed in your retirement fund to last through your golden years. Consider factors like how much you plan to spend each year in retirement, how much you'll be receiving from a pension or Social Security benefits, and how many years you'll likely spend in retirement. If you're drastically short on your savings, it's better to find that out now rather than a few years into retirement when it'll be more difficult to get your old job back.手元に十分なお金があるか再確認する
Slide 5 of 28: When you enter retirement, it's wise to play if safer with your investments. Because you'll be relying on your savings for a significant portion of your income, you'll want to ensure you're protecting your money as much as you can. It's a good idea to invest less heavily in stocks and start leaning more on bonds and other less-risky investments as you get older. You won't see as high of returns this way, but you also won't see the dramatic ups and downs that you would by investing most of your money in stocks.お金の使い道を真剣に考える
 Slide 6 of 28: Although it's vital to adjust your asset allocation, that won't completely protect you from market downturns. And when you spend 20 or 30 years or more in retirement, you're bound to experience a few recessions that could hurt your overall savings -- even if you're investing wisely and safely. To protect your retirement lifestyle, plan for how you'll get through these recessions. You may need to withdraw less from your retirement fund during these years, and if so, can you afford to get by on less? If your savings take a serious hit, will you be able to get by on Social Security benefits or will you need to pick up a part-time job? You won't have all the answers now, but by at least thinking about these potential issues before they happen, you can prepare yourself as much as possible.ALSO READ: 4 Retirement Planning Rules to Live By市場が下げたときにどう対処するか考える
Slide 12 of 28: You don't necessarily have to claim Social Security benefits when you retire, although many people choose to do so because they need the extra money each month. Deciding when you want to claim benefits is a big decision, because the size of your monthly checks will depend on what age you claim. If you claim at your full retirement age (FRA), you'll receive the full benefit amount you're entitled to. But if you claim before or after that age, you'll receive smaller or bigger checks. These adjustments can be significant, too. If you have a FRA of 67 and you claim at 62, your checks will be reduced by 30% for the rest of your life. But if you claim at age 70, you'll receive your full benefit amount plus an additional 24% each month.ソーシャルセキュリティをいつ申請するか考える
Slide 14 of 28: Healthcare costs will be a significant expense in retirement, even if you're enrolled in Medicare. Medicare doesn't cover everything, and the average retiree pays around $4,300 per year in out-of-pocket healthcare costs, according to a study from the Center for Retirement Research at Boston College. Make sure you understand how Medicare works and know what costs you'll be responsible for, then implement those costs into your retirement budget.ALSO READ: 4 Costly Retirement Mistakes to Avoidヘルスケアのコストを考える、平均1年に4300ドル必要
 Slide 15 of 28: Alongside healthcare, long-term care is one of the biggest expenses you could face in retirement. If you're expecting your children or grandchildren to care for you when you're older, that's a big risk that may or may not pay off. Roughly 70% of seniors end up needing long-term care at some point, according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, and the average nursing home charges more than $6,800 per month for a semi-private room -- and these expenses aren't covered by Medicare. Long-term care insurance can help cover some of these exorbitant costs, but premiums themselves can be hefty. So before you retire, make sure you have some sort of plan for how you'll potentially cover long-term care when you're older.長期療養コストを考える。70%のシニアは最終的にこうなっている。自宅で毎日介護されると月額6800ドルが必要という試算あり
Slide 16 of 28: Although it's not the most pleasant topic to think about, now is a good time to think about what will happen to all your assets when you pass away. Create or update your will, and also update your 401(k) or IRA beneficiaries, if necessary. An estate plan can also include assigning power of attorney and creating a living will. These topics can be complicated and confusing, so it's a good idea to consult a lawyer or financial advisor to ensure you're making the best decisions for your situation.資産の見直しをする、遺言の書き換えとか
 Slide 19 of 28: If you're considering downsizing to a smaller home or moving to a brand new city, retirement is a prime time to do it. Whether you're thinking about moving to a more affordable neighborhood to save money or you want to start this new chapter of your life in a different city or even a new country, housing costs will affect your entire retirement budget. Before you retire, make sure you've thought about whether it's a good idea to move. Then if you are planning on moving, consider how that will impact your finances in retirement.ALSO READ: Fewer Older Americans Are Downsizing Their Homes, Data Shows住宅コストを考える、大抵の人は引退後、小さな家に住む
Slide 20 of 28: Two-thirds of Americans in their 60s say they plan to continue working part-time in retirement, according to a survey from TD Ameritrade, and more than half of those in their 70s say the same. If you think you want to work part-time in retirement, it's smart to begin planning early. Consider the industry you'd like to work in, and think about whether you're qualified to work the job you want in retirement. And if you have any contacts in your desired industry who could help you find part-time work, it's a good idea to reach out to them before you retire.運動、趣味と実益を兼ねてパートタイムの仕事を考える
 Slide 26 of 28: If your savings are stashed in a 401(k) or traditional IRA, you may be faced with income taxes once you start making withdrawals from these accounts. You may also have to pay state and/or federal taxes on your Social Security benefits, which can further limit your disposable income. Each state has slightly different tax laws, and some are more tax-friendly than others. Check whether your state taxes retirement account withdrawals and Social Security benefits, and if you will face taxes in retirement, make sure that's a cost you're budgeting for.IRAやSSの税金を考える、収入=税金で各州により異なる
Slide 27 of 28: Finally, continue saving until the very last minute. Although you've reached the home stretch, it's still important to save as much as you can in the months leading up to retirement. That final push can potentially boost your retirement fund by thousands of dollars, which can go a long way.ALSO READ: Should You Save in an Emergency Fund or Save for Retirement?引退したからといって、貯蓄を止めないこと。

3-6, 4-6 とまあストレートで負けましたね。大坂なおみ。メンタルがやはり問題なのでは?



 医療費カットしますか? 死ぬ権利も大事にしよう。寝たきり制度反対! 良い状態で死なせてあげよう。次の世界があるのだから! 元気に死のう! 自分の最期は自分で決めよう! マジでそう思うのです。病院のベッドで死ぬのは良くない。

Coco Gauff beats last year's champion to advance at Australian Open

Rain Ending Today
 QuiltはKrogerだと35ドルから40ドルします。うちの方が断然安いのです。Sandy Springsのお客さんはこのあたりに弱いかと。店ではカベルネ飲まないが、家で肉にカベルネ? そして安い値打ちのあるワインなら買いたい。そこを攻めていくのが常道ではないかと。どこかでワイン買うならTAKAで買わせる、その値段に落とす。

 三菱がまた飛行機の納入時期を延ばしました、6回目だそうです。7回伸ばしても良いですよ、とにかく諦めるな。国策でいけ! 認証が取れて製造が始まると、どれだけの仕事が国内に回ってくるか?
 自動車は電気自動車になれば、国内の仕事も減っていくのです、部品点数が減りますからね、確か3割減。ということは今後30%の仕事は減っていく。それを埋めるのが飛行機の製造であれば、最高ではないですか? 頑張れ日の丸飛行隊!皆さん、良い週末を!


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