今日の出来事から 4月25日(水) 13年の成長神話は止まった?

  4月26日、米アップルが発表した第2・四半期決算は、「iPhone」の販売台数減などで13年ぶりの減収となり、音楽配信などのサービス事業に関心を向け始めている。ロサンゼルスのアップルストア、22日撮影(2016年 ロイター/Lucy Nicholson)
ジョブスとゲイツの対談、ソニー失敗の本質とは 昨日、たまたまですが、これを見ていました。ハードの会社そしてソフトの会社、なかなか面白い分析でした。2007年のビデオです。
2004年アイフォン発表のプレゼン そしてこれが、2004年に発表されたアイフォンの最初のプレゼンです。ジョークを交え、楽しいプレゼンです。いかにスクロールが画期的だったかよくわかります。今、普通にPCに向かってマウスを使って操作していますが、それが指ですべてできる。でもよく考えるとラップトップはマウスを使わず、指で操作することもできますから、その可能性は以前からあったと思います、今思えばですよ。それまでのスマホと言われるものは電話機の下半分がすべてキーボードでした。これを全面スクリーンにしたのは大きかった。

 4月27日、任天堂は、次世代ゲーム機「NX」を2017年3月に世界で販売すると発表した。写真はロサンゼルスで昨年6月撮影(2016年 ロイター/Lucy Nicholson)かつての花札屋はどこに行くのか?
 同社は今期、「WiiU」の販売について前年比75%の大幅減を見込み、今期にギリギリ間に合う形でNXを投入することで、減少分をカバーしたい意向。私、ゲーム一切できません。何のゲーム機も家にないのです。人生がゲームですよ、皆さん!この巨大なゲーム機、下手したら一文無しになります。こんな面白いゲームは他にないでしょう? 仮想ではありません、すべてが本物のゲームです。
<p>When your metabolism slows down in the winter, so does your skin's natural exfoliation process. This can cause dead skin cells to accumulate, and the result is a dull-looking complexion, explains Judith Hellman, M.D., associate clinical professor of dermatology at New York City's Mount Sinai Hospital. To brighten things up, nibble on ¼ cup of these sweet bites. You'll get a healthy dose of vitamin A, which plays an important role in promoting the growth of healthy new skin cells, says Drayer. And unlike their fresh counterparts, dried apricots are easy to find all year round. </p>ドライアプリコット、生よりもドライだそうです。
<p>Think of this veggie as a tall drink of water, but with a satisfying crunch. Hydration is an essential part of maintaining beautiful skin, and cukes happen to be made up of about 96 percent water— more than most solid foods, including watermelon. They also contain silica, a nutrient that aids your body in producing hyaluronic acid. "This compound helps cells retain moisture so your skin appears plump and fresh," says Hellman. Toss 1 cup of chopped cucumbers with quinoa, tomatoes, and parsley for a filling grain salad. </p>キューり<p>Swap out your usual cold-weather comfort meal—looking at you, bacon mac and cheese—for one featuring this hearty, low-fat meat. A 3-oz serving delivers just over a quarter of your daily zinc (and under 2 g of saturated fat), a mineral that helps your body continue to churn out healthy skin cells and protects your skin against agers like UV rays and pollution. Some studies show that zinc may even help reduce acne. So in other words, that bowl of turkey chili has magic powers! </p>七面鳥
<p>They're packed with alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), an omega-3 fatty acid that's a must-have for soft, supple skin. Essential fatty acids limit the loss of water and nutrients from your skin cells and may even prevent inflammation (in the form of scaly skin or redness) that can be brought on by chilly temps, says Lisa Drayer, registered dietitian and author of <a href="http://www.amazon.com/The-Beauty-Diet-Looking-Delicious/dp/0071544771">The Beauty Diet</a>. Walnuts are pretty high in calories, so fortunately you don't need to eat tons of them to benefit: A ¼-cup serving (about 196 calories) delivers more than twice your minimum recommended daily intake of ALA. </p>くるみ<p>Another miracle food packed with <a href="http://www.redbookmag.com/body/healthy-eating/advice/g2375/healthy-fats-foods/">healthy fats</a>, avocado will keep your skin soft and smooth. According to Jennifer Wu, M.D., dermatologist and author of <a href="http://www.feedyourface.com/">Feed Your Face</a>, eating avocado can even help your skin <a href="http://www.redbookmag.com/beauty/makeup-skincare/advice/g1776/good-skin-foods/?slide=7">maintain its own balance</a> of essential oils. Bonus: it's one of the <a href="http://www.redbookmag.com/food-recipes/features/g2791/healthiest-foods-ever/">healthiest foods you could eat</a> for your body—ever. </p>アボカド
<p>Freshly ground coffee beans contain antioxidant polyphenols, a micronutrient that <a href="http://www.redbookmag.com/beauty/anti-aging/a20557/incredibly-simple-tips-to-stop-your-skin-from-aging/">repairs UV damage</a> such as dark spots. Espresso boasts the highest dose of antioxidants, so feel free to <a href="http://www.redbookmag.com/food-recipes/features/a22711/starbucks-drinks-to-lose-weight/">enjoy those skim lattes</a> in the morning.</p>エスプレッソ、コーヒーはUV損傷を治す!
<p>While oranges are most known for the vitamin C boost they provide, they're also full of <a href="http://www.redbookmag.com/body/healthy-eating/advice/g1258/anti-aging-foods/?slide=3">wrinkle-fighting collagen</a>. Eating one every morning might just be enough to replace your expensive skin care regime. </p>オレンジ<p>Like salmon, flaxseeds are packed with <a href="http://www.redbookmag.com/body/healthy-eating/advice/g1258/anti-aging-foods/?slide=5">omega-3 fats</a>, which help <a href="http://www.redbookmag.com/body/health-fitness/features/a41365/how-to-lose-belly-fat/">fight inflammation</a> and promote hydrated skin.</p>フレックスシード
<p>You're probably already aware that the craze around spinach has to do with its <a href="http://www.redbookmag.com/body/health-fitness/advice/g2116/the-healthiest-superfoods/">"superfood" properties</a>—namely, its high content of the vitamin A precursor, beta-carotene. Adding a cup of spinach to your omelet every morning will allow your body to utilize the vitamin A to <a href="http://www.redbookmag.com/body/healthy-eating/advice/g1258/anti-aging-foods/?slide=6">fight off free radicals</a> and <a href="http://www.redbookmag.com/perfect-skin/">prevent skin damage</a>. </p>ほうれん草<p>Tomatoes aren't just the <a href="http://www.redbookmag.com/body/healthy-eating/advice/g769/salad-for-dinner/">perfect salad addition</a>—they're also packed with lycopene, the same <a href="http://www.redbookmag.com/beauty/makeup-skincare/advice/g1776/good-skin-foods/?slide=1">skin-protecting carotene pigment</a> that's found in watermelon. So yes, your nightly caprese could serve as defense against harmful UV rays.</p>トマト
<p>Yellow corn is full of—you guessed it—beta-carotene. In addition to giving you the <a href="http://www.redbookmag.com/beauty/makeup-skincare/advice/g1776/good-skin-foods/?slide=2">healthy glow</a> that a diet full of colorful veggies provides, yellow corn also <a href="http://www.redbookmag.com/body/healthy-eating/g2869/high-sugar-food/">has less sugar</a> than its counterpart white corn, allowing you to keep the <a href="http://www.redbookmag.com/body/features/g2781/bad-foods-for-bikini-season/">sugar-induced acne</a> on the DL.</p>コーン<p>Enough with the veggies—here's the skin boost that meat lovers are looking for. This staple poultry <a href="http://www.redbookmag.com/body/healthy-eating/advice/g1258/anti-aging-foods/?slide=9">contains zinc and selenium</a>, two minerals that rev up collagen production and help maintain hormone balance. In other words, it helps keep all those nasty period breakouts at bay. Halle-freakin-lujah. </p>チキン
<p>Similar to chicken, shellfish such as clams, oysters, lobster, have <a href="http://www.redbookmag.com/beauty/makeup-skincare/advice/g1776/good-skin-foods/?slide=8">tons of zinc</a>, which helps keep your skin looking elastic and plump. Eating that extra lobster roll on your next vacation just got ten times better, no?</p>貝類<p>These little legumes are like nature's nip and tuck, says Joan Salge Blake, R.D. a clinical associate professor of nutrition at Boston University. They're protein-rich, to help skin stay firm.</p>大豆
<p>The tropical fruit is high in vitamin C, one of the most potent antioxidants for protecting skin from damage that leads to wrinkles.</p>パパイヤ<p>These are rich in beta-carotene, which your body converts to vitamin A, a nutrient that helps skin shed dead cells.</p>サツマイモ
<p>It's a top source of niacin, a B vitamin that keeps skin cells healthy, and selenium, an antioxidant that helps protect your skin from sun damage.</p>サーモン すべて肌に良いそうです。
Atlanta, GA 7-Day Forecast
あのダイソンが日本で世界に先がげて発売したのが、このヘアドライヤーです。今朝のCBSニュースにも出ていました。目を引くのは羽根なし扇風機のAir Multiplier を手持ちにしたような、マイクのような斬新な形状。コンパクトさと取り回しのよさに加えて、髪が吸い込まれて絡まない、大風量で早く乾く、熱を毎秒20回計測する「インテリジェント・ヒートコントロール」で髪を傷めないことが売りです。この開発に200ミリオンを使ったそうです。日本では4万5千円。
コムキャストはドリームワークスのアニメ部門を買収する交渉に入ったそうです。他の映画会社もすでに買っていますが、ケーブル配信の柱にしていくのでしょうか? このように時代はどんどん流れていきますよ。見過ごすのも良し、ただとりあえず知っておくことは大事ではないかと思うのです。知識さえ入れておけば、いつか必要なときが来て、取り出すことも可能でしょう? 今は店が暇なので、ネットですが、いろんな記事を読んでいます。そのジャンルは広いですよ。その中から何かネタがあるものです。新しいメニューに役立つこともあるでしょう。 インスタグラムにすぐに掲載することもあります。そのインスタ、投稿数が950近くになりました。フォロアーはまだ230人程度でしかありませんが、世界中の方とこれを通じて情報交換しているような感覚です。どんどん種蒔いてますよ。これがいつか芽が出てくることでしょう。


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