今日の出来事から 12月10日(水) あと20日で???


 Japanese woman Chisako Kakehi has reportedly received $6.8 million over the last two decades -- in the form of insurance payments and other assets she received after the deaths of her seven partners: Japanese woman Chisako Kakehi has reportedly received $6.8 million over the last two decades -- in the form of insurance payments and other assets.
 全米のニュースに上がっています。"Black widow" charged in Japan over death of husband No. 4
 京都・向日市で、68歳の女が、夫に青酸化合物を飲ませて殺害したとされる事件で、検察は、殺人罪で妻の筧 千佐子被告(68)を起訴しました。被告は、一貫して容疑を否認していますが、検察は、これまでの状況証拠から、有罪を立証できるとしています。
 まあ、保険金目当てですか? 4人目の夫??


 脂分だけど体重を落とせるもの?? こんなリストがあります。
The fattier the fish, the better. Oily fish such as salmon, tuna, sardines, mackerel, and trout are full of omega-3 fatty acids. According to the American Heart Association, people should eat at least two servings of fatty fish per week to help balance out their fatty acid ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 fats. Not to mention all of the other health benefits from the DHA and EPA, two essential nutrients found in fish that provide an array of benefits, such as reduced inflammation to recover from your workouts and sore joints, making it much easier to continue training the way you need to in order to support fat loss. This fat is the best discovery since butter. Or bacon (which is not good for you). While grass-fed butter is great and provides a lot of benefits, coconut oil is an instant upgrade and for numerous reasons. It goes great with anything and can be used for cooking and spreading just like butter. Studies have shown that intake of coconut oil can boost resistance to both viruses and bacteria that can cause illness that can sideline you from your high-intensity regimen. Even more, it also can help to fight off yeast, fungus, and candida. If you don't think that is beneficial, just ask yourself how much fat you stand to burn when you are lethargic and/or sick? Hormones are a physique athlete’s best friend and coconut oil positively affects our hormones for thyroid and blood sugar control—two very critical hormones for fat loss. Lastly, coconut oil has a saturated fat called lauric acid, a type of medium chain triglyceride (MCT) that does not store as fat and is a great source of energy.
深海魚などのオイル     エキストラバージンのココナッツオイル
Olive oil reduces the risk of heart disease, blood pressure and certain types of cancer. A recent study published in Neurology found that cooking with heat-healthy olive oil and using it for salad dressing may cut stroke risk. Talk about some good brain food. Olive oil is rich in monounsaturated fats, which have been shown to help people lose fat without really changing any other part of their lifestyle or diet. So imagine what it can do for hard-training individuals. When dieting for a competition, or to get as lean as possible, avocadoes provide some great flavor and variety to any chicken and broccoli dish without devastating your diet. It is loaded with monounsaturated fat, the heart healthy kind that lowers bad cholesterol and helps your body burn more fat (see No. 3). Avocadoes are also a perfect substitute to dips that don’t provide much nutrition.
エキストラバージンオリーブオイル アボカド
How many times have you thrown the egg yolk down the drain in pursuit of a leaner physique? Too many, no doubt. This is a mistake of the gravest order, as the egg yolk is loaded with omega-3 fatty acids, B vitamins, choline, and other nutrients that help regulate the brain, nervous system, and cardiovascular system. Although claims persist that the cholesterol in eggs is bad for you, research has linked moderate egg consumption to improved heart health. Not to mention that the cholesterol in eggs can help improve testosterone production, which plays a huge role in strength performance and fat loss. Plus, whole eggs can help to promote satiety and research has shown that consuming a breakfast of eggs can prevent the kind of midday binges that can sabotage fat loss. Your best bet for nutrition is almonds, walnuts, and pistachios. Almonds are rich in vitamin E, walnuts contain plant based omega-3 fatty acids, and pistachios have lutein and zeaxanthin, all carotenoids that are important for eye health. Research shows that regular nut eaters are generally leaner, less likely to develop type 2 diabetes and have a reduced risk of heart disease. Nut butter is beneficial as well—if you can keep yourself from eating the whole jar, of course. Just watch out for the added sugars in some brands. Nut butter is an ideal small snack when dieting because it’s calorie-rich and provides a modest dose of protein.
有機の卵          ナッツやナッツバター
チックピー ヒヨコマメ     Saturated Fats 飽和脂肪

Not a healthy fat, but worth mentioning. Saturated fats are found in many processed foods and are prevalent in meats like beef and pork. Limit your intake of these fats, but don’t eliminate them altogether. If you’re working out hard and following a healthy diet, it’s fine to treat yourself to a burger once in awhile. General rule of thumb: don’t eat fast food more than twice a month.


 ところで、この損害、誰が払うんでしょうか? 乗客は2時間半遅れてフェニックスに到着したそうです。機材の遅れなどいろいろ後であったはずですが。

http://en.geourdu.co/wp-content/themes/geo-v6-beta/timthumb.php?src=http://en.geourdu.co/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/Amanda-Lepore.jpg&q=100&w=1920&h=1200&zc=1 http://en.geourdu.co/ Amanda Lepore
http://www.periodicocentral.mx ダリル ハンナ

http://www.gocdepxinh.comリンジー ローハン
もう、怖いですね。化けもんじゃないですか? 自然が一番です!!!

Atlanta, GA 7-Day Forecast


 やはり大国、中国の経済失速は大きいということです。昔「アメリカがくしゃみしたら日本は風邪引く」でしたが、今はこれが中国になったということです。 なかなかすべてが巧く行って終りということはないんですね。



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