今冬を予測してみる 7月26日(木)

Julio Veinte Seis (Jueves)

 単純に今夏は「洪水と猛暑」だとしたら、今冬はどうなるのか? 気候は暑いか寒いかしかありませんが、思いも寄らない暖冬になり「冬が来ない」という説。そしてドカ雪が降るようなおかしな天気の「極寒」のいずれかではないかと思います。

 昨日の大失態! 昨夜気づきましたが、火曜日に妹にメガミリオンを買いに行かせたのに、実はパワーボールでした。妹は間違えて、パワーボウルを買っていたのです。522ミリオン当たるわけない。パワーボールは147ミリオンで、昨夜の抽選でしたが。
 こういう不運が意外と当選を招く? まだ見ていません。

Slide 3 of 76: 870 calories, 40 g fat (14 g saturated fat, 1 g trans fat), 2,130 mg sodium, 96 g carbs (13 g fiber, 6 g sugar), 32 g protein This extra-extra-large burrito comes stuffed with about an entire day’s worth of heart-harming sodium and saturated fat.
ブリトー 2千カロリー
Slide 9 of 76: 810 calories, 52 g fat (23 g saturated fat, 2 g trans fat), 2,000 mg sodium, 40 g carbs (1 g fiber, 9 g sugar), 46 g protein This scary sandwich doubles up on the beef, triples up on the cheese, and quadruples the bacon—but will it quintuple your risk of heart disease?
ベーコンチーズバーガー 2千カロリー
Slide 10 of 76: 1,880 calories, 118 g fat (20 g saturated fat, 1 g trans fat), 3,600 mg sodium, 39 g carbs (6 g fiber, 1 g sugar), 87 g protein A 40-piece order of chicken nuggets has the highest amount of both calories in fat out of all Mickey D’s offerings, deeming it more like an outrageous food challenge than a drive-thru lunch.
チキンナゲット 1880カロリー+3600mgの塩分
Slide 11 of 76: per slice: 520 calories, 26 g fat (9 g saturated fat, 0.5 g trans fat), 1,150 mg sodium, 47 g carbs (2 g fiber, 3 g sugar), 22 g protein Even if you can stop yourself from reaching for another slice, one bacon-ranch triangle will cost you about half a day’s worth of sodium and a half-gram of heart-health-harming trans fat, which the FDA considers to be not safe for consumption and has actually banned from being used in packaged foods.
 ベーコンチキンピザ 1スライス520カロリーで8枚4160カロリー
Slide 13 of 76: 1,090 calories, 72 g fat (30 g saturated fat, 4 g trans fat), 1,910 mg sodium, 40 g carbs (3 g fiber, 9 g sugar), 71 g protein The American Heart Association recommends getting no more than one percent of your calories from trans fats—so if you’re following a 2,000-calorie diet, this troubling burger has two days’ worth of the heart harmer.
 トリプルチーズバーガー 意外にも1090カロリー 塩分1900mg
Slide 31 of 76: 860 calories, 52 g fat (18 g saturated fat, 2 g trans fat), 1,470 mg sodium, 62 g carbs (5 g fiber, 13 g sugar), 41 g protein Consider this super-sized burger the Big Mac’s wicked twin: It’s got a half-pound of beef, two times the amount of special sauce and two slices of cheese sandwiched between an extra slice of bread, lettuce, and onions.
 マックのグランドマック これも意外にも860カロリー

Slide 43 of 76: Per venti with whole milk and whipped cream: 600 calories, 23 g fat (14 g saturated fat, 0.5 g trans fat), 360 mg sodium, 93 g carbs (3 g fiber, 87 g sugar), 9 g protein Craving the moist, ruby-hued dessert? Forgo this caloric frapp and opt for an indulgent serving of Halo Top’s red velvet pint. A half-cup boasts just 90 calories, 3 grams of fat, and 7 grams of sugar while packing in 5 grams of satiating protein.
スタバのフラペチーノ 600カロリー  糖分とヘビークリームが怖い
Slide 45 of 76: 1,670 calories, 107 g fat (20 g saturated fat, 3.5 g trans fat), 4,800 mg sodium, 116 g carbs (18 g fiber, 16 g sugar), 91 g protein While the buffalo-sauce-slathered chicken fingers may be to blame for the majority of the calories in this dish, it’s the insidious crinkle fries and coleslaw that accompany the protein that come in second and third place, boasting a walloping 142 calories and 98 calories, respectively.
チキンウィング6ピースソース付き 1670カロリー



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