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<p>Boise earned the top spot on our list of great places to retire. It is situated along the Oregon Trail in the Pacific Northwest and originally supported mining in the nearby mountains. According to TopRetirements.com, the city has various restaurants in a European-like downtown district called “BODO” (Boise downtown).</p><p>If you enjoy the outdoors, you will appreciate the scenic local mountains and canyons, the mild winters and the low humidity. Boise State University hosts a jazz festival each spring, and there are a variety of museums and cultural events.</p>Fast Facts<strong>Average cost of housing</strong>: $678<strong>Population ages 65 or older</strong>: 11.2 percent<strong>Walkability</strong>: 37<strong>Safety</strong>: 30 (best in top 25 cities)Boise, Idaho
<p>El Paso is near the Mexican border and the Franklin Mountains. The city has four private golf courses, and there are state parks nearby. El Paso is considered very safe and is unofficially known as the “Mexican food capital” of the U.S., according to Best-Place-To-Retire.com.</p><p>The city has a new Triple-A baseball stadium, a historic theater, museums of art and history, and the El Paso Holocaust Museum.</p>Fast Facts<strong>Average cost of housing</strong>: $586<strong>Population ages 65 or older</strong>: 11.2 percent<strong>Walkability</strong>: 39<strong>Safety</strong>: 26El Paso, TX
<p>Described as a top destination for retirees by MLive, this city is situated in western Michigan and is only about 30 miles from Lake Michigan. The city’s Heritage Hill Historical District is one of the largest urban historical districts in the nation. </p><p>The city gets a lot of snow — 72 inches per year, on average — but summer temperatures are a pleasant 82 degrees. Grand Rapids has theaters, performing arts venues and botanical gardens.</p>Fast Facts<strong>Average cost of housing</strong>: $745<strong>Population ages 65 or older</strong>: 11.1 percent<strong>Walkability</strong>: 48<strong>Safety</strong>: 15Grand Rapids MI
<p>Colorado Springs is known for its scenery, sunshine and gold. The downtown has many malls for those who like shopping, parks, bike trails and cultural activities. There are restored Victorian homes on Nevada Avenue, and many parts of the city have a view of the mountains and Pikes Peak.</p><p>Other areas are less conventional and show more of the Old West. Housing prices in Colorado Springs are much lower than those of Boulder — almost half the price, according to TopRetirements.com. Many military families live here because of the local military bases.</p>Fast Facts<strong>Average cost of housing</strong>: $706<strong>Population ages 65 or older</strong>: 10.9 percent<strong>Walkability</strong>: 33<strong>Safety</strong>: 11Colorado Springs
<p>Greensboro completes the triad of three cities — including Winston-Salem and High Point — in the north central part of North Carolina. The winters are mild, and the average January temperature is in the high 30s. It is an old cotton and merchandise town, now revitalized with restaurants, the NewBridge Bank Park and Elon University School of Law. </p><p>Greensboro is a progressive town and features a solar-powered, ultra-modern Proximity Hotel. The city has historic areas, such as the Aycock neighborhood with large Queen Anne-style homes, and Pinehurst with its own impressive residences. </p><p>The city’s cultural attractions include the Carolina Theatre, Greensboro Historical Museum, Greensboro Cultural Center and the International Civil Rights Center and Museum.</p>Fast Facts<strong>Average cost of housing</strong>: $618<strong>Population ages 65 or older</strong>: 11.5 percent<strong>Walkability</strong>: 28<strong>Safety</strong>: 11Greensboro, NC
<p>Jacksonville has the most people of any city in Florida, with more than 800,000 inhabitants. The city has many retirement communities, cultural activities and beaches. Banking and financial services are a growing sector, with an abundance of jobs both paid and volunteer.</p><p>There are also universities and community colleges, such as the University of North Florida. The city has mild winters but warm summers.</p><p>Sarah Nieschalk is an enrolled agent with the <a href="https://www.taxdefensenetwork.com/who-we-are/tax-resolution-advisors/">Tax Defense Network</a>. She says, “Jacksonville, Florida is an excellent destination for retirees, who can enjoy no income tax, no tax on pensions or Social Security, and comparatively reasonable property taxes.”</p>Fast Facts<strong>Average cost of housing</strong>: $863<strong>Population ages 65 or older</strong>: 10.9 percent<strong>Walkability</strong>: 26<strong>Safety</strong>: 8Jacksonville, FL
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 タンパク質と言えば肉や卵? 以下は卵以上にタンパク質が簡単に摂れるものです。
<p><strong>Protein, per ½ cup:</strong> 6.6 grams</p><p>These steamed soybeans make a great snack to throw in your gym bag. That's because they're one of the few plant-based sources of complete protein, which means they provide all essential amino acids—including the branched chain amino acids that aid in muscle building. Not to mention, they're also a rich source of <a href="http://www.eatthis.com/best-foods-to-eat-for-magnesium">magnesium</a>, a mineral that plays a role in energy production, carb metabolism, and lean muscle development. If you want to get more bang for your buck, grab some tempeh. Fermented from soybeans, this Indonesian product packs in a whopping 21 grams of protein in a half a cup serving.</p>枝豆
<p><strong>Protein, per 1 oz:</strong> Mozzarella, 6.3 grams; Cheddar, 6.5 grams</p><p>These staple cheeses are one of the reasons why so many pizza-loving Americans meet their protein requirements every day. Not only are cheeses a great source of satiating proteins, but they're also teeming with healthy fats, calcium, and vitamin D to help support bone maintenance in old age.</p>チーズ
<p><strong>Protein, per ½ cup (cooked):</strong> 7.3 grams</p><p>All beans may be good for your heart, but black beans also boost your brainpower. That's because they're full of anthocyanins, antioxidant compounds that have been shown to protect against cell-damaging free radicals to help improve brain function. That same 1/2-cup serving will serve up an equal amount of soluble and insoluble fiber. Wrap black beans in a spicy breakfast burrito or puree them into a hummus-like dip. These pulses are a great source of <a href="http://www.eatthis.com/resistant-starch-recipes">resistant starch</a>.</p>黒豆
<p><strong>Protein, per ounce (peanuts):</strong> 7 grams<br><strong>Protein, per 2 tablespoons (peanut butter):</strong> 8 grams</p><p>If you <a href="http://www.eatthis.com/peanut-butter-ranked">choose the right kind</a>, a two-tablespoon serving of peanut butter added to your smoothie, a piece of whole grain toast, or tossed with cold noodles will serve up a healthy dose of muscle-building protein and healthy fats. Consuming peanuts can help prevent both cardiovascular and coronary artery disease—the most common type of heart condition—according to a study in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.</p>ピーナッツ、ピーナッツバターも同様
<p><strong>Protein, per 1 cup:</strong> 8 grams</p><p>This South American ancient grain is unique in its protein source in that it qualifies as a "complete protein." That means it contains all essential amino acids—including the muscle-promoting L-arginine—an impressive feat for a plant-based source. Quinoa also packs a hefty dose of heart-healthy unsaturated fats and is also a great source of fiber, a nutrient that can help you feel fuller, longer. Give <a href="http://www.eatthis.com/healthy-bowl-recipes">quinoa bowls</a> a try or pair a scoop of the ancient grain with veggies, beans, or a salad to create a well-balanced meal.</p>キノア
<p><strong>Protein, per 8-oz cup:</strong> 8 grams</p><p>You probably knew milk was a rich source of protein but did you know you should always be looking for organic milk? Organically-raised cows aren't given the same inflammatory hormones and antibiotics that conventional cows are, and grass-fed cows have been shown to have higher levels of omega-3s and two to five times more lean muscle-building CLA (conjugated linoleic acid) than their corn- and grain-fed counterparts. Although skim milk is low-cal, many of the essential vitamins milk serves up are fat-soluble, which means you're cheating yourself out of their benefits unless you opt for at least 1 percent.</p>有機のミルク
<p><strong>Protein, per ounce:</strong> 9-12 grams</p><p>Jerky isn't the gas-station junk food you once knew. Just a quick glance at some of these <a href="http://www.eatthis.com/beef-jerky">best jerkies</a>, and you'll see what we're talking about. Because they're cured and dehydrated, gram for gram, jerky is one of the most protein-dense foods you can find. So when you need metabolism-revving, hunger-satisfying protein after a workout or a healthy snack on the road, beef jerky is a great go-to. When picking a jerky, make sure it has fewer than 400 mg of sodium and 5 grams of sugar per serving. And, as always, scope out brands which source from grass-fed, organic beef to reap the extra nutritive benefits.</p>ビーフジャーキー
<p>It's easy to forget that nutrients other than protein play a part in weight loss and muscle growth. According to research published in the British Journal of Nutrition, increased calcium intake in participants who did not get enough of the nutrient previously, lead to greater weight loss than just cutting back on calories alone. Researchers speculate that this is because the calcium supplement helped to curb women's appetite for fattier foods.</p>ギリシアヨーグルト
<p><strong>Protein, per 3 ounces:</strong> 24 grams (Anchovies); 22 grams (Tuna, Salmon, Halibut, and Snapper); 21 grams (Flounder, Sole, Sardines); 20 grams (Shrimp&Cod)</p><p>More commonly touted for their anti-inflammatory, brain-protecting, and weight-managing omega-3s, fish is one of the tried-and-true, low-calorie ways to get protein into your diet. Find out which fish you should be grabbing from the monger in our exclusive report, <a href="http://www.eatthis.com/fish">Every Popular Fish—Ranked for Nutritional Benefits!</a>. You'll be surprised to see where some of your favorites rank.</p>
<p><strong>Protein, per 3 ounces:</strong> 26 grams (Turkey breast); 16 grams (Chicken breast); 9 grams (Chicken thigh)</p><p>Poultry is one of the best sources of animal-based protein because it's much leaner and lower in gut-harming saturated fats. Chicken is by far one of the most popular sources because it's immensely affordable, easy to prepare, and lower in fat than many other types of meat. Do away with boring grilled chicken breasts and try out one of these <a href="http://www.eatthis.com/healthy-chicken-recipes">35 Best-Ever Chicken Recipes</a>.</p>チキン
<p><strong>Protein, per 3 ounces:</strong> 19-31 grams (Beef); 23-25 grams (Pork); 8.6 grams (3 slices bacon)</p><p>Red meat is one of the most traditional sources of protein besides an egg. Opt for grass-fed beef when you're at the store—it's more nutrient-dense than its conventionally-fed counterpart.</p>赤身肉
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