今日の出来事から 6月10日(水) ジェームズ様様


 寿司に続いて韓国? キムチやビビンバ、サムギョプサルといった韓国料理が、ヨーロッパで注目を浴びているそうです。
 これ、いかしくないですか? 何億もお金が会社から消えておかしいと思わなかったんでしょうか? それで金策に走り責任取って自殺? そんなもん、社長の監督不行届きの何物でもないでしょう。別に死んだ人を攻めるわけでないですがね。


This dark green vegetable is loaded with vitamin C, calcium, potassium, and protein. Moreover, it contains the compound sulforaphane, which is found to fight cancer cells, lower blood pressure, and improve heart health. A study published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry found people who consume raw broccoli absorbed sulforaphane more quickly and in higher amounts compared to those who ate cooked broccoli. Sulforaphane can diminished by certain heat preparations, but not all.According to Meehan, "Steaming and baking broccoli does not seem to have any real significant reducing effects on the sulforaphane levels, while boiling can reduce its level by up to 70 percent." Broccoli also contains goitrins — sulfur compounds which can reduce thyroid hormone production — but when the vegetable is cooked, goitrin becomes unstable. This negates its effects on inhibiting the thyroid's capacity of producing hormones.ブロッコリー
Coconut in its raw state provides a plethora of nutritional benefits compared to the dried form. Drinking coconut water has been comparable to a sports drink because of its naturally hydrating ability and high levels of electrolytes, according to a 2007 study published in the Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. Coconut water is also rich in sodium, potassium, and magnesium. Dried coconut or sweetened coconut does not provide the same benefits.ココナッツ
Dried fruit is a popular add-on to mixed nuts to create a both sweet and salty flavor. However, while it's added to the snack, the nutritional value is negated. Fruits put in the drying process contain more sugar, which means their calories and carbohydrate content increases. Now, the vitamins and minerals that made these fruits once are now lost. Darin Hulslander, a certified nutritionist and personal trainer in Chicago, Ill., told Medical Daily in an email: "A small portion of nutrients are lost in dehydration process."フルーツ
Garlic is a food that is usually consumed cooked to add flavor to various dishes. This vegetable contains the phytonutrient allicin, which can be absorbed in greater quantities in its raw state. "Cooking garlic can inactivate the allinase, which is the enzyme in garlic that helps to create the formation of allicin or the active compound in garlic that is so beneficial to human health," Liz Weinandy, a registered dietitian at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center, told Medical Daily in an email. "By crushing or chopping garlic before cooking, the allinase is released."A 2013 study published in the journal Cancer Prevention Research found participants who consumed raw garlic two or more times a week produced less of a risk for developing lung cancer. The findings suggest garlic may serve as a chemopreventive agent for the cancer.にんにく
Like garlic, onions also contain allicin, which can help curb hunger, prevent cancer and promote heart health. Both red and yellow onions are ideal to receive a natural dose of the bioflavonoid quercetin. According to Hulslander, it's better to consume raw onions as opposed to cooked because the "cancer fighting enzymes no longer remain with the onions when cooked."A 2004 study published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry found the sulphur compounds and cancer-fighting antioxidants in the onion's juice can provide an array of health benefits, such as protecting against lung and prostate cancer. The consumption of raw onions helps consumers reap its nutritional qualities.オニオン
Red peppers contain a surprisingly high amount of vitamin C, or 150 percent of the recommended daily value. The National Institutes of Health does warn if it's cooked above 375 degrees, this can break down its nutritional value. "Vitamin C is heat sensitive, so it will start to degrade at high temps as well as when exposed to light and air. It doesn't completely destroy the vitamin C, though," said Weinandy. When cooking peppers, she suggests quickly sautéeing or grilling them briefly to help preserve the vitamin C.赤ピーマン
ブロッコリーを生で食べる? ふむ、私なら30秒くらい軽く茹でますね。これがビタミンが壊れない限界かと思います。にんにくを生で食べるのは腹痛を起こす原因です。

grass fed beef牧草を食べた牛肉
bison steakバッファローやバイソン
turkey burgersターキー
ostrich meatオーストリッチ
pork tenderloinポーク テンダーロイン

 A trader works on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange.円が急騰しています。
 好景気? とんでもない話で、レストラン業界も同じことです。ウェイトレスの求人があるのは大抵、景気の悪い時期です。今はほとんどありません。従って不法滞在でもなんでも猫の手も借りたい状態で使わざるを得ないのです。これが本音でしょう。

 Formiga, Brazil’s supernatural force気になるワールドカップ

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