今日の出来事から 4月25日(月) なんでもいいから獲れ!



 フルーツだけ生活した男の話 東洋経済 これ、なかなか興味ありました。私もフルーツ大好き人間で、家には常にフルーツがあります。ミカンを1日10個食べてしまうのは書きましたが、朝も夜もリンゴ、バナナを食べることもあります。驚きなのは、果糖の嘘。「糖が多いからフルーツを避ける」という話、フルーツはお菓子やパンに比べて糖質は少ない。フルーツは10~20%なのに対し、ご飯では36%、食パンでは44%、チョコレートでは52%、ドーナツでは59%が糖質。しかも、フルーツの糖は消化負担のほとんどないブドウ糖、果糖、ショ糖などの天然の糖類、だから問題ない。
 そして骨密度です。若年成人の3割増。 農業・食品産業技術総合研究機構の研究成果で、温州ミカンのMサイズを1日4個食べると、骨粗しょう症のリスクが92%下がることがわかっています。これ、この前書いたと思いますが。
 無実が晴れた卵。安心して食べよう卵は悪者? J-Castから
 こんなもの食べてるから太るんだ? 糖尿病になるんだ? 
<p><strong>Hand-Battered Fish&Chips</strong>1,490 calories, 100 g fat, 17 g saturated fat, 1 g trans fat, 1,920 mg sodium, 104 g carbs, 10 g fiber, 9 g sugar, 45 g protein</p><p>Attack of the beige! Whenever your dinner is monochromatic (in this case, the off-brown hue of deep-fried junk), you know you’re in trouble. Choosing a dish like this is easily one of the <a href="http://www.eatthis.com/10-daily-habits-that-make-you-sick-and-fat">40 Bad Habits That Make You Sick and Fat</a>. Don’t blame the fish—the seafood is packed with lean, muscle-building protein and heart-healthy fats. No, the trouble here, lies with a massively unbalanced fish-to-fat ratio. A coating of crispy batter and a heaping pile of deep-fried potatoes is no way to treat the golden child of nutrition. When it comes to seafood, always abandon ship on fried fish and opt for grilled instead. </p>フライドチキンにフライドポテト 1490カロリー
<p><strong>Large Boneless Wings</strong>2,580 calories, 172 g fat, 53 g saturated fat, 3.5 g trans fat, 10,490 mg, 147 g carbs, 7 g fiber, 27 g sugar, 100 g protein</p><p>Each wing on this platter packs 107 calories, 7 grams of fat and a shameful 1,049 milligrams of salt. That means if you eat just two wings before your dinner arrives you’ll have taken in a third of the day’s fat and just under a day’s worth of blood-pressure-spiking sodium! And let’s be honest, who really stops after just two? Wings may be tasty, but there are far better ways to spend your salt allowance than on two tiny pieces of chicken. </p>バッファローウィング 2580カロリー
<p><strong>Thin Crust Meat Cravers Pizza</strong>1,590 calories, 76 g fat, 32 g saturated fat, 0 g trans fat, 4,620 mg sodium, 132 g carbs, 8 g sugar, 5 g fiber, 94 g protein</p><p>You had to have known that anything with the phrase “meat cravers” in the title wasn’t going to be healthy—but we bet you didn’t realize that it would have more salt than 33 slices of bacon and more carbs than what you’d get in eight slices of white bread. If you ate just one of these pies a month, you’d take in enough calories to gain 5 1/2 pounds in a year. Scary stuff, right?</p>ピザ 1590カロリー
<p><strong>Pasta Carbonara with Chicken</strong>2,291 calories, N/A fat, 81 saturated fat, N/A trans fat, 1,628 sodium,144 carbs, N/A fiber, N/A sugar, N/A protein</p><p>We give the Cheesecake Factory props for rolling out some lighter options as of late, but its menu is still home to some of the most caloric fare in the nation. What’s worse, the Factory insists on keeping its nutritional info under lock and key. When it comes to the question, “Are you trying to hide something?” the answer for this restaurant is “Yes. A million times yes.” This creamy pasta dish, topped with peas, bacon, and chicken, has more than a day’s worth of calories and more saturated fat than 50 eggs! And that’s just according to the nutrition data we could actually get our hands on. The Factory refused to dole out the latest stats when we asked. Take it from us: Shady business is never good news for your body.</p>カルボナーラ 2291カロリー
<p><strong>Beef Bacon Ranch Quesadilla</strong>1,800 calories, 135 g fat, 46 g saturated fat, 0.5 g trans fat, 3,980 mg sodium, 68 g carbs, 5 g fiber, 10 g sugar, 80 g protein</p><p>With nearly a day’s worth of calories and more fat than 10 hot dogs, this southwestern inspired steak and bacon stuffed quesadilla will pop the button right off of your skinny jeans! Even if you shared it with a friend, you’d be taking in 2.8 times the American Heart Association’s recommended daily intake of saturated fat. Make it a rule to avoid anything with the word quesadilla in the title when you’re at Chili’s (yes, even the salads) none of the options have less than 1,400 calories per serving—not what you should be eating if your goal is to <a href="http://www.eatthis.com/14-ways-lose-your-belly-14-days">lose belly fat</a>.</p>ケサディーヤ 1800カロリー
<p><strong>Clamstrips Platter</strong>1,720 calories, 103 g fat, 16 g saturated fat, 100 mg sodium, 3,340 mg sodium, 171 g carbs, 11 g fiber, 19 g sugar, 28 g protein</p><p>Unless you’re stocking up to hibernate for winter, there’s no reason to ever order a menu item that contain the word “platter.” More often than not it’s code for “way too many calories, carbs, and fat.” Don’t believe it? Consider this: This bland bowl of beige serves up more carbs than 19 chocolate chip cookies and more calories than 122 small clams. Proceed with caution at the not-so-friendly restaurant—and be sure to steer clear of these <a href="http://www.eatthis.com/sugar-in-restaurant-food">23 Restaurant Foods With Crazy-High Amounts of Sugar</a>, too. They’ll all undo all of your valiant weight loss efforts.</p>カラマリのフライ 1700カロリー
<p><strong>The Triple Whopper</strong>1,160 calories, 75 g fat (27 g saturated, 4 g trans fat), 1,050 mg sodium, 50 g carbs, 2 g fiber, 12 g sugar, 49 g protein</p><p>The triple-stacked patty is by far the worst burger on Burger King’s menu, surpassing all others in waistline-demolishing ingredients. The three-quarter-pound patties and mayo deliver a whopping 75 g of fat—worse than five of the King’s classic hamburgers—with 4 grams of ultra-dangerous trans fat, which is two full days’ worth. Eek! It's also one of the <a href="http://www.eatthis.com/food-that-makes-you-age-faster">20 Foods That Age You 20 Years</a>.</p>三段重ねバーガーBキング 1160カロリー
The Obama administration will likely soon release at least part of a 28-page secret chapter from a congressional inquiry into 9/11 that may shed light on possible Saudi connections to the attackers.とありますが、ネット上では、ブッシュが戦争のためにやったというのが当たり前のように報道されています。ケネディ暗殺もそう、この国はなんでもありです。
Atlanta, GA 7-Day Forecast
 最近、犬を連れて公園に行くようにしています。土曜日の昼間と日曜日の夕方です。これまでゴルフを終えるとクタクタで、寝ていましたが、夕方に公園を歩く、まあ10-20分程度ですが、それが月曜日の疲れを少しでも緩和するのではないかと思うからです。歩くことが一番大事。ゴルフをすると言ってもカートに大半は乗っているわけで、同乗者にお願いしてクラブを2-3本持ってグリーンまで歩くとか、いろいろ工夫はしています。しかし、絶対量が少ないのです。 今週は家族とテニスでもしようかと思っています。日陰になっているし、夕方なら暑くないでしょうしね。


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