今日の出来事から 6月9日(木) 挨拶がなぜできないのか?

 前から不思議なことです。出勤してきて挨拶できない人がいます。なぜなんでしょう? おかしいと思うのですが、いつもそうです。こちらから声をかけないとしない。問題があると思い、これまで何度も言っていますが、何も変わらない。そのくせ自国語ではべらべら話していくのです。前の店でもそう、そしてその口の悪さから採用を保留していましたが、人がいないので使っているわけです。この矛盾をどうするか。入れ替える候補の筆頭です。子供もいることですが、どう躾けているのかが不思議です。まあ、そこまで干渉することはしませんが、本当にレストランとは社会の底辺ですよ。そういうのが日銭を稼ぎに来るのですから。


 ビタミンB12、分りますか? これはビタミンB群の仲間で、造血、神経機能、睡眠などに関して、次のような働きがあります。正常な赤血球を作りだす働きがあり、貧血になるのを予防しています。メラトニンの分泌を調整する働きがあり、睡眠のリズムをうまく調整しています。また神経細胞の中にある「核酸」の合成を、助ける働きがあります。この核酸とは、DNA=遺伝子の主な成分になっている物質で、細胞を再生するときに重要な働きをしています。 つまり、正常な神経細胞を維持して、脳からの指令を、手足などの末梢神経まで正確に伝えるには、ビタミンB12はなくてはならない栄養素です。神経系が原因の腰痛の治療、不眠症や時差ボケの解消には、ビタミンB12の大量摂取が有効とされています。
<p><strong>Vitamin B12</strong>: 84.1 mcg in 3 ounces of cooked clams (1,402% of your DV)</p><p><strong>Other body benefits</strong>: Not only do clams have the highest concentration of vitamin B12 of any food, they’re also filled with <a href="http://www.health.com/health/gallery/0,,20721159,00.html">potassium</a>. Three ounces of either canned or fresh clams contain 534 mg of potassium, 15% of your DV.</p><p><strong>Best ways to eat them</strong>: Clams are delicious in pasta dishes or stews, like Cioppino or Manhattan clam chowder. Steam them until the shells crack open, or boil for about five minutes after shells open.</p><p><b>Try this recipe: <a href="http://www.health.com/food/seafood-pasta">How to Make Seafood Pasta </a></b></p><p><strong>RELATED</strong>: <a href="http://www.health.com/health/gallery/0,,20671356,00.html">5 Rules for Buying and Storing Seafood</a></p>貝類<p><strong>Vitamin B12</strong>: 7.6 mcg in 3 ounces (126% DV)</p><p><strong>Other body benefits</strong>: You may be surprised to learn that these little fish are packed with calcium—3 ounces has the same amount as 8 ounces of milk. Sardines also contain vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acids. If you buy them canned in oil, be sure to rinse before cooking to get rid of excess salt.</p><p><strong>Best ways to eat them</strong>: “Sardines are great in a marinara sauce over spaghetti squash,” says Sass. To give the sauce a nutritional boost, toss in any leftover veggies you have in the fridge.</p><p><strong>Try this recipe</strong>: <a href="http://www.myrecipes.com/recipe/fennel-sardine-spaghetti">Fennel-Sardine Spaghetti</a></p><p><strong>RELATED</strong>: <a href="http://www.health.com/health/gallery/0,,20986165,00.html">13 Healthy High-Fat Foods You Should Eat More</a></p>イワシ

<p><strong>Vitamin B12</strong>: 4.8 mcg in 3 ounces of cooked sockeye salmon (80% DV)</p><p><strong>Other body benefits</strong>: Like trout, salmon is a rich source of protein and heart healthy omega-3 fatty acids. Also good: One 3-ounce salmon fillet contains more than 100% of your DV of vitamin D. </p><p><strong>Best ways to eat it</strong>: To maximize salmon’s many health benefits, experts recommend baking it in the oven or grilling it instead of eating it fried, dried, or salted. “I love grilled salmon over a salad with avocado and chickpeas,” says Sass.</p><p><b>Try this recipe: <a href="http://www.health.com/health/video/0,,20807832,00.html">Mediterranean Salmon </a></b></p><p><strong>RELATED:</strong> <a href="http://www.health.com/health/gallery/0,,20414928,00.html">20 Heart-Smart Salmon Recipes</a></p><p><strong>Vitamin B12</strong>: 2.5 mcg in 3 ounces of light, canned tuna fish (42% DV)</p><p><strong>Other body benefits</strong>: Tuna is loaded with vitamin D (a 3-ounce serving contains about 150 IUs, or 25% DV). Like salmon and trout, it’s also a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids, including eicosapentaenoic acids (EPAs) and docosahexaenoic acids (DHAs), which are thought to help boost mood.</p><p><strong>Best ways to eat it</strong>: When buying it canned, Sass suggests looking for chunk light tuna in water. And if you’re making tuna salad, skip the mayo: “Mix canned tuna with Dijon mustard, balsamic vinegar, lemon juice, and Italian herb seasoning to make a chilled tuna salad,” she says.</p><p><strong>Try this recipe</strong>: <a href="http://www.health.com/health/recipe/0,,50400000133871,00.html">Tuna and Vegetable Pasta Salad</a></p>マグロ
<p><strong>Vitamin B12</strong>: 1.3 mcg in 3 ounces of broiled top loin sirloin (23% DV)</p><p><strong>Other body benefits</strong>: Beef is another great source of zinc, containing 7 mg in 3 ounces. It’s also packed with protein and the B vitamin riboflavin, which is thought to help alleviate PMS symptoms.</p><p><strong>Best ways to eat it:</strong> “Keep it lean,” says Sass. “Combine beef with veggies, whole grains, and good fats, such as ginger stir fry with beef over brown rice.” And be mindful not to overdo it: Red meat is high in cholesterol, and eating too much could increase your risk of heart disease.</p><p><strong>Try this recipe</strong>: <a href="http://http://www.health.com/health/recipe/0,,50400000138874,00.html">Steak with Scallion-Ginger Sauce</a></p>ビーフ<p><strong>Vitamin B12</strong>: 1.2 mcg in 1 cup of low-fat milk (18% DV)</p><p><strong>Other body benefits</strong>: Not only is it a good source of calcium and vitamin D, but milk might also help some women avoid PMS symptoms, according to a recent University of Massachusetts at Amherst study. And whole milk could offer additional benefits: Another study found that women who consumed more than one serving of high-fat dairy daily were 25% less likely to experience ovulation problems than those who did not.</p><p><strong>Best ways to eat it</strong>: “There are lots of healthy ways to incorporate milk into your diet,” says Sass. “Try making a smoothie with milk, frozen fruit, almond butter, ginger, and cinnamon.”</p><p><strong>Try this recipe</strong>: <a href="http://www.health.com/health/recipe/0,,50400000129278,00.html">Berry-Vanilla Shake</a></p><p><strong>RELATED</strong>: <a href="http://www.health.com/health/gallery/0,,20845429,00.html">14 Non-Dairy Foods That Are High in Calcium</a></p>ミルク
<p><strong>Vitamin B12</strong>: .6 mcg in one large hard-boiled egg (10% DV)</p><p><strong>Other body benefits</strong>: Eggs are a great source of protein and <a href="http://www.health.com/health/gallery/0,,20504538,00.html">vitamin D</a>, which is important for helping your body absorb calcium and maintain strong bones.</p><p><strong>Best ways to eat it</strong>: Hard-boiled, soft-boiled, poached, scrambled—you can’t go wrong. “I love an omelet with veggies and avocado paired with fresh fruit,” says Sass. “Or eggs in a salad with chopped veggies, pesto, and quinoa.” If you’re watching your cholesterol, keep an eye on portion sizes: one egg yolk contains about 60% of your daily allotment of dietary cholesterol.</p><p><b>Watch the video: <a href="http://www.health.com/health/video/0,,20952771,00.html">How to Make Egg and Avocado Toast </a></b></p><p><strong>RELATED</strong>: <a href="http://www.health.com/health/gallery/0,,20356798,00.html">8 Excellent Recipes for Hard-Boiled Eggs</a></p><p><strong>Vitamin B12</strong>: .3 mcg in 3 ounces of roasted chicken breast (5% DV)</p><p><strong>Other body benefits</strong>: Chicken is a lean protein, making it a terrific fat-burning food (it has a high thermogenic effect, meaning your body can burn about 30% of the calories it contains just by digesting it).</p><p><strong>Best ways to eat it</strong>: There are countless healthy ways to eat chicken, whether you prefer it grilled, roasted, or baked in the oven.</p><p><b>Watch the video: <a href="https://editor.health.com/health/video/0,,20802333,00.html">An Amazing 5-Minute Fat-Burning Chicken Recipe </a></b></p><p><strong>RELATED</strong>: <a href="http://www.health.com/health/gallery/0,,20460605,00.html">7 Healthy Chicken Noodle Soup Recipes</a></p>チキン

 Masses of small red tuna crabs washed up along the southern California shoreline in June, according to local media reports. The striking sight may be the result of warm water carrying the crustaceans from their usual home along the west coast of Baja California and the Gulf of California, according to Linsey Sala, a museum scientist at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UC San Diego.海岸に打ち上げられ???

 Atlanta, GA 7-Day Forecast

 前の店からの顧客で、まだまだ来てない人も多い。そしてSandy Springsの住人でもまだまだ来ていない人も多いのです。それらが一巡するまでまだまだ時間がかかります。見通しは悪くなく、しばらくは良い状況かと思っています。



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