今日の出来事から 6月17日(水) 余裕のNBAファイナル 勝利!


 小は大を食うことはできないのか? やり方次第だということをこうした事例から感じることができます。

 ペイントの使用前ー使用後、ペンキ塗るだけでこんなにイメージが違います。<p>The retro kitchen certainly has its virtues but, for most homeowners, dated cabinets are not an asset. Luckily, all that's needed to bring this kitchen into the modern age is a <a href="http://www.bobvila.com/yellow-kitchen/47178-kitchen-paint-colors-10-handsome-hues-for-hardworking-spaces/slideshows">fresh coat of paint</a> and a little ingenuity.</p><br><p><strong>Related: <a href="http://www.bobvila.com/retro-colors/47808-10-design-essentials-for-the-perfect-retro-kitchen/slideshows">10 Design Essentials for the Perfect Retro Kitchen</a></strong></p>

<p>Voila: Painting the cabinets makes them look brand new. A few other details–such as spray painted black hardware and a clever trim made from yardsticks – complete the look. <a href="http://www.bobvila.com/open-shelves/33794-16-new-ways-to-store-kitchen-necessities/slideshows">On-trend open shelving</a> is achieved by simply removing cabinet doors and painting the inside of the cupboard a contrasting hue.</p><br><p><strong>Related: <a href="http://www.bobvila.com/white-cabinets/2359-painted-cabinets-14-reasons-to-transform-yours-now/slideshows">Painted Cabinets - 14 Reasons to Paint Yours Now</a></strong></p>
<p>These stairs are made of sturdy oak, so they're built to stand the test of time. However the blond finish on the banisters and <a href="http://www.bobvila.com/painted-stairs/47126-the-next-level-14-stair-railings-to-elevate-your-home-design/slideshows#.VTA5LZQbCU0">newel posts</a> just didn't jibe with the rest of the home's decor.</p><br><p><strong>Related: <a href="http://www.bobvila.com/under-stairs-storage/46247-15-clever-uses-for-the-space-under-the-stairs/slideshows">15 Clever Uses for the Space Under the Stairs</a></strong></p>

<p>A deep java-colored gel stain works wonders, especially in tandem with the freshly painted <a href="http://www.bobvila.com/articles/baluster-diy-projects/">white spindles</a>. The best part? No sanding required. Simply apply a couple coats of gel stain, then tape and paint the rest of the staircase.</p><br><p><strong>Related: <a href="http://www.bobvila.com/colorful-stairs/39167-trending-now-painted-stairs/slideshows">Trending Now - Painted Stairs</a></strong></p>

<p><a href="http://www.bobvila.com/articles/remove-wallpaper/">Aging wallpaper</a> and dingy eggshell closet doors made this foyer a closed and uninviting space rather than the airy and bright entryway that these owners wanted.</p>

<p>Light, bright and just right. The staircase, walls, and crown moldings have been painted with sandy beige tones, which play off the natural light and work in harmony with the darker tones in the floor. Except for the addition of new <a href="http://www.bobvila.com/red-door/8454-15-eye-catching-options-for-your-front-door/slideshows">front doors</a>, this room makeover was brought to you entirely by paint.</p>

<p>There certainly isn't anything wrong with the painted blue walls in this <a href="http://www.bobvila.com/seating/48545-7-things-every-entryway-needs/slideshows">mudroom</a>, but sometimes you just need a new point of view. Fortunately, paint is one of the simplest ways to change it up.</p><br><p><strong>Related: <a href="http://www.bobvila.com/beadboard-walls/14692-17-design-inspirations-for-mudrooms-and-entryways/slideshows">17 Design Inspirations for Mudrooms and Entryways</a></strong></p>

<p>No more singing the blues after a coat or two of white paint. Once the canvas is dry, black spots <a href="http://www.bobvila.com/entranceway-design-ideas/48101-personalize-your-home-with-10-foolproof-stencil-projects/slideshows">can be stenciled</a> in a contrasting color, giving the space a lively and playful feel. If you look closely above the set of drawers you might just make out the fuse box that the pattern successfully camouflages. </p><br><p><strong>Related: <a href="http://www.bobvila.com/how-to-paint-a-door/48398-9-things-you-can-do-with-1-gallon-of-paint/slideshows">9 Things You Can Do With a Gallon of Paint</a></strong></p>

Put away dense comforters and those made with heavier fabrics, such as satin and silk; ditto for sheets with higher thread counts, which trap heat and moisture and leave you feeling hot and muggy. Choose thin, lightweight sheets and comforters to help you stay cool at night without resorting to the air conditioner. Blankets with minimal or no filling absorb less heat and enable air to pass through, as do sheets made of cotton or a cotton blend, preferably in a light color.サテン、シルクのシーツにする
Set ceiling fans to spin counter-clockwise to circulate cooler air. The federal government's Energy Star program notes that a counter-clockwise rotation creates a wind chill effect that makes you feel cooler. (Blades turning clockwise have the opposite effect.) Ceiling fans don't blast arctic air but can cool a home at a fraction of the cost of air conditioning.天井ファンを常時使う
Ovens emit heat, which can increase a home's interior temperature and tempt you to turn on the air conditioner. Avoid this trap by choosing recipes that don't require any oven use. Rely on the stove top, crock pot, microwave, or outdoor grill when preparing meals -- or throw together dishes that don't require any cooking at all.オーブンを使わない
Keeping a home cool requires removing or reducing all unnecessary sources of heat, including lights. Incandescent and fluorescent bulbs emit both light and heat, and the latter is sufficient to bump up the temperature in a room. (About 90 percent of the energy released by incandescent lights is heat, according to the Energy Star program.) It's no surprise that you instantly feel warmer when standing under or next to these bulbs. Some experts advise switching to LED lights to reduce energy costs and heat emission, but you can avoid the cost and simply rely on natural light during the day.電灯を消す
Just like cool air seeps through cracks during the winter, warm air makes its way into your home along the same path. Sealing cracks is a relatively small and affordable DIY project that can help reduce utility bills, regardless of the season. (The U.S. Department of Energy offers a handy how-to guide on its website.) For small projects all you need is caulk or weather stripping, supplies that cost less than $5 at Home Depot and Lowe's. Larger jobs might require the services of a professional, but the investment should pay off over time.コークして外気の浸入防止
Stoves and dryers in operation can quickly increase the surrounding temperature. You can minimize demand for air conditioning by restricting use of these heat-emitting appliances during the heat of the day. Save cooking and clothes drying until the sun goes down and the outside air is cooler.洗濯は夜に
Even in the thick of summer, don't be afraid to open the windows. Opening doors and windows might seem counterintuitive when the goal is to keep hot air from entering the house. And while you should keep things closed down during the hotter hours of the day, busting open the windows at night lets cool breezes waft through your home.窓を開ける
Energy from the sun, as the National Renewable Energy Laboratory points out, is a leading source of unwelcome heat -- especially in the warmer months. As the sun's heat seeps into your home through glass windows, room temperatures rise. You can lessen the impact by closing shades and curtains in the morning and reopening them in the evening. Additionally, try adding light-colored, sun-blocking curtain liners to window treatments; they're inexpensive and available online and at big-box stores.太陽光を遮断
Staying cool without using the air conditioner also depends on how well you deflect heat away from your body. The best way to achieve that goal is to wear clothing that repels heat and permits airflow. Avoid tight-fitting clothes and fabrics that attract and trap heat and moisture. Choose loose, light-colored clothing, preferably made of linen or cotton, for indoors and out.涼しい服を着る
During the hottest portion of the day head out to a bookstore, library, coffee house, or some other air-conditioned facility that welcomes patrons. Hanging out at the pool and joining in the water fun at a park are more good reasons to leave a hot house. Before reaching for the air conditioner, lounge around in a cool place for a few hours every day.家から出る

Atlanta, GA 7-Day Forecast
 結局、週末に一時的に下がっても、これじゃ同じ! GAの夏は暑いのです。

 「ではこの暑さをどう説明するんだ?」となるでしょう。実はオランダでは6月なのに氷点下を記録しているんですね。驚き桃の木です。これは観測史上の記録となりますが、最も低い場所では マイナス 4.1度を記録しました。これまで、6月中に、このような気温が記録されたことはありません。
 オランダ東部では凍結があり、これまで春の終わり( 5月15日頃)以降に凍結が見られたことはないのです。17日の日中には気温は戻り、最高気温は、北部沿岸地域で 17度、南東部にかけては 25度となりました。
北極の氷が減っているとかの報道もありますが、これも面白いのですが、北極の海氷の厚さは、2012年が最低となり、その後、2013年、2014年と少しずつ厚さが増して、今年 2015年は一気に厚さが増えています。
 しかしながら、そこに向かう過程で様々な異常気象を経験することは間違いなく、それが「東は暑いのに西は寒い」とかになるんだと思います。 こう書けば、差し障りがないでしょう?


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