今日の出来事から 10月28日(火)






 アメリカで人工による環境汚染のひどい住宅地! こんなランキングがあります。
Vehicles head inbound on South Broadway, polluted air obscures the view of the skyline of Denver Polluted water of Baltimore Harbor, MD
5位  Denver County, Colorado 大気汚染
4位 Essex County, New Jersey 河川の汚染
3位 Hudson County, New Jersey 河川の汚染
2位 Baltimore City, Maryland 河川の汚染
1位 St. Louis City, Missouri 環境汚染

The average pulled pork sandwich contains about 18 grams of sugar. Combine that with lemonade or sweet tea for lunch, and you’ve hit your sugar ceiling for the day. “We don’t often consider condiments and sauces sugar hotspots, but these pockets can add up quickly and push us past our daily intake limits,” says Blatner, who points out that even a teeny-tiny Ketchup packet contains 2 grams of sugar. So if you’re planning on BBQing, measure a limited amount of sauce to use in the dish, then coat the meat using a brush to spread the sauce evenly. Also, plan to avoid other sugar sources throughout the day, from breakfast muffins to yogurts.Sugar: What Kinds to Eat and When >>>バーベキューソース、焼き鳥のたれも同じでしょう。Yes, a sports drink may replenish fluids after a hard-fought game or intense workout. Thing is, sports drinks tend to contain way more added sugar than is needed to properly hydrate. If you’re not reaching for this after a serious sweat session, then put it back. That way you can spread your daily sugar-spend around, rather than guzzle it down in one big saccharine gulp. Sports drinks don’t have to be outlawed entirely, just limit them to post-exercise times and be sure to spot-compare the sugar counts on the bottles. (Many brands have lighter versions.)5 Essential Juice Recipes for Fit Guys >>> スポーツドリンク、飲むなら水です。Duped again? No shame, so were we. While protein bars sound fit-friendly and the protein is a plus, many are also loaded with sugar and carbs. So be sure to scour nutritional labels and ingredients lists, and if the rest of your diet is overly sugar-packed, consider swapping in packs of protein-packed raw almonds, peanuts or seeds as your clutch on-the-go snack.7 Healthy Food Swaps for the On-the-Go Guy >>> プロティンバー 確かに甘い。

So easy to crack open and heat up—and better than French fries, right? Yes, probably. But as far as vegetable sides go, 16 grams of added sugars is certainly a bit indulgent. Consider other nutrient-rich sides that can naturally satisfy your sweet tooth, such as baked whole sweet potatoes or cooked frozen sweet peas—both of which contain no added sugars.10 Foods That Fight Fatigue >>> 煮豆、私好きなんですけどね。
Yep, so if you’re playing by the American Heart Association's rules, it’s pretty much game over once you down one of these puppies at breakfast. Consider instead steel-cut oatmeal with fresh fruit or health-promoting spices such as cinnamon. Caveat: Not fast-food oatmeal though, some of which is sugar-loaded.5 Muscle-Building Breakfasts >>> マフィン、確かにそうです。

Clearly this is not a huge sugar slayer in and of itself, but if you tend to go heavy on the sauce, then the amount of added sugar in your meal can quickly add up. What’s more, grams of starches in most pastas, such as cooked spaghetti, correspond—once digested—to grams of glucose. And you will even find sugar amounts listed on boxes of whole-wheat pasta. So consider whipping up your own homemade pasta sauce. Just slice up fresh ripe tomatoes, garlic, onion, basil, and oregano; add to extra-virgin olive oil; and, heat.Healthy Pasta Sauce Recipe: Guilt-Free Turkey Bolognese >>> パスタソース、私は蜂蜜入れますが。
You stop for gas on your way home from the gym, and damn. Does that iced tea staring at you from the cooler look good or what? Not so fast. Downing just one of these suckers can give you more than the daily recommended amount of sugar intake for men, so try to fight the urge. And if plain old water just isn't doing it for you post-workout, you can also try bringing bottles of citrus water—just soak some lemon or lime slices in a pitcher overnight—with you to the gym.6 Healthy Teas You Haven't Tried >>> ボトルのスィートティー、確かに甘い。

When our worrisome thoughts go into overdrive, the body’s natural response is to release stress-fighting hormones such as cortisol—and elevated levels of cortisol can affect your mood as well as your weight. “It may increase fat storage, especially in your belly,” says registered dietitian Erin Palinski-Wade, author of Belly Fat Diet For Dummies. One way to restore your inner peace is to drink a glass of vitamin-C-loaded O.J. “Studies have found that foods rich in vitamin C can help decrease the production of cortisol, helping to lessen the impact it has on your body when under stress,” adds Palinski-Wade. One German study even found that giving nervous public speakers 1,000 mg of vitamin C helped them feel calmer.OJThis healthy, hearty breakfast food does more than just warm your belly. “The complex carbohydrates in oatmeal stimulate the release of serotonin, the ‘feel-good’ hormone that helps reduce stress in your brain,” says registered dietitian and Nutritious Life founder Keri Glassman. Plus, numerous studies have shown that oatmeal may reduce the risk for elevated blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, and weight gain.オートミール
When the going gets tough, Palinski-Wade suggests enjoying a grilled, baked, or poached salmon dish. “This fish is a great source of omega-3 fatty acids,” she says. “Not only do these fatty acids decrease inflammation, but they have also been found to prevent stress hormones, such as cortisol, from peaking after a tense situation.” A study conducted by French scientists concluded that fish oil “significantly blunted” stress hormones exerted by the central nervous system.サーモン Nibbling on these flower-like spears can help boost feelings of serenity. “Asparagus is high in folate, a mineral that has been found to enhance mood, making it a great stress-reducer,” says Glassman. And this low-calorie, low-sodium veggie has also been shown to have antidiabetic effects. According to a study published in the British Journal of Nutrition, asparagus can keep blood sugar levels in check and increase insulin production in those who suffer from type 2 diabetes. アスパラ
This shellfish may be famous for its aphrodisiac powers, but that’s not its only health benefit. “Thanks to their high level of zinc—a mineral that has been shown to decrease the secretion of cortisol in your body—oysters can also be considered a stress-busting food,” says Palinski-Wade. A single oyster also contains nearly 11 mg of zinc, a mineral vital for a healthy immune system.オイスター It’s no wonder this nutrient-dense nut has become a favorite among health and wellness experts. “Pistachios are a rich source of magnesium, which helps to balance cortisol levels within the body,” says Palinski-Wade. And if you’ve been stressing about your weight, this member of the cashew family can help with that, too. “Pistachios contain only 3 calories per nut—about half the calories of most snack nuts—making them a great choice for individuals looking to lose weight.” ピスタチオ
Also known as white beans, this relative of the kidney bean can ward off stress. “Cannellini beans are rich in phosphatidylserine, a chemical that helps with cellular function in the brain, which may counteract the damaging impact of cortisol on your body,” says Palinski-Wade. Available in both dried and canned forms, the popular Italian bean with a nutty flavor can also whittle your waistline. “They’re high in resistant starch, which can help to promote weight loss as well as regulate blood sugar levels,” adds Palinski-Wade.Cannellini beans Oh, yes, it’s true. “The polyphenols and flavonols in dark chocolate help lower blood pressure, adding to a feeling of calm,” says Glassman. A group of German researchers gathered 30 study volunteers whose anxiety levels (rated either low or high) were first determined by a psychological questionnaire. After two weeks of eating 1.5 oz of dark chocolate daily, researchers found that cortisol levels in the highly anxious adults decreased, while other stress-related imbalances improved as well. So even science agrees—chocolate makes everything seem a little better! ダークチョコ

30年固定 4.00% 先週は3.93%でした。
15年固定 3.00%
5年ARM 3.08%です。


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