台風の当たり年 10月2日(火)

Octobre Dos (Martes)

 外国人が日本を去って、恋しくなるものは何か? MSNのサイトにありました。
21 枚のスライドの 2 枚目: Young Pretty Waitress is serving coffee at the Japanese cafe restrant in Tokyoレストランの接客が良い
21 枚のスライドの 3 枚目: A fan wears a protective mask during the FIFA Club World Cup second round match between Jeonbuk Hyundai and Club America at Suita City Football Stadium on December 11, 2016 in Suita, Japan.予防でマスクをしている人が多い
21 枚のスライドの 4 枚目: This Japanese mayonnaise was the clear winner, earning a score of 6.6 that put it way ahead of the pack. It had a yellow yolk-y color and, thanks to the star tip atop the squeeze bottle, looked beautiful piped into the tasting bowl. The aroma was pleasantly eggy, the texture creamy. The eggy flavor was slightly tangy, with what one taster described as a 'very pronounced' umami element. That makes sense given one of the ingredients is monosodium glutamate. $6.99 for 500 grams (17.64 ounces).マヨネーズが美味しい
21 枚のスライドの 5 枚目: 23. Wasabi – Who needs filler for thin lips when you can use wasabi to get a pout. Apply wasabi paste on your lips for a fuller look of lips.本物の山葵
21 枚のスライドの 6 枚目: Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, left, is greeted by Tokyo Gov. Yuriko Koike after a groundbreaking ceremony of new national stadium in Tokyo, Sunday, Dec. 11, 2016.お辞儀の文化
21 枚のスライドの 7 枚目: People purchase bottle drinks from a vending machine on Feb. 12, 2015 in Tokyo, Japan. Around half of the vending machines in Japan sell drinks, and this has led to the development of proprietary technology such as that which enables both gattakaih (hot) and gtsumetaih (cool) drinks to be housed inside the same vending machine.自販機
21 枚のスライドの 8 枚目: Subway train, Tokyo Metro, Marunouchi Line, Tokyo, Japan.電車が綺麗、早い、正確、安全
21 枚のスライドの 9 枚目: It is a Japanese-made toiletトイレがハイテク
21 枚のスライドの 10 枚目: In this picture taken on August 29, 2017, a decoration with different KitKat flavours is displayed at a KitKat 'Chocolatory' boutique shop in Tokyo. KitKats have been around in Britain since 1935 and only arrived in Japan in 1973, but the Japanese market has a crucial unique selling point -- a huge variety of different flavours.キットカットが多種類
21 枚のスライドの 11 枚目: Young Japanese female settled with receipt White background釣銭のトレイがある
21 枚のスライドの 12 枚目: Onsen or hot springs are a popular form of recreation in Japan . As a volcanically active country, Japan has thousands of onsen on its islands. They were traditionally used as public bathing places and still are today though most people have efficient baths in their homes. Onsen come in many types and shapes, including outdoor rotenburo or notenburo and indoor baths. Baths are often run as part of a hotel, ryokan, minshuku or Japanese inn..温泉、湯船につかる文化
21 枚のスライドの 13 枚目: Genkan, or main entrance to a Japanese home, will invariably have shoes left there, as they are never worn inside the home. Shoes pointing outward are a courtesy to guests or members of the household to make it easier to slip them on before venturing outdoors again.靴を脱ぐ習慣
21 枚のスライドの 14 枚目: A Japanese woman dressed in Yuakata, a summer kimono, walks with her children during the annual Himeji Yukata Festival on on June 22, 2014 in Himeji, Japan. Yukata is a casual summer version of kimono, traditionally made of cotton instead of silk. The Himeji Yukata Festival was started by Himeji lord Sakakibara Masamune over 250 years ago.着物や浴衣
21 枚のスライドの 15 枚目: Shallow DOF of refreshing towel on top of wooden plate over japanese restaurant wooden tableおしぼり
21 枚のスライドの 16 枚目: Friends at a dinner party talking and drinking wine around a buffet. Kyoto, Japan. May 2016食べ物の多様性

21 枚のスライドの 17 枚目: Saori Inokuchi's bento box from the class.弁当
21 枚のスライドの 18 枚目: Tatami Room at Ryoanji the 'Temple of the Dragon at Peace' is a Zen temple in northwest Kyoto, Ryoanji belongs to the Rinzai branch of Zen Buddhism. The garden is considered to be the finest examples of a karesansui, Japanese rock garden, or zen garden, in the world. The temple and gardens are listed as Historic Monuments of Ancient Kyoto and as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.御座敷
21 枚のスライドの 19 枚目: Onigiris, japanese foodおにぎり
21 枚のスライドの 20 枚目: Traditional Japanese roomこたつ
21 枚のスライドの 21 枚目: A postman of Japan Post rides a motorcycle in Tokyo, February 18, 2015. Financial giant Japan Post Holdings Co Ltd launched its global expansion strategy with its largest ever deal on Wednesday, agreeing a A$6.5 billion ($5.1 billion) takeover of Australian freight and logistics firm Toll Holdings Ltd.郵便制度、正確、早い、システム化されている

 「全員野球内閣」なのか、「閉店セール内閣」なのか、今回の安倍さんの組閣をこんな風に見ているようです。次の総裁はなく、任期は2年?3年? 憲法改正を大きく変えるのではなく、自衛隊の位置づけだけは、きちんと「国防」できるように、敵が領海に入ってきたときに、撃てるようにしてほしいものです。これさえ、やってくれたらそれでいいですよ。自衛権を持つことは大事、日本の大切な領土を赤い旗の国に取られてはいけない。彼らはお金にモノを言わせ、軍備拡大ばかりしています、賢い日本はどう戦うのか、どう防衛するのか、真剣に考える時期です。


More above average temperatures ahead
 年々、エスカレートするのがクリスマス商戦ですが、昔は金曜日の午前6時でした、それが午前2時になり、とうとう感謝祭の夜の6時とかになっています。休むべき日にお金のために働かないといけない。情けないですね、アメリカ。富裕層がゆっくり休んでいて、その一方で貧困層は休みなしで働く。TAKA SUSHIは休みますよ。金曜日のランチも休みますよ。誰も来ないのでね、買い物で。


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