今日の出来事から 9月8日(木) 錦織金星、おれにもくれ!


 昨夜は「夏子の酒」を深夜2時までかけて最終回まで到達しました。これ見ないと寝れなかったのです。11回の放送を4日で見た計算になります。美味い酒を造るには良い酒米から、基本ですよ。ドラマとはいえ、感動する。物を作り上げる難しさ、そして夢に向かって走る、最後は達成感! 広島の優勝は9日以降にお預けになりましたが、これもまた同じ。

 業者によってもこれまでチェックを切っていましたが、これをカード払いに切り替えました。これだけで年間4万ドルー5万ドルがカードに加算されます。今年は15万ドル程度がVISAカードに行くのでは? 来年の払い戻しが楽しみです。毎日、働き詰めの生活で、こういうところしか楽しみがない。金が浮くのが楽しいのです、バケーション行けるわけでもないし、40万ドル近い借金を減らすのが楽しい。


 Low scores: crime and weatherHigh scores: cost of living* Ranking from Bankrate, which analyzed 196 U.S. cities across eight categories using various data sources: cost of living, crime, well-being, walkability, taxes, health care, weather and cultural vitality.デトロイト
 Arizona, California, Florida, Iowa, Maryland, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas and Virginiaなどの州が引退して住むには最高の州とされています。

Tim Cook makes his closing remarks during an Apple media event in San Franciscoワイヤレスのイヤホン?
 アップルが新製品を出し、16日から発売ですが、防水? これすでにソニーやサムソンがかなり前からやってます。カメラ性能の向上? このカメラはソニーが作っているはず? ということで新しいことはワイヤレスのイヤホンしかないのですよ。

<p>Close to 3 million people live in <strong><a href="http://www.theactivetimes.com/content/worlds-best-rivers-cruises">Mississippi</a></strong>, the most dangerous state, according to WalletHub, owing to low road, workplace and community safety rank. Mississippi also has the second highest murder rate per 100,000 people in 2014 – 8.6, according to FBI data. The rates of both violent and non-violent crimes are up since 2013. The Magnolia State is also fourth in the <strong><a href="http://www.theactivetimes.com/travel/world/world-s-most-dangerous-countries-drive">most fatalities</a></strong> per 100 million vehicle miles of travel.</p>1位 ミシシッピー
 Mississippi also has the second highest murder rate per 100,000 people in 2014 – 8.6, according to FBI data. The rates of both violent and non-violent crimes are up since 2013.
<p>Oklahoma is on the list, because of its extremely low “safety from <strong><a href="http://www.theactivetimes.com/travel/n/29-health-hazards-vacations">natural disasters</a></strong>” rank. It is the lowest – 51 – in the WalletHub analysis. The state’s overall safety score is 35.29, the second lowest. The Sooner State is eighth in the “highest estimated property losses <strong><a href="http://www.theactivetimes.com/cities-see-they-sink-beneath-seas">from climate disasters</a></strong>.” Crime rate of 406 per 100,000 population put Oklahoma in the 14th spot of the most dangerous state, according to FBI reports. </p>2位 オクラホマ
 Crime rate of 406 per 100,000 population put Oklahoma in the 14th spot of the most dangerous state, according to FBI reports。犯罪よりも自然災害で危険な州です。
<p>WalletHub says <strong><a href="http://www.theactivetimes.com/travel/national-parks/call-wild-our-guide-alaska-s-top-5-national-parks">Alaska</a></strong>, a state with just about 736,000 people, is the third <strong><a href="http://www.theactivetimes.com/travel/us/15-most-dangerous-cities-america">most dangerous</a></strong> state in the country, while the FBI puts it in first place with a crime rate of 635.8 per 100,000 people. The Last Frontier also has the fourth highest number of assaults per capita and the third highest number of fatal occupation injuries per total employees, according to WalletHub.</p>3位 アラスカ
FBI puts it in first place with a crime rate of 635.8 per 100,000 people. The Last Frontier also has the fourth highest number of assaults per capita and the third highest number of fatal occupation injuries per total employees, according to WalletHub.
<p>The Land of Enchantment, which is home to a little more than 2 million residents, is in the Top 5 dangerous states in the country in both studies. [<strong>See: <a href="http://www.theactivetimes.com/travel/world/most-dangerous-vacation-destinations">Most Dangerous Vacation Destinations</a></strong>] Both WalletHub and FBI data put it in fourth place with an overall safety score of 36.94 and a crime rate of 597.4, respectively. The numbers of robberies and car thefts are significantly higher in 2014 than the previous year. New Mexico has the fourth highest unemployment rate and the fourth most assaults per capita, according to WalletHub.</p>4位 ニューメキシコ
The numbers of robberies and car thefts are significantly higher in 2014 than the previous year. New Mexico has the fourth highest unemployment rate and the fourth most assaults per capita, according to WalletHub.
<p><strong><a href="http://www.theactivetimes.com/content/best-national-parks-camping-spring">Tennessee</a></strong>, with more than 6.5 million people, was named the fifth most dangerous state by WalletHub. The Volunteer State has the second highest number of <strong><a href="http://www.theactivetimes.com/content/dangerous-cities-you-should-never-visit-alone">assaults</a></strong>. FBI data shows that the violent crime rate for 2014 was 608.4 per 100,000 people, ranking the state as the third most dangerous one in the U.S. Aggravated assaults are more common there than in any other state -453 for every 100,000 residents is almost double the national rate of 232.5.</p>5位 テネシー
 FBI data shows that the violent crime rate for 2014 was 608.4 per 100,000 people, ranking the state as the third most dangerous one in the U.S. Aggravated assaults are more common there than in any other state -453 for every 100,000 residents is almost double the national rate of 232.5.
6位 サウスカロライナ、7位 ルイジアナ、8位 アーカンサス、9位 ネバダ、10位 ミズーリと続きます。

 BMWの苦悩? 電気自動車ですが、「i3」と、スポーツカールックの「i8」。
 2017 BMW i3 Hatchback

 2016 BMW 320i Sedan
それだったら2016年の320を買う? 3万1千ドルです。
2016 BMW 320i Sedan
そして同じ2016年で8千マイル走った認定中古車を買う? 2万7千ドルです。
BMWの戦略はリースで、どんどん売っているとことではないかと思うのです。299ドル場合によっては249ドルでリースできます。あのBMWがこんなに安くリースできる? これが若者を引き寄せる。そして3年落ちや2年落ちが中古市場にどんどん出てくるのです。320のエンジンは2.0Lの4シリンダーですから、カムリやアコードのスタンダードと同じなのです。




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