今日の出来事から 5月9日(日) 最後の仮店舗週!


 先日、WSB-TVで見ましたが、DuluthのGreat Wallの中にある、ダックの店、中華ですが、ここが保健所から26Uというスコアをもらい、営業停止になっていました。ゴキブリ、従業員が手を洗っていないなどなど、26の違反があったそうです。こういうひどい状況が回りにあるわけです。最低でも90点以上を取らないといけないですよ。

 晩婚化が進み、TVドラマでも『家族のカタチ』や『私 結婚できないんじゃなくて、しないんです』など、結婚をテーマにした作品が注目を集めていますが、独身貴族という言葉で晩婚化をポジティブに表現する風潮もあったが、最近では“こじらせ男子”・“こじらせ女子”という言葉になっています。調査によると、結婚願望ありますか?という質問に対しては、40代以上の女性が最も低く「結婚願望アリ」は3割だったそうです。

 Social security card and money 178491316SSをいつ受け取るべきか?
Age 62: This is the minimum age that you can start claiming retiree benefits from Social Security. The advantage of claiming at age 62 is that you will receive your benefit for the longest possible time. The key disadvantages are that your monthly check will be smaller by claiming early than it would be by waiting until your full retirement age and that if you're still working, you could face a penalty that reduces your monthly check.
If you're below your full retirement age and still working while collecting Social Security, your Social Security benefit for the year will be reduced by $1 for every $2 you earn above $15,720. In the year you reach your full retirement age, the penalty decreases to $1 for every $3 you earn above $41,880. You will eventually get the money back that you lost to that penalty, once you pass your full retirement age, but it may take as many as 15 years to get it back. 
Your full retirement age: This is the age that Social Security uses to calculate your base benefit amount. If you have a "My Social Security" account or receive a periodic statement from Social Security indicating your estimated benefit amount, this is the key headline number estimated in that statement. If you claim at exactly your full retirement age, you will receive exactly your full benefit amount. In addition, once you reach your full retirement age, you can continue to work while receiving Social Security without facing that penalty.
If you were born before 1950, you've already reached your full retirement age. For those born between 1950 and 1954, you reach your full retirement age on your 66th birthday. If you were born in 1960 or later, you reach full retirement age on your 67th birthday. In between 1954 and 1960, the full retirement age 'steps up' by two months for each year. For instance, if you were born in 1955, it's 66 years, 2 months.  
Age 70: Once you reach age 70, your Social Security benefit no longer increases based on you waiting to collect. As a result, even if you are still working a full time job, have enough income from other sources to cover your costs of living, and expect to live to age 100, you should start collecting from Social Security once you reach 70.
この握力を使う「ハンドグリップ法」を考案したのは、カナダ・マクマスター大学の高血圧治療の専門家、フィリップ・ミラー博士だ。高血圧の治療には、医師による薬物療法や生活改善指導などがあるが、患者が1人で行なって効果が上がる療法として、米国の大きな学会で認めた数少ない方法の1つ。 これがどうして効果があがるのか。その理由は以下。
Lenox Mall前のハンバーガー屋の店内で男2人が口論してエキサイト? 銃を撃った後逃走しました。幸いにけが人はなし。
 Atlanta, GA 7-Day Forecast


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