なぜか混む月曜日 7月23日(火)

Veinte Tres de Julio (Lunes)


 どこもかしこもセキュリティカメラ? では家ならどこに設置するか? 10台として
Slide 2 of 10: Security experts agree that the most important places for homeowners to install security cameras is at the front door. "Your average criminal is looking for a crime of opportunity, an unlocked door, or swiping a package off your front porch," Both says. "A security camera at your front door is a great way to deter criminals because it's visible and can help you know when your packages have arrived." Opting for a security camera or even a smart doorbell security camera like this one allows you to see who's there before answering the door, adding safety and security to your home. If you're on the market for a new system, check out these 12 best-reviewed home security cameras.玄関先
Slide 3 of 10: A door that leads to outside your house is a sitting duck. So you'll want to install a security camera for as many doors as possible. Between the front door and the back doors, more than half of burglars entered a home through one of these in America, according to government statistics, says Jon Knight, the Chief Security Officer at Fortified Estate.外に通じるドアのある場所
Slide 4 of 10: Another ideal spot for a security camera is facing your driveway, according to Andrea Harvey, a research and communications specialist for asecurelife.com. It's not uncommon for people to steal cars right out of owners' driveways. In fact, Knight says the driveway and nearby street are the areas most people forget to cover with security cameras. "Most criminals won't park too far away," Knight says. "Having a high-resolution camera that can reliably see your driveway and at least a little bit of the street in front of your house is a game-changer in many suspect identification attempts." Catching a license place in the video might be more helpful than an image of the burglar in a mask. These clips are nothing compared to the 11 strangest things caught on home security camerasドライブウェイ
Slide 5 of 10: To the window, that's where burglars go when they don't see any security cameras covering that area. Harvey says this is why security cameras by windows should be a priority. It's especially helpful since dark areas near side windows make it easier for burglars to break-in.通りから見えない窓
Slide 6 of 10: People mistakenly assume that security cameras are only good for preventing or catching a burglary in the act. They are also ideal for protecting your loved ones, according to Harvey. "We suggest putting security cameras near areas of your home that could potentially be harmful to children or pets, such as pools and gun safes," Harvey says. Opt for a waterproof one like this model. Having more than your fair share of security cameras is one of the 10 secrets security guards won't tell you.プール(あれば)
Slide 7 of 10: The entryway

Keeping cameras outside of the home only protect you one way. Will Greenwald, a reporter at PCMag.com covering home security products for a decade, points out that cameras can be nearly as capable when facing inward. A camera covering your entryway could be a great extra layer of protection. If your primary concern is people stealing packages, consider investing in a video doorbell instead, Greenwald says. It won't hurt to add these 22 inexpensive ways to theft-proof your home, either.ポーチ
Slide 8 of 10: Another spot inside the home to have a security camera is the staircase, according to Knight. This spot is good for a camera for two reasons. Many burglars are people like repairmen or service workers who have seen the inside of the home before, per Knight. Cameras by the staircase help you know who visits places in the house that they shouldn't. As a bonus, cameras by the stairs are useful for personal safety, too. If you have an elderly relative or someone who might fall on the stairs, having a camera could help people remember what happened and potentially aid doctors, as well.階段の踊り場
Slide 9 of 10: If you keep valuables in a safe or have expensive jewelry in your house, it's smart to install security cameras to keep an eye on them, Greenwald says. If someone does make it into your home and tries to go for your valuables, at least you'll have a security camera specifically dedicated to that area. You don't have to go overboard with big, clunky cameras either. A mini hidden spy camera like this one could do the trick.金庫の前
Slide 10 of 10: After you cover these spots with security cameras, the next step is to check for blind spots, according to Greenwald. "Check your camera's field of view and make sure it covers everything you need," he says. "Where a camera is pointing and how much it can see is just as important as where it's physically placed." Some people do such an excellent job installing security cameras that people don't even know they exist. That's what you probably don't realize about these 8 places you didn't know had hidden cameras.

Every product is independently selected by our editors. If you buy something through our links, we may earn an affiliate commission.人目につかない場所

a yellow car parked on the side of a road


これを安倍さんは変えたいのでは? 侵犯してくる敵に対して何もできないのでは自衛と言えるのか? 多分、そういうことだと思います。
 強い日本、自由な日本、能書きで理想ばかり先行しても、その実態は? アメリカにお金払って、面倒見てもらっているのでは、それは実現しないと思います。


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