今日の出来事から 6月10日(金) NBAに負けるな!

 ということで3週間目の週末です。今夜は大したことないものの、明日の夜はすでにかなりの予約が入っています。NBAのゲームが9時からありますが、この影響? 昨夜は期待していたのですが、ふつうの日と変わらない売り上げで準備が空振りに終わってしまいました。

 アカハラという言葉があったのですね。アカデミック・ハラスメント。これでセクハラ、パワハラ、なんでも短くすりゃ良いというもんでもないでしょう?それで自殺?人生まで短くなってるじゃないですか? 大分大学で、元講師の30代男性はゼミで指導を担当。男子学生の研究成果を理由なく否定し、「自分で考えろ」などの発言を繰り返したほか、深夜に「LINE」でメッセージを送るなど指導の範囲を超えた叱責や嫌がらせをしたそうです。


 <p><strong>GEORGIA: TIGER MOUNTAIN VINEYARDS</strong></p><p>With a sky-high altitude of 2000 feet, this boutique winery is the first in the state to grow grapes of the European variety, all well-suited to the climate of the southern Blue Ridge. In fact, their Petit Manseng blend was named a new Southern classic by Wines and Vines Magazine.</p><p>2592 Old Highway 441 South, Tiger; 706-782-4777 or tigerwine.com</p> <p><strong>HAWAII: MAUI WINERY</strong></p><p>The volcanic soil on Maui (plus, the cool microclimate) is responsible for the delicious blends coming out of this historic winery that’s been around for over 40 years. The refreshing pineapple wines are worth a visit alone--or you can order them <a href="https://mauiwine.com/wines/pineapple/">online</a>. </p><p>14815 Piilani Highway, Kula; 808-878-6058 or mauiwine.com</p> <p><strong>IDAHO: HELL’S CANYON WINERY</strong></p><p>Set high above the Snake River--seriously, at 2700 feet--this winery is famous for its Syrah varieties. The Deer Slayer is the ideal late-night dinner drink, savory with a distinctive whisky-like taste.</p><p>18835 Symms Road, Caldwell; 208-454-3300 or hellscanyonwine.com </p> <p><strong>ILLINOIS: PHEASANT HOLLOW WINERY</strong></p><p>The views are as incredible as the wines at this vineyard, nestled on five acres of woodlands along the shore of Rend Lake. The wines made from the Norton grape are spicy and full-bodied, a perfect pairing with steak or pasta. </p><p>14931 State Highway 37, Whittington; 618-629-2302 or pheasanthollowwinery.com</p><p><a href="http://www.purewow.com/food/red-wine-pasta-recipe"><strong>RELATED: </strong>This Red Wine Pasta Recipe Will Change The Way You Cook Forever</a></p>GAにワイナリー
With a sky-high altitude of 2000 feet, this boutique winery is the first in the state to grow grapes of the European variety, all well-suited to the climate of the southern Blue Ridge. In fact, their Petit Manseng blend was named a new Southern classic by Wines and Vines Magazine.
2592 Old Highway 441 South, Tiger; 706-782-4777 or tigerwine.com

そして最近のリチャード・ギア ホームレスを映画で演じたそうです。
 Atlanta, GA 7-Day Forecast


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